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  • Regency House Inc, et al Plaintiff vs. Robert M. Bower, et al Defendant Contract and Indebtedness document preview
  • Regency House Inc, et al Plaintiff vs. Robert M. Bower, et al Defendant Contract and Indebtedness document preview
  • Regency House Inc, et al Plaintiff vs. Robert M. Bower, et al Defendant Contract and Indebtedness document preview
  • Regency House Inc, et al Plaintiff vs. Robert M. Bower, et al Defendant Contract and Indebtedness document preview
  • Regency House Inc, et al Plaintiff vs. Robert M. Bower, et al Defendant Contract and Indebtedness document preview
  • Regency House Inc, et al Plaintiff vs. Robert M. Bower, et al Defendant Contract and Indebtedness document preview
  • Regency House Inc, et al Plaintiff vs. Robert M. Bower, et al Defendant Contract and Indebtedness document preview
  • Regency House Inc, et al Plaintiff vs. Robert M. Bower, et al Defendant Contract and Indebtedness document preview


Filing# 180206344 E-Filed 08/22/2023 10:48:02 AM INTHE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: CACE18-002088 REGENCY HOUSE, INC., Plaintiff, VS. ROBERT M. BOWER, TRUSTEE OF THE ROBERT M. BOWER TRUST DATED MARCH 3, 1994., Defendant. i BOWER'S RESPONSE TO REGENCY HOUSE'S MOTION FOR FINAL JUDGMENT OF ATTORNEY FEES AND COSTS COMES NOW, Defendant, Counter-Plaintiff,ROBERT M. BOWER, TRUSTEE OF THE ROBERT M. BOWER TRUST DATED MARCH 3, 1994, ("BOWER"), by and through the undersigned counsel, and hereby files his response to REGENCY HOUSE, INC.' S ("REGENCY") Motion for Final Judgment of Attorney Fees and Costs and in support states as follows: INTRODUCTION AND PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND l. REGENCY is the homeowner's association for the cooperativewhere BOWER owns an apartment. 2. In 2018, REGENCY sued BOWER, including a count for lien foreclosure; BOWER counterclaimed alleging, among other things,that REGENCY improperly denied him permissionto complete his apartment renovation. 3. In 2021, the parties entered a Settlement Agreement resolving all claims (see Settlement Agreement, attached as Exhibit "A"). *** FILED: BROWARD COUNTY, FL BRENDA D. FORMAN, CLERK 08/22/2023 10:48:02 AM.**** 4. As part of the Settlement Agreement BOWER had to complete his renovation (See Settlement Agreement). 5. The Settlement Agreement did not include a time certain for BOWER to complete the renovation. 6. On January 9,2023, REGENCY filed a Motion for Summary Judgment demanding a default judgment issue againstBOWER for failingto comply with the Settlement Agreement by not completing his renovation. 7. On March 9, 2023, REGENCY'S Motion for Summary Judgment was heard, and, based on disagreementsas to whether (and when) the renovation was completed,this Court ordered the partiesto appear on March 13, 2023, after a site with inspection, evidence showing BOWER'S renovation was completed (See March 10, 2013, Order, attached as Exhibit "B"). 8. On March 13, 2023, after a site inspectionwith REGENCY, this Court found that "[t]hework appears to be substantially completed, albeit no final inspectionhas been issued" and this Court continued the hearinguntil April 18, 2023, so final inspections could be completed by the city(See March 15, 2023, Order, attached as Exhibit "C"). 9. On April 17, 2023, this court issued an Order on Plaintiff's Final Judgment on Foreclosure stating that BOWER "has completed all work pursuant to the terms of the parties'Settlement Agreement," and "BOWER, has satisfied all of the terms of the Settlement Agreement" (See April 17, 2023, Order on Plaintiff"s Motion for Final Summary Judgment attached as Exhibit "D"). 10. No default was issued againstBOWER. 11. Because no default was issued and the Court determined BOWER had complied with all the terms of the Settlement Agreement, BOWER was the prevailingparty on REGENCY'S Motion for Summary Judgment. 12. Nonetheless, April 28, 2023, REGENCY filed a "Motion for Final Judgment of Attorney Fees and Costs," wherein it requests attorney's fees and costs from BOWER. 13. REGENCY'S Motion does not cite any specificlegalbasis for an award of attorney's fees or costs; it looselystates that "[t]heProprietaryLease, the By-Laws and Chapter 719 Fla. Stat. all require a unit owners to reimburse an (Co-operativestatute), association for enforcement actions." 