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  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview
  • Doe, Jennifer vs. Lett, Sr., Arnold F. et al Other Tortious Action document preview


8, aif |i JAN E42 2024 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Ss BARNSTABLE, ss. SUPE! (OR COURT™ C.A. NO. 2272CV00495 JENNIFER DOE, be Plaintiff, Adored v. ESTATE OF ARNOLD F. LETT, SR., By its Personal Representatives, Scott Gowen and Alan Liguori, Defendant. MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER ANSWERS TO INTERROGATORIES Now comes the Defendant, the Estate of Arnold F. Lett, Sr., By its Personal Representatives, Scott Gowen and Alan Liguori, and submits this Memorandum in Support of Defendant’s Motion to Compel Further Answers to Interrogatories. Case background The Plaintiff has brought this action against the estate of (“Lett”), alleging he sexually abused her while she was a minor. Lett died in January 2022 and suit was filed in December 2022. Defendant answered the Complaint in January 2023. Discovery dispute The Defendant served Interrogatories and a Request for Production of Documents on the Plaintiff on February 7, 2023, The Plaintiff served Answers to Interrogatories and a Response to Request for Production of Documents in June 2023. The Plaintiff was deposed on November 29, 2023. As grounds for the Motion, the Defendant submits that the objections are improper the Plaintiff's Answers to Interrogatories Nos. 2, 3, 18 and 20 or the Answers are incomplete. The Plaintiff's Answers to Interrogatories are attached hereto as Exhibit 1 in accordance with Superior Court Rule 9C. ARGUMENT REGARDING ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO. 2 Interrogatory No. 2 requests the name, address and telephone number of all persons with knowledge of the occurrences of sexual abuse and rape alleged in the Complaint and for each person identified, what information they have. The Plaintiff's boilerplate objection is unfounded and not advanced in good faith. The Interrogatory is not “overly broad” and providing such information that is known to the Plaintiff is not “unduly burdensome.” In fact, the Interrogatory goes to the core of the Plaintiff's allegations that a now-deceased person committed such acts and the corroboration of those allegations. The Answer acknowledges that this information is known to the Plaintiff as she lists seven such persons - but provides a one sentence “Answer” - “All seven know what, told them about sexually abusing me.” What she told each of these seven people is not disclosed. The Plaintiff's Answer fails to include the information each listed person has received from the Plaintiff, concerning the occurrences of sexual abuse and rape alleged in the Complaint. ARGUMENT REGARDING ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO. 3 Interrogatory No. 3 requests the name, address and telephone number of all persons with knowledge of the Plaintiff's alleged injuries and damages resulting from the occurrences of sexual abuse and rape alleged in the Complaint, and for each person identified, what information they have. The Plaintiff's boilerplate objection is unfounded and not advanced in good faith. The Interrogatory is not “overly broad” and providing such information that is known to the Plaintiff is not “unduly burdensome.” The Interrogatory goes to the core of the Plaintiff's claim of damages, The Answer acknowledges that this information is known to the Plaintiff but is not disclosed. Nonetheless; the Plaintiffs Answer fails to include the information each listed person has concerning the damages allegedly resulting from the occurrences of sexual abuse and rape alleged in the Complaint. ARGUMENT REGARDING ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO. 18 Interrogatory No. 18 requests in itemized form all expenses incurred or damages the Plaintiff claims she has suffered as a result of the occurrences of sexual abuse and rape alleged in the Complaint. The Answer includes the identical improper boilerplate objection as prior Answers. The Interrogatory requests in itemized form all expense incurred or damage the Plaintiff suffered as a result of the alleged tortious acts. The Interrogatory is not “over