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  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


ORIGINAL APP-003 [ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY, ‘STATE BAR NUMBER: FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME: Nicholas W. Davila [SBN 256832]; Patrick G. Bollig {SBN 248255] FIRM NAME: London Fischer, LLP STREET ADDRESS: 25()5 McCabe Way, Suite 100 Jerry: Irvine STATE: CA 2P CODE. 92106 ve TELEPHONENO: (949) 252-0550 FAXNO: (949) 252-0553 Fi E-MAIL ADDRESS:; [ATTORNEY FOR (name. Twin City Fire Insurance Company RANG N SERNARDINO 10 CUCAI MONGA DI: RICT [SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STREET ADDRESS: 247 W. 3rd Street MAILING ADDRESS: 247 W. 3rd Strcet DEC 1 y 2020 CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Bernardino, CA 92415 BRANCH NAME: San Bernardino Justice Center PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Dylan Donnelly DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Eastwood Garage, Inc. et al OTHER PARENT/PARTY: APPELLANT'S NOTICE DESIGNATING RECORD ON APPEAL ‘SUPERIOR COURT CASE NUMBER CIVDS1702333 (UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE) ‘COURT OF APPEAL CASE NUMBER (if Anown): RE: Appeal filed on (date): December 1, 2020 Notice: Please read Information on Appeal Procedures for Unlimited Civil Cases (form APP-001-INFO) before completing this form. This form must be filed in the superior court, not in the Court of Appeal. 1 RECORD OF THE DOCUMENTS FILED IN THE SUPERIOR COURT { choose to use the following method of providing the Court of Appeal with a record of the documents filed in the superior court By (check a, b, ¢, or d, and fill in any required information): Fay a. (C7) A clerk's transcript under rule 8.122. (You must check (1) or (2) and fill out the clerk's transcript section (item 4) on pages 2 and 3 of this form.) (1) | will pay the superior court clerk for this transcript myself when | receive the clerk's estimate of the costs of this transcript. | understand that if | do not pay for this transcript, it will not be prepared and provided to the Court of Appeal (2) [7] I request that the clerk's transcript be provided to me at no cost because | cannol afford to pay this cost. | have submitted the following document with this notice designating the record (check (a) or (b)): (a) [2] An order granting a waiver of court fees and costs under rules 3.50-3.58; or (b) [7] An application for a waiver of court fees and costs under rules 3.50-3.58. (Use Request to Waive Court Fees (form FW-001) to prepare and file this application.) b. (G2) An appendix under rule 8.124 c, [_] The original superior court file under rule 8.128. (NOTE: Local rules in the Court of Appeal, First, Third, and Fourth Appellate Districts, permit parties to stipulate (agree) to use the original superior court file instead of a clerk's transcript; you may select this option if your appeal is in one of these districts and all the parties have stipulated to use the original superior court file instead of a clerk's transcript in this case. Attach a copy of this stipulation.) d. [-_] An agreed statement under rule 8.134. (You must complete item 2b(2) below and attach to your agreed statement copies of all the documents that are required to be included in the clerk's transcript. These documents are listed in rule 8.134(a).) 2. RECORD OF ORAL PROCEEDINGS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT I choose to proceed (you must check a or b below): a. |] WITHOUT a record of the oral proceedings (what was said at the hearing or trial) in the superior court. | understand that without a record of the oral proceedings in the superior court, the Court of Appeal will not be able to consider what was said during those proceedings in deciding whether an error was made in the superior court proceedings. Page tof 4 Form Approved for Optional Use APPELLANT'S NOTICE DESIGNATING RECORD ON APPEAL Cal, Rules Cour, los 350. Jusiciat Council of Cattornia 121-8 128, 812, 120, 8.194, 0.137 APP-003 [Rev Jaruary 1.2019] (Unlimited Civil Case) en cousicn gow a APP-003 CASE NAME: SUPERIOR COURT CASE NUMBER. CIVDS1702333, 2. b. [3] WITH the following record of the oral proceedings in the superior court (you must check (1), (2), ar (3) below): (1) [<1 A reporter's transcript under rule 8.130. (You must fill out the reporter's transcript section (item 5) on pages 3 and 4 of this form.) |.have (check all that apply): (a) Deposited with the superior court clerk the approximate cost of preparing the transcript by including the deposit with this notice as provided in rule 8.130(b)(1).. (b) [7] Attached a copy of a Transcript Reimbursement Fund application filed under rule 8.130(c)(1). (c) (2) Attached the reporter's written waiver of a deposit under rule 8,130(bX3XA) for (check either (i) or (i)): (i) (7) aliof the designated proceedings. (ii) ) part of the designated proceedings. (cd) (J Attached a certified transcript under rule 8.130(b)(3)(C). (2) [] Anagreed statement. (Check and complete either (a) or (b) below.) (a) [_] !have attached an agreed statement to this notice. (b) [=] All the parties have stipulated (agreed) in writing to try to agree on a statement. (You must attach a copy of this stipulation to this notice.) | understand that, within 40 days after | file the notice of appeal, | must file either the agreed statement or a notice indicating the parties were unable to agree on a statement and a new notice designating the record on appeal. (3) [] A settled statement under rule 8.137. (You must check (a), (b), or (c) below, and fill out the settled statement section (item 6) on page 4.) (a) [} The oral proceedings in the superior court were not reported by a court reporter. (b) [] The oral proceedings in the superior court were reported by a court reporter, but | have an order waiving fees and costs. (c) [2] 1am asking to use a settled statement for reasons other than those listed in (a) or (b). (You must serve and file the motion required under rule 8.137(b) al the same time that you file this form. You may use form APP-025 to prepare the motion.) 3. RECORD OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING TO BE TRANSMITTED TO THE COURT OF APPEAL {__] ! request that the clerk transmit to the Court of Appeal under rule 8.123 the record of the following administrative proceeding that was admitted into evidence, refused, or lodged in the superior court (give the title and date or dates of the administrative proceeding): [ Title of Administrative Proceeding ] [ Date or Dates ] NOTICE DESIGNATING CLERK'S TRANSCRIPT (You must complete this section if you checked item 1a above indicating that you choose to use a clerk's transcript as the record of the documents filed in the superior court.) @. Required documents. The clerk will automatically include the following items in the clerk's transcript, but you must provide the date each document was filed, or if that is not available, the date the document was signed. [ Document Title and Description ] Date of Filing ] (1) Notice of appeal (2) Notice designating record on appeal (this document) (3) Judgment or order appealed from (4) Notice of entry of judgment (if any) (5) Notice of intention to move for new trial or motion to vacate the judgment, for judgment notwithstanding the verdict, or for reconsideration of an appealed order (if any) (6) Ruling on one or more of the items listed in (5) (7) Register of actions or docket (if any) a -APP.003 [Rev. January 1, 2019] APPELLANT'S NOTICE DESIGNATING RECORD ON APPEAL Page 20f4 (Unlimited Civil Case)