14. REGENCY'S Motion also states that it is entitled to attorney'sfees because BOWER .. "flaunted" the "ControllingDocuments, the Act and the Settlement Agreement,' without any explanationof how BOWER could have "flaunted" any of these when he was determined to have complied with all the terms of the Settlement Agreement and the court did not issue a default againsthim. 15. The Settlement Agreement itself has no attorney's fees provision (see Settlement Agreement). 16. BOWER has never been adjudicatedto have violated any statute, by-law, rule or agreement that might provide support for an award of attorney'sfees. 17. Without a specificlegal basis for an award of attorney'sfees and without any evidence that BOWER has been adjudicated to have violated any "Controlling Documents, the Act [or] Settlement Agreement" (in fact,BOWER is the prevailing party)REGENCY'S Motion for Final Judgment should be denied. REGENCY'S MOTION PROVIDES NO BASIS FOR FEE AWARD 18. To be entitled to an award of attorney'sfees,REGENCY must show a legalbasis for such an award, and additionally,that the facts support such an award - which requiresa showing of being the prevailing typically party. 19. REGENCY'S Motion for Final Judgment genericallyallegesthat "[tlhe Proprietary Lease, the By-Laws and Chapter 719 Fla. Stat. all requirea (Co-operativestatute), .. unit owners to reimburse an association for enforcement actions.: 20. REGENCY, however, does not cite any specificlanguage in the lease, by-laws, or statute that would provide a legalbasis for attorney'sfees. 21. Worse, REGENCY fails to explainhow its its Motion for Summary Judgment is the legalequivalentto an "enforcement action" under the lease,by-laws or statute. 22. In fact, REGENCY'S Motion for Summary Judgment is legallydistinct from an "enforcement" action under the statute, by-laws or proprietary lease as only an association's attempt to enforce payment under the proprietarylease or special assessment is an enforcement action as discussed in these documents. 23. REGENCY'S Motion for Summary Judgment was an attempt to procure a default on the Settlement Agreement which is not contemplated under statute or association documents - and REGENCY fails to provide any language suggestingotherwise. 24. REGENCY'S Motion for Final Judgment also allegesthat BOWER is required to .. comply with the "ControllingDocuments, the Act and the Settlement Agreement' and it accuses him of"flaunting"same. 25. Although it is correct that BOWER was requiredto comply with same, in spiteof REGENCY'S assertions,the only adjudicationon its Motion for Summary Judgment is that BOWER was in compliance with all the terms of the Settlement Agreement and he was, in fact,the prevailingparty. 26. Without a specificlegalbasis for attorney'sfees, and without showing the present attorney'sfees,REGENCY'S action constitutes an action entitling Motion for Final Judgment on Attorney's Fees should be denied. BOWER IS PREVAILING PARTY 27. For an award of attorney'sfees,REGENCY must provide a legalbasis for attorney's fees - which it did not - and it must also show entitlement to attorney'sfees. shown with proof of being the prevailingparty. 28. Entitlement is typically 29. REGENCY is not the prevailingparty, however; in response to REGENCY'S Motion for Summary Judgment, however, this Court determined that BOWER had complied with all terms of the Settlement Agreement and it did not issue the default requested by REGENCY. 30. Because REGENCY cannot show a legalbasis or its entitlement to attorney'sfees,it attempts to conf[ate an "enforcement action" for which the association may be entitled "reimbursement" by statute or by-law, with its Motion for Summary Judgment in which it failed to procure a default against BOWER for allegedly the Settlement Agreement. violating 31. REGENCY does this because there are some legal bases for attorney'sfees to the association that do not require an adjudicationon the merits (these all pertainto failingto pay owed monies to the association,which is not an issue in the present case);REGENCY'S Motion for Summary Judgment on the Settlement Agreement, however, is not one ofthem, and REGENCY fails to make the case that it is. 32. In order to receive an award for attorney'sfees in the present case, REGENCY must show a legalbasis for such an award and an adjudicationon the merits that has complied with the legalthreshold to receive such an award - that it was the prevailing party; REGENCY has done neither 33. Instead it merely attempts to conflate its failed Motion for Summary Judgment with an "Enforcement Action" without explaineither its legalbasis for such an award and to sidestepthe fact that it was not the prevailingparty. 