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  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


t f R I Danie R Friedenthal Esg State Bar No 136847 F I Kevin N Heffernan Esq State Bar No 139128 o c4v rc o ca c iO FRIEDElVTHAL HEFFERNAN BROWN LL P 2 s c a n v cnn onr to a 215 North Marengo Avenue Suite 165 Pasadena Califiornia 91101 Q 3 Telephone 626 628 2800 4 Facsimile 626 628 2828 t t2 c n t 1 5 n Attarneys fc r Defendant Cross De endant and Cross Camplainant DORMAN j 6 PRODUGTS INC and Cross Complainant and Cross Defendant RB 1 DISTRIBUTiQN INC 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 10 11 DYLAN QONNELLY CASE NO CIV DS 1702333 12 Plaintiff SEPARATE STATEMENT RE MOTION TO C4MPEL FURTHER RESPC3NSES 13 TO SPECtAL lNTERROGATORIES 14 vs 15 EASTWOOD GARAGE INC MCIUNTAIN VIEW TIRE SERVICE 7 INC PLEASURE WAY INDUSTRIES LTD McMAHON S RV SUPERSTORE 18 INC TREY MITCHELL and DOES 1 1 through 100 inclusive Date August 12 2019 Time 8 30 a m 20 Defendants Dept S 28 21 Ac ran Filed February 8 2017 22 AND RELATED CROSS ACTIONS Trial Date July 15 2019 23 Defiendant cross defendant and cross complainant Dorman Praducts Inc 2 hereby submi s the fol owing Separate Statemen Re Further Answers to Specia 26 Interrogatories in support of its Mation to Compel Further Answers from defendant 27 cross complainant and crass def ndant AutoZane Parts Inc Zs r 1 SEPARATE STATEMENT RE MQTIUN TO COMPEL URTHER RESPQNSES TO SPECIA INTFRRnC AT RIF 1 SPECIAL INTERROGATORY 2 2 If YOU contend that that no EASTWOOD GARAGE employee asked YOU to 3 identify the rear axle fit for use on the SUBJECT VEHICLE then identify all facts that 4 support that contention 5 AUTOZONE S RESPONSE TO SPECIAL INTERROGATORY 2 6 AutoZone objects to this interrogatory on the grounds that it is vague 7 ambiguous overbroad compound and calls for a narrative Without waiving said 8 objections AutoZone responds as follows 9 In general Jeremy Stratton asked for a part that would fit a rear axle for a Ford 10 E 350 Super Duty van AutoZone then uses its Z Net system to determine the praper 11 part based upon year make model and engine size It is in AutoZone s custom and 12 practice to review the subject vehicle fit with its customer which in this case would 13 be Jeremy Stratton Jeremy Stratton could not confirm at his deposition that he 14 asked for a certain fit AutoZone then supplied parts to Mr Stratton based upon his 15 request 16 In addition the absence of evidence supports this fact 17 ARGUMENT RE FURTHER RESPONSE TO SPECIAL INTERROGATORY 2 18 Dorman s interrogatory asked about AutoZone s specific contention regarding 19 a specific instance Therefore the objections that the interrogatory was vague 20 ambiguous overbroad and compound are improper Further the objection that the 21 interrogatary is vague and ambiguous clearly has no merit since AutoZone was 22 obviously able to comprehend the interrogatory 23 AutoZone responded to Dorman s special interrogatory by describing its 24 courses of conduct in general when the interrogatory asked about a specific 25 instance AutoZone is required to provide a response that is as complete and 26 straightforward as the information reasonably available to the responding party 27 permits If an interrogatory cannot be answered completely it shall be answered to 28 the extent possible Code of Civil Procedure section 2030 220 a b Where the 2 SEPARATE STATEMENT RE MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES TO SPECIAL WTFRR AT RIFS