broad” and answering it would not be “unduly burdensome.” The Plaintiff has alleged damages and is required to answer an Interrogatory concerning her expenses and damages which she seeks to recover. The Plaintiff's post-objection “Answer” is that she “reserves the right to supplement this [answer to] interrogatory.” The Plaintiff is required to provide an Answer to this Interrogatory that reflects these itemized damages as of the today - and the reservation is proper only as to subsequently- incurred expenses and damages. ARGUMENT REGARDING ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO. 20 The Interrogatory seeks the name and address of each provider who has diagnosed the Plaintiff with the following conditions, and the date of diagnosis: Post-Traumatic Stress VU Disorder; C-PTSD; Severe Social Anxiety; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; Panic Attacks; Self-mutilation/ cutting; and Insomnia. The Plaintiff's Answer is that she “self-diagnosed [herself] through [her] own research.” However, at her deposition, the Plaintiff testified that she had been treated approximately 2 years ago by a psychiatrist who saw her approximately 10 times and who diagnosed her with OCD and ADHD. She discussed the alleged sexual abuse with the psychiatrist and she “told him that I had childhood sexual abuse.” The Plaintiff failed to disclose this treatment in her Answers to Interrogatories and did not produce her records in response to the Request for Production of Documents. A result the Defendant did not have those records for (Ex. 2) her deposition. Further, at her deposition she testified that she had seen a mental health provider the day before the deposition, for two hours, but could not recall her name. (It should be noted that she asked if she could ask her lawyer the mental health professional’s name and her lawyer responded, “No. If you don’t know, it’s okay to say I don’t know.”) (Ex. 2) The Plaintiff acknowledged that she “probably could get access to [her medical records].” However, her attorney interjected, “Do you have access right now?” (Ex. 2) Itis quite clear the Plaintiffs Answer was incomplete and she made no effort to obtain the information necessary, nor it would appear, was she advised by counsel that she was required to do so. Conclusion Plaintiff's Answers to Interrogatories include multiple boilerplate objections that are patently inapplicable to the Interrogatories in light of the Plaintiff's claims. They were not interposed in good faith, They demonstrate a failure to.comply with a party's obligations under the Rules of Civil Procedure and they impaired the Defendant's ability to conduct a full examination of the Plaintiff at her deposition. Following the deposition, the Plaintiff failed to take any steps to remedy the harm caused by her non- 3 compliance, even after a Superior Court Rule 9C conference was requested and the basis for this Motion to Compel was set out. For the reasons set forth above, and the Plaintiff's refusal to participate in a Superior Court Rule 9C conference as requested and required, the Defendant submits the Motion to Compel should be allowed the Plaintiff should be required to sit for a further deposition and the Defendant be awarded the costs of attempting to comply with Superior Court Rule 9C and the cost of bringing this motion. The Defendant, By its Attorneys, /s/ Scott J. Tucker Scott J. Tucker - BBO# 503940 Ann M. Donovan - BBO# 552819 Tucker, Dyer & O’Conneil, LLP 199 Wells Avenue Newton, MA 02459 SJT - (617) 986-4223 AMD - (617) 986-4205 Dated: December 26, 2023 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Scott J. Tucker, hereby certify that on December 26, 2023, Ihave served a copy of: MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT’S MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER ANSWERS TO INTERROGATORIES by electronic mail only, to the following counsel of record: Kristen Greenwood, Esquire Law Office of Kristen Greenwood, PLLC 349 Old Plymouth Rd., First Floor Sagamore Beach, MA 02562 Lf Scott J. Tucker Scott J. Tucker EXHIBIT 1 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TRIAL COURT BARNSTABLE, ss. SUPERIOR COURT C.A, NO. 2272CV00495 JENNIFER DOE, Plaintiff, Y ESTATE