34. More simply, without showing it was not the prevailingparty, REGENCY is not entitled an award of attorney'sfees. CONCLUSION 35. REGENCY can cite no specificdocument, law or authorityallowing for an award of attorney'sfees. 36. REGENCY cannot show how the present action is an action for which attorney'sfees are at issue. 37. REGENCY can show no adjudicationwhere BOWER has been found to violate any document, law or authoritythat would support an award of attorney'sfees; in fact BOWER is the prevailingparty on REGENCY'S Motion for Summary Judgment. 38. For these reasons, REGENCY'S Motion for Final Judgment of Attorney Fees and Costs should be denied in all respects. BOWER hereby responds to Plaintiff's Motion for Final Judgment of Attorney Fees and Costs and requests it be denied and all other relief deemed necessary and expedientbe granted. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing was filed and electronically served on August 22, 2023, to Edward Holodak at and A. CHIARELLO LEGAL, P.A. Attorneys for Defendant 2881 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Suite 213 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 Telephone: 754.444.9940 Facsimile: 954.994.0040 Primary email: Secondary email: Byr/s/: Anthonv Chiarello Anthony Chiarello,Esq. Florida Bar No.. 73760 DocuSign Envelope ID: 32E0238B-9705-40C7-A183-DBC7DCEFCD76 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17?H JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR B FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. CACE 18 002088 (04) REGENCY HOUSE, INC. A Florida Corporation,not-for-profit, Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant, VS. ROBERT M. BOWER, TRUSTEE OF THE ROBERT M. BOWER TRUST DATED MARCH 3, 1994, Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff,ROBERT M. BOWER, TRUSTEE OF THE ROBERT M. BOWER TRUST DATED MARCH 3, 1994, ("UnitOwner"), and Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant REGENCY HOUSE, INC., ("Association")agree to the followingsettlement,and say RECITALS WHEREAS, Unit Owner was the owner ofUnit 207 within Association; and WHEREAS, Association operates the REGENCY HOUSE, INC., a cooperative association pursuant to its ProprietaryLease, House Rules and By-Laws ("Controlling Documents") and subjectto Chapter 719 Florida Statutes (the"Act"); and WHEREAS the Association is responsiblefor complying with and enforcingthe terms and provisionsof the ControllingDocuments and the Act; and WHEREAS, as the owner ofunit 207, Unit Owner is obligatedto comply with the ControllingDocuments and the Act, includingthe payment of monthly assessments; and WHEREAS, disputesarose between the Association and Unit Owner, which both parties desire to resolve;and WHEREAS, with neither party admittingto or to the claims of the other party, liability but reach this resolution based upon financial decisions in the belief that it is both parties' now financial best interests; THEREFORE, the partiesagree as follows: WITNESSETH FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants herein, and other good and of which are hereby acknowledged, the valuable consideration,the receiptand sufficiency FIDS IRB EXHIBIT "A" EA iuh,9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 32E0238B-9705-40C7-A183-DBC7DCEFCD76 Parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The foregoingrecitals are confirmed by the Parties as true and correct and are incorporatedherein by reference. The recitals are a substantive part of this Settlement Agreement.- 2. Effective Date. As used herein,the term "Effective Date" shall mean the date this Settlement Agreement. 3. Terms of Settlement. Unit Owner agrees to pay the Association THIRTY-THOUSAND DOLLARS ($30,000.00)("SettlementAmount") in accordance with the rules governing his monthly assessments, as follows: a. $10,000.00 November 1, 2021; b. $10,000.00 December 1,2021; c. $10,000.00 January 1,2021. 