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  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


1 RICHARD S ENDRES SBN 144853 F B SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORWIA rendres @ londonfischer com COUNTY OF SAN BEFtNARDINO 2 NICHOLAS W DAVILA SBN 256832 SAN BERNAR JINO DIS7RICT ndavila@londonfischer com 3 PATRICK G BOLLIG SBN 248255 JAN 1 j 20 0 pbollig@londonfischer com 4 LONDON FISCHER LLP 2505 McCabe Way Suite 100 BY M M 5 Irvine California 92614 LYZA T 949 252 0550 F 949 252 0553 6 Attorneys for Cross Complainant Twin City Fire Insurance Company SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO g DYLAN DONNELLY Case Na CIVDS1702333 9 Plaintiff Assigned for all purposes to Judge Hon John M Tomberlin 10 v Dept S33 11 EASTWOOD GARAGE INC MOTION FOR ENTRY OF JUDGMENT MOUNTAIN VIEW TIRE SERVICE CONSISTENT WITH JURY VERDICT 12 INC PLEASURE WAY INDUSTRIES AND PRIOR COURT RULINGS LTD McMAHON S RV SUPERSTORE MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND 13 1NC TREY MITCHELL and DOES 1 AUTHORITIES 14 through 100 Defendants Submitted concurrently with Declaration ofPeter 15 Feighan Request for Judicial Notice and ProposedJ JudgmentJ 16 Hearing Date March 19 2020 1 7 Hearing Time 8 30 a m Dept S33 18 AND RELATED CROSS ACTIONS 19 20 TO ALL PARTIES AND TI IR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD 21 Pursuant to the above captioned Court s ruling and briefing schedule entered on November 20 22 2019 Cross Complainant Twin Fire Insurance City Company as substituted party for predecessor 23 Dorman Products Inc RB Distribution Inc Hartford cross complainants and hereby submits its 24 Motion for Entry of Judgment Consistent with Jury Verdict and Prior Court Rulings 25 This Motion is based on the moving papers submitted herewith the jury verdict and prior court 26 rulings which are subject to judicial notice pursuant to Evidence Code section 452 c d Code of 27 Civil Procedure sections 368 5 and l 87 the statutory and inherent authority of the Court all papers 28 pleadings and records on file herein and such other evidence and argument as may be presented to the Loiaissz 1 MOTION FOR ENTRY OF JUDGMENT CONSISTENT WITH JURY VERDICT AND PRIOR COURT RULINGS i 1 Ct t tl e ti 3ze t k tl rt at he zr it g 1 2 ated January I 20 t L ONI3C 1 T CHER LLP 3 Richarc Enclr s Nichc las I avila I atr ic C E a13i t ar neys Ct oss om a in t Twi a City Fire Is ira zcc Cc mpar y 9 1 11 9 7 J y 1 v7 Q 2 E 21 2 2 5 A 26 7 i i I t I Ii R I IR C T JL llC 1I 1V I CC i vSIS I i i 3 I ITT I lUR1 VI I2DICT t1 D PRIf R C t7t R 1 I2L Ii GS