OF ARNOLD F, LETT, SR., Defendant. PL, INTIFI FIRST. WERS TO DI NDANT’S INTERROGAT! [O PLAINTIF F IS 3G. YNO. I Please state your full name, date of birth, current residential address, occupation, and the name and address of your employer. PLAINTIFE’S ANSW. Currently Unemployed NTERROGATORY NO, 2 Please stale the name. address and telephone number of all persons with knowledge of the occurrences of sexual abuse and rape alleged in your Complaint (the “Occurrences” and for each person identified, please state what information each has. . LAINTIFE'S ANSWER 2: Plaintit¥ objects to this question to the extent that it seeks answers that are overly broad and unduly burdensome. Without waiving this objection. Plaintiff states: Jordan Wheeler, 68 Cassidy Ave.. South Dennis, MA, (508) 762-7252 Brenden Lees. 33 Whistler Ln., South Dennis, MA, (508) 760-6686 Toni Lett, 33 Whistler I.n., South Dennis, MA, (508) 760-6686 Arnold Lett Jr. 33 Whistler Ln., South Dennis, MA, (508) 760-6686 Limma Gowen. 5 Liberty Rd. jedway. MA. (617) 943-6787 Deanna Kurloweez, 50 Swanson Lane Carlisle, MA (508) 626-6341 Scott Gowen, 5 Liberty Rd.. Medway. MA, (617) 943-6787 1 Allseven know what, 1. told them about sexually abusing me. NTERROGATORY NOU3 Please state the name, address and telephone number of all persons with knowledge of your alleged injuries and damages resulting from the Occurrences, and for cach person identified. please state what information each has. LAINTIFF'S ANSWER 3: PlaintifT objects to this question to the extent that it secks answers that are overly broad and unduly burdensome. Without waiving this objection. Plaintiff states: Jordan Wheeler, 68 Cassidy Ave., South Dennis, MA, (S08) 762-7252 Brenden Lees. 33 Whistler I.n., South Dennis, MA, (508) 760-6686 Toni Lett, 33 Whistler Ln,, South Dennis, MA, (508) 760-6686 Amold Lett Jr.. 33 Whistler Ln., South Dennis, MA, (508) 760-6686 Emma Gowen, 5 Liberty Rd.. Medway, MA, (617) 943-6787 Deanna Kurloweez, 50 Swanson Lane, Carlisle, MA (508) 626-6341 Scott Gowen, 3 Liberty Rd., Medway, MA, (617) 943-6787 Not limited to those seven, Plaintiff reserves the right to update and supplement this interrogatary. L RROGATORY NO. 4 If you are enrolled in Medicare or Mass! fealth, please provide: a. Your Health Insurance Claim Number (LICN); and b. The date cligibility began. PLAINTIPE'S A S £ RA a, Not applicable, b. Not applicable, INTERROGATORY NO. 5 Please provide the complete list of your current and past employers, and state as to each: a. Your employer's name and business address: 2 Your job title and a complete and specific description of your job duties and obligations; . Your average weekly income received from your work at that time, specilying whether you were an hourly or salaried employee. and your rate of pay if hourly; Your dates of employment: and Your reason(s) for leaving that employment. tt TE WE 3: PlaintifY objects to this question to the extent that it seeks answers that are overly broad and unduly burdensome. Without waiving this objection. Plaintiff states: ay Cookie’s Seafood, 1120 lyannough Rd.. Hyannis, MA, (308) 775-0450 The Knack (same owner as Cookies Seafood), 5 Rte. 6A, Orleans, MA, (774) 316- 4595 Worked at counter taking orders and handing the food and drinks to the people. c., Worked seasonally at both splitting 20 hours/week muking $12.00 per hour Worked from March 2016 - October 2017 Lefi the job duc to menial health reasons. (2) Upper Crust Pizza, 1782 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge. MA. (617) 492-1111 Worked al the counter taking orders and handing the food and drinks to the people. Not applicable One week in November 2017 Left the job due to mental health reasons. INTERR ‘ORY NO. 6 Please provide the complete list of your current and past educational institutions attended, and state as lo each: ‘The institution's name and address: Your student status at each institution (full-time. part-time): The dates between which you attended that institution; Your area of study; The amount of attempted credits and credits earned; and Your rcason(s) for incomplete credits or leaving that institution. PLAID ER Plaintiff objects to this question to the extent that it secks answers that are overly broad and unduly burdensome. Without waiving this objection, Plaintiff states: a) a. Lighthouse Charter School, 225 Rte. GA, Orleans, MA b. Full-time Graduated 2009 Not applicable Graduated through 8" grade Not applicable 2) Sturgis High School, 427 Main St.. Hyannis, MA / Full-time Started September 2009 - did not finish first semester Not applicable 12 credits Left for mental health reasons G) Dennis- Yarmouth Regional High School. 