4. Unit Owner agrees that his monthly assessments are currentlyFour Hundred Eighty-Nine Dollars and SixtyCents ($489.60)due on the First (lst)of each month and late ifnot received by the Fifth (5th)of each month. Unit Owner agrees that he will timely make his assessment November 1,2021 and continuingthereafter. payments starting 5. Completion of Renovations. Association agrees that Unit Owner's request for permission to complete the renovation in his unit,dated February 2018, is hereby approved. Unit Owner shall complete all work in his unit with only licensed and insured contractors or sub-contractors and obtain all requiredpermits for any work requiringsame. 6. Event of Default. If either party defaults under any terms above, the other party's attorney shall send the defaultingparty'sattorney an affidavit of default attesting to such default. If the party does not cure the default within defaulting five (5)days of the notice of default,the Court shall issue a Default Judgment (of Foreclosure on behalf o f the Association)in the amount of SixtyThousand Dollars ($60,000.00)("DefaultAmount") which said Default Amount represents the reasonable amount of damages and attorney fees incurred by the partiesin connection with the parties' includingthe Settlement Amount. disputes, 7. Enforcement. The partiesagree that they will submit this Settlement Agreement to the Court asking the Court to enter an Order adoptingthe Settlement Agreement as an Order of the Court and retain jurisdiction over the partiesand subjectmatter to enforce the terms thereof. EXHIBIT "A" C-C-CA LGGCG DocuSign Envelope ID: 32E0238B-9705-40C7-A183-DBC7DCEFCD76 8. Dismissal and Release. Upon payment by Unit Owner of the Settlement Amount and completion of the renovations to his unit,both partieswill dismiss their claims herein with prejudice and such dismissal shall serve as a mutual general release for any and all claims that either party had againstthe other whether raised or not during the litigation arisingout of the facts of the subjectlitigation, as of the date of this Settlement Agreement. -DocuSigned by: -DocuSigned by: -6381984F029843E. /MHBOWur -739683E199[)5465. REGENCY HOUSE, INC. ROBERT BOWER, TRUSTEE 10/19/2021 BY: 10/19/2021 Elizabeth Wagoner, President EXHIBIT "A" Filing# 168524113 E-Filed 03/10/2023 07:00:40 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. CACE18002088 DIVISION: {M JUDGE Haury. William W.. Jr. (04) Regency House Inc, et al / Petitioner(s) Plaintiff(s) V Robert M. Bower, et al Defendant(s)/ Respondent(s) i PROPOSED ORDER ON PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR FINAL JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE THIS CAUSE, having come to be heard on Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant, REGENCY HOUSE, "REGENCY"), on March 9,2023, the Court consideringthe pleadings herein, the INC, (Plaintiff arguments of counsel and the Court being otherwise fullyadvised, it is: ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that 1. The parties shall appear before the Court on Monday, March 13, 2023, at 9:30 A.M. At that hearing,Defendant Bower shall produce evidence that he has complied with all provisionsof the Settlement Agreement but specifically Paragraph 5 thereof. 2. Failure by Defendant Bower to do so may result in entry of a final judgment in favor Plaintiff Regency. 3. Plaintiff Regency shall have its representativeavailable on Friday,March 10, 2023 at 1:00 P.M. to inspect Defendant Bower's unit relative to the status of work or construction contemplated by the Settlement Agreement. Defendant Bower shall allow Plaintiff"s Representative to enter his unit for such inspectionat the date and time mentioned above. 4. The Court retains jurisdictionover the parties and subject matter herein to enter any Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT "B" Case Number: CACE18002088 further Order or Judgment the Court deems justand proper. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Broward County, Florida on 10th day of March, 2023. MqEMZ8BRZaM-ME???. CACE18002088 03-10-2023 5:39 PM Hon. William Haury Jr CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE Signed by William Haury Electronically Jr Copies Furnished To: Anthony Chiarello, E-mail : Anthony Chiarello, E-mail : Edward F Holodak, E-mail pleadings@holodakpa.corn : Edward F Holodak, E-mail : JeffreyStreitfeld,E-mail: jstreitfeldlaw@gmail.corn Larry Blacke, E-mail : lb@lblacke.corn Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "B" Filing# 168825034 E-Filed 03/15/2023 07:37:28 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. CACE18002088 DIVISION: {M JUDGE Haury, William W., Jr. (04) Regency House Inc, et al / Petitioner(s) Plaintiff(s) V Robert M. Bower, et al Defendant(s)/ Respondent(s) i SECOND ORDER ON PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR FINAL JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE THIS CAUSE, having come to be heard on Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant,REGENCY HOUSE, INC, (Plaintiff"REGENCY"), on March 13, 2023, the Court considering the pleadings herein, the arguments of counsel and the Court being otherwise fullyadvised, it is: ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that: 1. The work appears to be substantiallycompleted, albeit no final inspection has been issued or received. Therefore, this Court will continue this hearing until April 18,2023 at 9:30, to give Defendant Bower time to obtain all needed final inspections. Defendant Bower shall provide the Court with evidence of such completed final inspections and pennits. If not, the Court may enter final judgment against him. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Broward County, Florida on 15th day of March, 2023. MMO/28*48 AMAMU=7n?. CACE18002088 03-15-2023 9:34 AM Hon. William Haury Jr CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE Signed by William Haury Electronically Jr of 2 Page 1 EXHIBIT "C" Case Number: CACE18002088 Copies Furnished To: Anthony Chiarello, E-mail : Anthony Chiarello, E-mail : Edward F Holodak, E-mail pleadings@holodakpa.corn : Edward F Holodak, E-mail : JeffreyStreitfeld,E-mail: jstreitfeldlaw@gmail.corn Larry Blacke, E-mail : lb@lblacke.corn Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "C" Filing# 171289103 E-Filed 04/18/2023 07:35:37 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. CACE18002088 DIVISION: {M JUDGE Haury, William W., Jr. (04) Regency House Inc, et al / Petitioner(s) Plaintiff(s) V Robert M. Bower, et al Defendant(s)/ Respondent(s) i AGREED ORDER THIS CAUSE having come to be heard on Plaintiffs Motion for Final Summary, the Court considering the agreement of the parties,the Court considering the pleadings herein and being otherwise fully advised in the premises, the Court finds: a. The partiesstipulate that as of April 10,2023, Defendant ROBERT M. BOWER (Defendant "Bower") has completed all work pursuant to the terms of the parties' Settlement Agreement. Defendant Bower completed such work, however, only after Plaintiff Regency House (Plaintiff "Regency") had sent him default notices and the Court had graciously granted Defendant Bower at least one extension to provide Defendant Bower the opportunity to comply with the Settlement Agreement. Based upon the above findings,it is: ORDERED AND ADJUDGED: 1. The Court retains jurisdictionover the Parties hereto and the subject matter herein to determine any entitlement to and amount, if any, of Plaintiff Regency' s reasonable attorney fees and court costs under the parties'Settlement Agreement, the Proprietary Lease, House Rules and By-Laws ("Controlling Documents") and Chapter 719 Florida Statutes (the "Acf') for the enforcement of the Settlement Agreement from October 2022 to the Present. 2. Without waiving any potentialentitlement to attorney'sfees discussed in paragraph 1, above, REGENCY Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT "D" Case Number: CACE18002088 HOUSE, that Defendant, INC., stipulates BOWER has satisfied all of the terms in the Settlement Agreement. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Broward County, Florida on 17th day of April,2023. 9*t;'L.l?NSBR?8 MrAZwmg?9?. CACE18002088 04-17-2023 10:37 PM Hon. William Haury Jr CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE Signed by William Haury Electronically Jr Copies Furnished To: Anthony Chiarello, E-mail : Anthony Chiarello, E-mail : Edward F Holodak, E-mail pleadings@holodakpa.corn : Edward F Holodak, E-mail : JeffreyStreitfeld,E-mail: jstreitfeldlaw@gmail.corn Larry Blacke, E-mail : lb@lblacke.corn Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "D"