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  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview
  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview
  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview
  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview


Sep 03,2005 04:24PM HP Fax page 3 r: ‘ bl i L COURT 5F {J‘PEURA‘grDS CALIFOR Lony D. Lewel SAN RFM OF SAN BERNARD N I€57 n, Esq. (SEN: 141687) RNARDINO . DISTQIKLNTO LAW OFFICES F LARRY D. LEWELLYN 2305 Torronc Boulevard JUN 01 2022 Torrance. Coll mlo 90501 Telephone No {31 0] 61 8-8559 Focslmlle No.2 (310) 61 8-8514 E-mcll: IewellvnlawI O31 Afiomey for WI .LIE JAMES TUCKER, l! (DmNQmAOOM SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTOTG Of: Case No. PROSB2200620 l l I SUPPLEMENT TO PETmON FOR PROBATE FOR 10 J LEITERS OF ADMINISTRATION: EXHlBlTS REGlNA TUCKER, J 11 l (Calendar No.: 6) l 12 Deceased. Dare: June 9, 2022 § Tlme' 9:00 om. 13 Dept: $36 g 14 15 Willie James Tucker, ll, does hereby submit her Supplemenfio Peflflon for Probate for 16 Leh‘ers ofAdml lstroflon: Exhibit osfollows: 17 1. NOTE 1. Need Proof of Publication. 18 Enclosed please flnd a emolled copy of the publication. [See 19 Exhlblt 1) 20 2. NOTE 2. Need Noflce of Pemlon to Admlnlsfer Estate and Proof of 21 Service. 22 Enclosed please flnd the Peflflon To Adminlsfer Es’rote and Proof 23 of Service that was filed with the court on May 16, 2022. (See £thbe 2) 24 Dated: June 1, 2022 25 26 . WELLYN. ES . llllle James Tucker, ll 27 1 28 SUPPLEMENT TO PETITION FOR PROBATE FOR L' EITERS OF ADMINISTRATION: EXHIBITS Sep O3 2005 04:24PM HP Fax page 4 EXHIBIT 1 I I 1 I