296 Station Ave., South Yarmouth. MA Full-time Started spring semester 2011 and dropped out fall 2012 Not applicable 12 credits Left for mental health reasons (4) Cape Cod Community College, 2240 lyannough Rd., West Barnstable, MA Part-time January 2013-2017 a AA in Liberal Arts 142 credits attempted; 126 credits earned Not applicable G) Suffolk University, 73 Tremont St, Boston, MA Full-time Septernber - November 2018 English major 16 credits attermpted; 0 credits earned Mental health reasons (6) Bridgewater State University Full-time January 2019 - April 2020 4. PR Communication major f Left after 2020 semester afier learning that a professor had been charged with rape of some students. INTERROGATORY NO. 7 Please state when you carned your GED and describe in complete and specific detail all cfforts since then to pursue a higher degree, certification or professional licensure. LAINTIFF'S ANSWER 7: Tearmed my GED in December 2012. _ INTERROGATO: i NO, 8 Ifyou have applied for Social Security disability benefits as a result of the Occurrences, please provide: a. The date you applicd: b. Ifand when the claim was denied; c. ‘The reason(s) the Social Security Administration provided for denying the claim; Whether and when the claim was appealed: the result(s) of the uppeal(s); Whether and when benefits were eventually awarded or amended: &. The date the Social Security Administration determined your disability began: The reason(s) the Social Sceurity Administration provided for finding you to be disabled, including specific injuries, disabilities and/or limitations: The amount of the benefits awarded, including any past-due benefits; and The period for which benefits were orate being paid. LAIN TIFE'S ANSWER 8: Not applicable - | have not applied for Sovial Security disability benefits. INTERROGATORY NO, For cach fact witness, including medical providers, that you intend to call at the tial of this action, please state as to each: a. Their name. employer, business address, residential address, and telephone number: “b, The subject matter on which they are expected to testily; and «. The substance of their expected testimony, PLAINTIFE'S ANSWER 9: No decision has been made yet as to what witnesses will be called. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this interrogatory, NEERROG. ORY NO. 10 Ifyou received or are receiving any medical treatment or counseling as a result of any physical harm resulting from the Occurrences, identify the person(s) who provided such treatment or counseling, setting forth as accurately as possible: a The name, professional affiliation and address of all persons or institutions which provided such care: ‘The number of treatments and dates such care was provided: The nature of such care or treatment; An itemized account of all expenses incurred for such care, identifying which have been paid by you and which have not been paid hy you: and ¢. For any expenses that have not been paid by you, identify by name or institution who paid those expenses. LAINTIFE’S ANSWER 10: Not applicable at this time. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this interrogatory. INTERROGATORY NO. Ii Ifyou received or are receiving any medical treatment or counseling as a result of any emotional harm resulting from the Occurrences, idemtily the person(s) who provided such treatment or counseling. setting forth as accurately as possible: a The name. professional affiliation and address of all persons or institutions which provided such care; The number of treatments and dates such care was provided: G ‘The nature of such care or treatment: d, An itemized account of all expenses incurred for such care, identifying which have been paid by you and which have not been paid by you: and For any expenses that have not been paid by you, identily by name or institution who paid those expenses. PLAIN TIVIOS ANSWER 11: Not applicable at this time. