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  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DYLAN DONNELLY -V- EASTWOOD GARAGE, ETA AL Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


CASE ATTACHMENT COVER FAGE ENDORSED E ECTRONICALLY SUPERIOR CdtTI2T OF CALIF4RNIA COUNTY 4F SAN BERNAFtDINQ FILEC STREET ADDRESS 247 West Thirfl Street MAII NG ADDRE S BY SUPERIOR C URT CITY AND ZIP COpE San Bernardina CA 92415 QF CAL IFORNIA CQUNTY QF BRANCH NAME San Bernardino Justice Center San Bernardino weesiTE http www sb court org on Aug 11 2q20 CLERK OF TNE SUPERldR Ct Uf T ATTACHM NTNAME Deciaratian mennorandum of costs oeuury ciark Gloria Marin Dyian Donnetly vs Eastwood Garage cAse rva Me CASE NUMBER CIVDS1742333 Please lag on to cvww TurboCaurt cam regularly far updates Please staple this to your original attachmen a e a 0 0 a MC 010 ATfORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTpRNEY STATE BAR NUMBER F4R C4URT USE ONIY NAM Nichplas W Davila Esq SBN 256832 Patrick G Ballig Esq SBN 248255 FiRnn NAMe LC7NDON FISCNER LLP ST 2EETAD6RESS rj at Wa t Suite 100 cirv Irvine sraT CA ziP cooe 92614 9t OrJr TELEPHONE NO Q 52 JO Fax No 949 252 0553 e nnAi ApoRess ndavila@ ondonfiseher eom pbollig@iondonfiseher eom nrroRNev FOR nema Cross Complainant 7win City Fire Insurance Company SUPERIOR COURT OF CAGtFORNiA CaUNTY OF San Bernardino STREETADDRESS 24 WQStTF11 C S MAILkNG ADDRESS c Tv ANo z P caoe San Bernardino CA 92415 sRnNcr NaMe San Bernardino District P AINTIFF Dylan Danne ly DEFENDANT Eastwood Garage et al CASE NUMBEFt MEMORANDUM OF COSTS SUMMARY CIVDS1702333 The foiiowing costs are requested TOTAi S 1 Filing and motion fees 4 672 05 2 Jury fees 3 Jury food and ladging 4 Deposition costs 11 453 86 5 Service of process 691 63 6 Attachment expenses 7 Surety bond premiums 8 Witness fees 9 Court ardered transcrip s 10 Attorney fees enter here if contractua or statutory fees are frxed without necessity ofe court determinafion ofhervvise a noticed mofion is required 11 Court reporter fees as established by statute 12 Models enlargements and photocopies of exhibits 13 Interpreter fees 14 Fees for electronic filing or service 15 Fees for hosting electronic documents 16 Other OTAL CQSTS 16 17 54 i am the attorney agent or party who claims these costs To the best of my knowledge and belief this memarandum af costs is correct and these costs were necessarily incurred in this case Date August 11 2020 Patrick G Boilig j TYPE OR PRIN7 NAME SIGNA7U E OF DECLARANT Proof of service on reverse page t of 2 Form Approved for pptional Use Cade of Civil Procedure MEMORANDUM OF COSTS SUMMARY Judiciai Councii ofCalifomia MC 014 1032 1033 5 Rev September t 2017