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  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview
  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview
  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview
  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview


l I Arronuzv on PARTY wrrHom An'omev; NAME Larry D. Lewellyn. Esq. l sure m N0.: 1 41 887 Fox couur us: ONLY DE-111 FIRM NAME: LAW OFFICES 0F LA RY D. LEWELLYN smEET moness: 2305 Torrance Bo Ievard GUY: Torrance STATE: CA zup 0005- 90501 ?_l T, TELEPHONENO': (31o) 618-8559 FAX NO”- (31 o) ' 618-8514 sun Amazes: Ieweuynlaw1oa1@ mailmm SUPERiCR COURT OF CALIFORNIA ATTORNEVFORmn-x COUNTY 0F SAN BERNARUINO Willie James T cker. II SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT SUPERIOR count 0F CALIFORN COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO , smear mass: 247 West Third S reet A PR 2 9 2022 MAILJNG mam 247 West Third 8 eat eITvANDZIP cone: San Bernardino. A 924150212 BRANCHNALE San Bernardino strict ESTATE OF (name): REGINA 1 UCKER DECEDENT PETITION FOR Probate o Probatc o E D Lost Lost Wlll and for Letters Testamentary Wlll Ind for Lenora of Admlnlah-atlon CASE NUMBER, 8V fix _ wlth Will nnoxod D'D ' “mm ,3 fin lwvm—suu‘ézfi Latter: of dmlnistrafion Lama of poclal Admlnlmuon wlth general powers E nmnc om Am nus: Dept: Authoflzat on to Admlnlner Under mo Independent Aaminls tlon Act «em: wlth Ilmiud authority E OU’DQ ’&~D 9& 0mm SW 1. a. b. E Publlcation will m be In (specify Publleailon requests Pubucaflon m be a me ofnewspaper): . "96¢ Metropolitan Newspaper NOTICE: This Case 2. ls assigned to Dept -81}. agfiggggegfircgkgafifl for all purposes and is subject to CCP 1 70.6(2) mucus that Micheiie H. Giileece a. D decedent's will and didls. if any. be admitted to probate. b. D (name): Wpllle D (1) executor James Tu r, II be appointed E (2) E (3) (4) administratorwi administrator specialadmlnlslator will annexed E withgeneralpowers and Letters issue upon qua lflcation. rity be granted to administer undarthe Independent Administration of Estates Act. (2) E $20,000.00 'red for the remons slated in item 3e. bond be fixed. The bond will be furnished by an admitted surety Insurer provided by law. {Specfly reasons In Attachmen! 2 if the amount Is different from or as otherwise the maximum required by Prob. (3) D Code. § 8482.) $ (Specify Institution and location): in deposits ln a blocked account be allowed. Receipts will be filed. 3. a. Decadent died on (dare): 12/21/2021 at (place): Fontana. CA [fl a resident of the ;oumy named above. (1) (2) E a nonresident of 531K0mia and publication in the left an estate in the county named above newspaper named In item 1): located at (specify location pennifling . b. c. E Decadent was a cluze Street address. of a country other than the United States (specify country): city, and co nly of decedent's residence al tlma of death (specify): 9050 Dumond Drlve, Fonta CA 92335. San Bernardino County . ! Pm1d4 U“ mf$mmagmw PETITION FOR PROBATE Probau Coatwslfgggjéggv; [mm 20m 05-111 1. (ProbaHecodems Estates) mg, 01 2095 04:53PM HP Fax page 7 DE-111 3. d. Character and «tlm- v value of tho property of tho estat- (camplele in all cases): (1) Personal property: $0 (2) Annual gross income from (a) reel pmperty: $ 0 (b) personal property $0 (3) Subtotal (add (1) an (2)): $O (4) Gross ialr market val of real property. $ 350,000.00 (5) (Lass) Encumbrancesr (s UNKNOWN ) (6) Net value of real property: S 350,000.00 e. (7) (1) (2) BTotal (add (3) C] Will and waives bon (6 . : g.gggaficiafles pro adults and have waived bond, and the D Special administrator lsthe named wm does executor, and the not requlre S 350.000.00 will walves bond. a bond. {Afix waiver as Attachment (3) E] All heirs at law are aduns and have waived bond. (Affix waiver as Attachment 39(3).) C] Sole personal representative f. (4) (1) (2) E E] Decedentdiedi Copy ofdecedeut's testate. wilJ dated: is a corporate fiduciary E or an exempt codicildated govemmenl agency. (specify for each): are affixed as A chmant 31(2). (Include typed copies of handwritten documents Ind English transiaflons of foreign- DE Ianguage docu ants.) The wlll a all codicils are self-proving (Prob. Code, § 8220). (3) The original of th win andlor oodicn identified above has been lost. (Afflx a copy of the lost will orcodlcfl are written statement of the testamentary words or their substan ce in Attachment 3f{3), and stats reasons In that attachme why the prasum flan In Prob. Code. § 6124 does no! apply.) nt g. Appointment oi personal pmontatlve (check all applicable boxes): Appointment of execut (1) (a) E D Proposed e r or administrator with tor is named as executor w!!! annexed: in the will and consents to act (b) (c) E No executor ls named Proposed p rsonal representative is a nominee of in the will. a person entitled to Letters. (d) DD (AHIX nomin lion as Attachment 39(1)(c). Other name oflwer ) executors willnocact becauseof asons (specify): E death E decimation i i E i l ontinued In Attachment 39mm). (2) Appoinhnentof admlnl rator: E (a) (b) B] l , Petifloner Petitioner is a is h person entitled to Letters. Petitioner la nelated ta the nominee (If necessaly, explain prlorltyin Attachm of a person entitled to Letters. (Afflx nominatiOn ent 39(2)(a).) as Attachment 3g(2)(b). ) (3) (4) E (c) E Appointment of special administrator requested. decedent as (Specify grounds and requested powers Proposed personal representative w0uld be a successo r personal (specify): SON in Attachment 39(3).) representative. h» (1) (2) E Proposed personal repra [j resident of Caltlewla. tailveisa nonrasidentofcalifomia (specify pennanentaddre ss): l I (3) (4) E E resident at the Urited States. nonresident of I 1h: United States. 05-1" Imv-W-mm 1' PETITION FOR PROBATE Pam o" I (Proban—Decodents Estates) a I l