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this interrogatory. INTERROGATORY NO. If you received or are recciving any medical treatment or counseling as a result of any psychological harm resulting from the Occurrences, identify the person(s) who provided such treatment or counseling. setting forth as accurately as possible: a. The name, prolessional affiliation and address of all persons or institutions which provided such care; The number of treatments and dates such care was provided: The nature of such care or treatment; d. An itemized account of all expenses incurred for such care, identifying which have becn paid by ‘ou and which have not been paid by you: and For any expenses that have not been paid by you, identify by name or institution who paid those expenses. RY vE 2 Not applicable at this time. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this interrogatory. TERROGATORY NO. 13 Tf you, your agents. servants or anyone acting on your behalf obtained statements from any individuals relating to the Oxeurrences or your alleged injurics and damages, please state: a. The names and addresses of all persons present at the time cach statement was given: b. The date, time and place that each statement was given; and c. ‘The person who made each statement, the substance of cach statement, and a full description of uny documentation of each such statement, including every recording. photograph, drawing and signed and unsigned document which reflects. represents or pertains to the same. LFE’S ANSWER Plaintiff objects to this question to the extent that it seeks answers that are overly broad and unduly burdensome. Without waiving this objection, Plaintiff states: mM please sce Answer to interrogatory No. 2 Emma Gowen. 5 Liberty Rd., Medway. MA Scott Ciowen, 5 Liberty Rd.. Medway, MA b, On or around May 16, 2022 ©, T e-mailed imma Gowen and Scott Gowen about the sexual abuse I had suffered from @) a, sce Answer to Interrogatory No. 2 Toni Lett, see Interrogatory No. 2 Scott Gowen. Liberty Rd., Medway, MA b. On or around May 22, 2022. aftemoon, Windward Rd., West Dennis, MA My mother and | stopped by Scott Gowen’s cottage and discussed sexual abuse on me. 1 told Scott that | respected him putting my mental health first because this was a pretty severe thing in my past and I hated having to bring it up to any other family. Scott told me he understood. He also told me that he and his wife Emma were talking about it, Scott asked me how long ago it happened. I said that my carliest memories were from about S years old. 1 told him that continued sexually harassing me until | was about 16 or 17, | also told Scott that my knew and she protected me from him. but that was very abusive Scott said that he got it and understood, Scolt also told us that he was glad we came over. He said that it broke his heart to hear it, and that he was so sorry and started to ery. I also told Scott that | protected T told him that I never left ‘alone in the same room with him. Scott said that he appreciated thal, My mom told Scout that she confronted about this at his house. She told me didn’t deny it and just told my mom to get out of his house. (I believe this was around April 2022). Scott also told me that if he had known this he would not have stayed neutral and that you can't do that to a child. Scott also sa jd that he noticed that when | was younger I was very clingy to my mother and that it now kind of clicks. He also said that he now understands the bigger picture. Scott also said that no one could second judge me and that he. gets it and understands. (3) Please see Answer to Interrogatory No. Deanna Kurlowecz. 50 Swanson Lane. Carlisle, MA (508) 626-6341 a Letter sent to Deanna on or around March 8, 2022. The letter is from me and describes the sexual abuses that happened to me - copy of the letter is being sent in response to the Request for Production of Documents (4) please see Answer to Interrogatary No, 2 uma Gowen, Scott Gowen. 