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  • Rowan -v - General Motors LLC et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview
  • Rowan -v - General Motors LLC et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview
  • Rowan -v - General Motors LLC et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview
  • Rowan -v - General Motors LLC et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview


SUPER, ORF l L ED OHHGHNAL Coumy 00,99” 0F_ CI.ilf'uR... SAN B‘R'Wmm A asnnma mo ousmzcr Tionna Dolin (SBN 299010) OCT 2 4 2023 e-mail: tdolin® Debora Rabieian (SBN 3 1 5022) e-mail: drabieianflslpattomey£om BY STRATEGIC LEGAL PRACTICES EP‘H‘.’ A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 1888 Century Park East. Floor l9 Los Angeles. CA 90067 Telephone: (3 0) 929-4900 l Facsimile: (310) 943-3838 Attorneys for Plaintiff, SANDRA ROWAN Gaxvd SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO SANDRA ROWAN, CASE N0..' ClVSB2l 19439 Plaintiff, Case Initiated: July 15, 2021 vs. Hon. Michael A. Sachs GENERAL MOTORS. LLC.; and DOES 1 Dept. $28-SBJC through 10. inclusive, PROOF OF SERVICE Defendants. [Filed Concurrently with Motions in Limine; Memorandum of Points and Authorities; Proposed Orders] Complaint Filed: July 15. 2021 TRC: November 2, 2023 Trial: November 6, 2023 PROOF OF SERVICE PROOF OF SERVICE STATE 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES I am employed in the County of Los Angeles, State ofCalifomia. I am over the age of l8 and not a party to the within action. My business address is Strategic Legal Practices, 1880 Century Park East, Floor I9, Los Angeles, California 90067. On October 23, 2023, I served the document(s) described as: SEE ATTACHED LIST on the interested parties in this action by sending [ ] the original [or] [V] a true copy thereof [V] to interested parties as follows [or] [ ] as stated on the attached service list: THE ERSKINE LAW GROUP, PC. 1576 N. Batavia SL. Suite A Orange. CA 92867 marensmcbridefi‘ rkay/d‘erskinelawxom 11 ayaraghchianfi apappas/a‘erskinelawwom 12 cmajor’l? amorales/ 13 drenteria”derskinelaw.c0m mchungfierskinelawcom 14 schanQT‘ 15 16 [J] BY E-MAIL: (BY ELECTRONIC MAIL -CCP § 1010.6(a)(6)) Based on a court order or an agreement 0f the parties to acce t service by e-mail or electronic transmission‘ l caused such documents described Eerein t0 be sent t0 the persons at the 17 e-mail address(es) listed above. by ordering execution of email service from our designated attome service First Legal. Our service provider did not receive, within a 18 reasonable time a ter the transmission. any electronic message or other indication that the transmission was unsuccessful. 19 l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the 20 foregoing is true and correct. WW 21 Executed this October 23, 2023, at Los Angeles. California. 22 23 Randle Rankin 24 25 26 27 28 PROOF OF SERVICE