5 Liberty Rd., Medway, MA Email sent to Emma Gowen on or around May 16, 2622, which I sent to my mom and was emailed to Emma. The letter is from me and describes the sexual abuses that happened to me A copy of the email is being sent in response to the Request for Production of Documents. QJ NTERROGA TORY NO. 1 For each expert witness you expect to call at the trial of this action please state: a. Their name. business address. residential address, educational and employment history: b. The subject matter on which cach such expert witness is expecied to testify; and 10 c. A detailed summary of all of the grounds for each such opinion together with the substance of all facts upon which opinions are based. PLAINTIFF'S ANSWER 14: At this time, a list of experts is unable to be provided. However. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement a list in the future. INTERROGATORY NO. 1 Please describe in complete and specific detail all communications with the Defendant, Ammold F. Lett. Sr. concerning any of Defendant's conduct that you allege was tortious, including in your Answer: a. ‘The method of communication: b. The date(s), time and location of communication: The name of the parties to the communication: The substance of the communication; Whether the communications were reduced to writing or an audio recording. and. if'so. the keeper of that record: and f Whether the communications included photographs and video, and the keeper of that record. LAINTIFE'S ANSWER 15: Please See Answer to Interrogatory No. 2 and Answer tw Interrogatory No. 13. 5 INTERROGATORY NO. 16 Please describe in complete and specific detail all non-privileged communications to which you were a party concerning any of Defendant’s conduct that you allege was tortious, including in your Answer: 4a, ‘The method of communication: b The date(s), time and location of communication: The name of the parties to the communication; d ‘rhe substance of the communication: 1 Whether the communications were reduced to writing or an audio recording, and, if so. the keeper of that record; and Whether the communications included photographs and video, and the keeper of that record, PLAINTIFF'S ANSWER 16: Please see Plaintiffs Answers to Interrogatory No. 2 and Answers to Interrogatory No. 13. INTERROGATORY NO. 17 Please describe in complete and specific detail all communications with the Administrators of Detendani Fatale concerning any of Defendant's conduct that you allege was tortious, including in your Answer: a The method of communication: b. The date(s). time and location of communication: ¢ The name of the parties to the communication; ‘The substance of the communication: Whether the communications were reduced to writing or an audio recording. and, il’ so. the keeper of that record; and Whether the communications included photographs and video, and the keeper of that record. PLAL TE SWER 17: Please see Plaintiff's Answers to Interrogatory No. 2 and Answers to Interrogatory No, 13. INTE! GATORY NO. 18 \ Please state in itemized form all expense incurred or damage you suffered as a result of the Occurrences. PLAINTIFF'S ANSWER 18: Plaintill objects to this question to the extent that it seeks answers that are overly broad and unduly burdensome. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this interrogatory. INTERROGATORY NO. 19 12 Please describe in complete and specific detail the substance of your confidence in your mother and the subsequent confrontation, as alleged in Paragraph 19 of your Complaint, including in your Answer: a. ‘The date of each instance; b. The name, address and phone number of each individual present at the time of each instance; ¢. The substance of your confidence in your mother: and d. The substunce of the confrontation between your mother and Defendant. PL IFF'S ANSW {eventually trusted my mother enough to tell her about how sexually abused me. I was so young and traumatized that I kept the abuse to myself for years. a. J told her about 4 years aga. b, It was just me and my mom. The substance was how sexually abused me. d. See Plaintils Answer to Interrogatory No. 13. ROG. NO. 2 Please provide the name and address of cach provider who diagnosed you with the following conditions, und state as to each the date of diagnosis: a. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; b. “PTSD; Severe Social Anxiety; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; Panic Attacks: Seif-mutilation/cunting; and 8 Insomnia. PLAINTIFICS ANS' a. | self-diagnosed myself through my own research. 13 \ b Eselt-diagnosed myself through my own research € t sel ENosed myself through my own research d I sel iaynosed myself thraugh my own research. ¢ self ‘diagnosed myself through my own research - { I sel fd nosed myself-through my own research B | self-diapnosed my self through oiy own research NTERROGATORY NO. 2 H'you are taking any drugs, including prescription medication, over the counter medication, and reercational drugs, to treat uny of the conditions you allege are a result of the Oveurrences, please identify those drugs by name, purpose. dosage. frequency of use. and prescriber (if any). PLAINTIFF'S ANSWER: Plaintiff objects to this question to the extent tlt it seeks answors that are overly broad and unduly burdensome. Without waiving this objection, Plaintiff states: P smoke marijuana to deal with my conditions an uccasion. NTERROGATORY NO. 2 Please state how often you stayed at Defendant's home from 2002 through 2010. including dates of stays, and identify by name, address, and relationship cach individual who was present at Defendant's home during your slay. LAINTIFE'S ANSWER 22: / Plaintiffobj to this interrogatory as it is overly broad, unduly burdensome and vague. Without waiving this objection. the Plaintiff states: | never stayed overnight at 1 house Irom 2002 to 2010. jh of June, 2023 under the pains and penalties of perjury, As to objections, Plaintiff. By her Attorney. 4 igh CNW BBO# 678189 Law ‘Office of Kristen Greenwood, PLLC 349 Old Plymouth Road. First Floor Sagamore Beach. MA 02562 P: 508-299-3965 F: 508-815-1620 F: Dated: June 20, 2023 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, 1. Kristen Greenwood, Esq., hereby certify that on June 20. 2023, I have served a copy of: PLAINTIFF'S ANSWERS TO DEFENDANTS FIRST SUT OF INTERROGATORIES TO PLAINTIFF by electronic mail only, to the following counsel of record: Scott J. Tucker | Tucker, Dyer & O'Connell. LLP Addre: 99 Wells Avenue, Newton. MA 02459 Direct (61) 986-4223 | Main (617) 986-6220 | Cell (617) 835-8666 | Fax (617) 986-6229 | ss. Kristen Greenwood, Exg. Kristen Greenwood, Lsq. = 3 EXHIBIT 2 Pages: 1-84 Exhibits: 1-2 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE, ss. SUPERIOR COURT C.A. NO.: 2272CV00495 ——— JENNIFER DOE, Plaintiff, Vv ESTATE OF ARNOLD F. LETT, SR., By its Personal Representatives, Scott Gowen and Alan Ligouri, Deféndant. _~ oe DEPOSITION OF appearing at Tucker, Dyer &O'Connell, LLP, 199 Wells Avenue, Newton, MA 02459, taken pursuant to Notice under the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts Rules of Civil Procedure on behalf of the Defendant, before Linda M. Ordway, Professional Court Reporter and Notary Public in and for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, commencing on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 10:06 a.m. SIMONNE J. ELWOOD - COURT REPORTERS 117 MENDON ROAD NORTH ATTLEBORO, MA 02760 508-577-1181 FAX 508-761-5677 APPEARANCES FOR THE PLAINTIFF: Kristen Greenwood, Esquire LAW OFFICE OF KRISTEN GREENWOOD, PLLC 349 Old Plymouth Road, First Floor Sagamore Beach, MA 02562 508-299-3965 keisten@attyka. com FOR THE DEFENDANT: Scott J. Tucker, Esquire nep LLP» TUCKER, DYER & O'CONNELL, Fi 199 Wells Avenue Newton, MA 02459 617-986-4223 29 for OCD? A No. Q Have you ever taken any medication for depression or anxiety? A No. There was a medication I was on for migraines very briefly when I was thirteen I think it is technically an SSRI. It didn't work and also it was a long time ago. Q Do you remember when you are were diagnosed 10 with migraines? il A. I started experiencing them around thirteen 12 and I got a diagnosis, you know, along the way. 13 Probably sometime as a teenager, I am sure, someone 14 wrote down on paper migraines. 15 Q. Was that when Dr. Marz was your only medical 16 provider? 17 A. Yes. 18 Q By the way, do you have any of your medical 19 records from these various providers that you see? Do 20 you have copies of them or access to them through a 21 portal? 22 A. I probably could get access to them. 23 MS. GREENWOOD: Do you have access right 24 now? 30 Right now, no. Q. You are currently a patient at Brigham and Women's, correct? For their neurology, yes. And when you go to that appointment you get a notice later that the appointment notes are available, correct? A I don't know if my child records are backed up on that same portal. 10 Q. But your current medical records are il available through the portal, all you have to do is 12 put your user name and your password in, correct? 13 A Yes. 14 Q And I assume you have had occasion to do that 15 yourself, right? 16 AB Um-um. 17 Q Yes? 18 A Yes. 19 When you say "um-um" I have to ask you to say 20 yes or no, that's all. 21 Yeah, I know. It's a lot all at once. 22 Q. Understood. 23 I am doing my best here. 24 Q I appreciate that. 31 Have you seen any mental health providers -- A. I saw one yesterday. Q. Okay, who was the mental health provider you Saw? Can I.ask my lawyer what her name was? MS. GREENWOOD: No. If you don't know, it's okay to say I don't remember. Q How many times have you seen that mental health provider? 10 A. I saw her once. 11 And that was yesterday? 12 A. Yesterday, Yep. 13 Q. And where did you see her? 14 A. At the Memory Center in Hyannis. That's my 15 best answer; 16 Q. Is it a male or female? 17 A. Female. 18 Q. Is she part of a practice? 19 A I'm not sure. 20 Q Is the Memory Center located at a hospital or 21 a medical center? 22 A It is located in Hyannis on Cedar Street. 23 Q How long did you spend with her? 24 A Two hours. 32 Do you know what her medical degree is in? Yes. Q What is it? A Her degrees are in social work and she is a licensed therapist. I am not sure if she has any other degrees other than that, but those are the ones I know of. Q Do you remember her first name? A I think it was -- no, I don't remember. 10 Q And other than the social worker, licensed 11 therapist you saw yesterday, have you seen any other mental health provider in the last two years? 13 A I 'saw a psychiatrist. I think it would fall 14 in the two year mark. Dr. David Fish is the one who 15 diagnosed me with OCD and ADHD and helped me find the 16 treatment for that to help manage the symptoms. 17, Q. Where is Dr. Fish located? 18 AB I don't know, I don't see him anymore. 19 Q When you saw him where was he? 20 A. I think in Dedham. It was during the 21 pandemic, I never went there. 22 Q What town did you just say? 23 A I think Dedham. 24 Q Is it on the Cape? 33 No, it's closer to this area Dedham? A. I have never been there. You saw him remote? Yes. And how many times did you see him? A Many times. I saw him once a month for let's say four months and then checkups every couple of months. So I probably saw him around maybe like ten 10 times total over the course of a year-ish. 11 Q Did he prescribe any medication? 12 A The Adderall and the Prozac and now my PCP 13 just does it. 14 Q. Did you ever discuss with Dr. Fish any events 15 relating to 16 A Yes, I told him that I had childhood sexual 17 abuse. 18 Q Did he recommend you see anybody who had 19 expertise in that field for mental health issues? 20 A. I saw him for the OCD and ADHD, that was the 21 reason I was there. 22 Q I understand that. Did he tell you -- 23 A I don't think. 24 Q -- did he recommend or suggest you see any 34 mental health provider -= A I don't remember. Q. -- you have to let me finish the question. A Sorry. Q. Did Dr. Fish tell you or suggest to you that there were any mental health providers whose expertise was in sexual abuse survivors who you might see? A. I don't think so. Q I'm sorry? 10 A. No, he didn't give me a recommendation for 11 that, like I said. 12 Q. Now, we have talk about Dr. Fish, we talked 13 about the neurologist at Brigham and Women's, we have 14 talked about your pediatrician. 15 Are there any other medical care providers 16 that you have seen in the last two years? 17 A A neurologist at Cape Cod Neurology. I saw 18 an ENT to check on my sinuses because I get sinus 19 infections. I went to him one time when I was living 20 in Bridgewater around the pandemic. I also saw an 21 orthopedic surgeon for my Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. 22 Q. I'm sorry? 23 A I saw an orthopedic surgeon, just a 24 consultation, about an injury that I had.