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  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview
  • Sz Huang et al vs Tesla Inc. et al Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23)  document preview


Thomas P. Branigan (Pro Hac Vice) BOWMAN AND BROOKE LLP 2 West Big Beaver Road, Suite 100 Troy, MI 48084 3 Telephone: (248) 205.3300 Facsimile: (248) 205.3399 4 5 Joel Smith (Pro Hac Vice) Kevin Malloy (Pro Hac Vice) 6 BOWMAN AND BROOKE LLP 1441 Main Street, Suite 1200 7 Columbia, SC 29201 Telephone: (803) 726 7420 8 Facsimile: (803) 726 7421 9 Lauren O. Miller #279448 Tesla, Inc. 901 Page Avenue Fremont, California 94538 Attorneys for Defendant Tesla, Inc. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SZ HUA HUANG, Individually and as successor Case No. 19CV346663 in interest to WEI LUN HUANG, deceased; ) TRINITY HUANG, a minor; TRISTAN HUANG, ) TESLA’s RESPONSE AND OPPOSITION TO a minor; HSI KENG HUANG; and CHING FEN ) CALTRANS’ MOTION TO AUGMENT EXPERT HUANG, ) WITNESS INFORMATION; DECLARATION OF ) THOMAS P. BRANIGAN Plaintiff, ) ) Date: November 7, 2023 vs. ) Time: 9:00 a.m. ) Dept.: 6 TESLA, INC. dba TESLA MOTORS INC. THE ) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, and DOES 1 through ) Assigned for all purposes to: 100, ) Hon. Evette Pennypacker; Dept. 6 ) Defendants. ) ) 1 TESLA’s RESPONSE AND OPPOSITION TO CALTRANS’ MOTION TO AUGMENT EXPERT WITNESS INFORMATION Tesla, Inc., by its undersigned Counsel, Bowman and Brooke LLP, responds in opposition to Caltrans’ Motion to Augment Expert Witness Information and for the reasons stated below, this Motion can and should be denied: FACTS AND BACKGROUND As this Court knows, this is an automotive product liability case that has been pending and in discovery since 2019 The case arises from a crash that occurred in March 2018 Walter Huang crashed his 2017 Tesla Model X into a crash attenuator on south bound U.S. 101 in Mountain iew, California because he was not paying attention to the road. Sadly, he died in the crash. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigated the crash and determined he was playing a video game on his cell phone at the time. Data from the Model X showed he had engaged Autopilot a feature combining adaptive cruise control with lane centering his hands were not detected on the steering wheel in the leadup to the crash. In its Motion, Caltrans claims that after the agreed upon date for disclosure of experts by all parties (May 1, 2023), its retained ccident econstruction expert performed additional work that “… raised new questions about when and how the Tesla driver suffered the injuries which ultimately led to his death.” (Caltrans Memorandum of Points and Authorities at p. 2). However, Caltrans also correctly stated that “[t]he National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigated the subject collision and found that if the crash attenuator had been “in a functional condition before the March 23, 2018, crash, the Tesla driver most likely would have survived the collision.” (Id.). The NTSB completed its investigation of the subject crash and announced its findings in a report that was issue in 2020 over three years before the agreed upon date of May 1, 2023 for expert disclosure in this case. The NTSB report is publicly available and presumably, Caltrans has had possession of that report since it was issued over three years ago. See relevant portion of the NTSB Report attached as Exhibit A. Both laintiffs and Tesla disclosed iomechanical engineering experts timely on May 1, . Caltrans had until May 22 to supplement its expert witness disclosures to add an expert to TESLA’s RESPONSE AND OPPOSITION TO CALTRANS’ MOTION TO AUGMENT EXPERT WITNESS INFORMATION “express an opinion on a subject to be covered by an expert designated by an adverse party to the exchange, if the party supplementing an expert witness list has not previously retained an expert to testify on that subject.” Code Civ. Proc. § 2034.280. Caltrans failed to supplement its expert disclosure by May 22, 2023. Besides it knowledge of the NTSB’s findings related to the damaged crash attenuator as the cause of Mr. Huang’s death which made his cause of death an issue of potential controversy and one that would require expert analysis, in form interrogatory responses Caltrans served in 2020, it indicated that the “condition of the attenuator was not a substantial factor to Walter Huang’s death . . . .” See Caltrans Response to Form Interrogatories (Set Three) attached as Exhibit B. Thus, Caltrans has known from the earliest stage of this case that an expert qualified in the field of Biomechanics would be a key causation expert in the case. II. LAW AND ARGUMENT The decision to deny Caltrans’ Motion requesting relief due to its admitted failure to designate an expert witness is within the sound discretion of the trial court and will not be disturbed on appeal absent a showing of manifest abuse of that discretion. (Dickison v. Howen (1990) 220 Cal. App. 3d 1471, 1476.) The court shall grant leave to augment an expert witness list or declaration if the following conditions are satisfied: (a) The court has taken into account the extent to which the opposing party has relied on the list of expert witnesses. (b) The court has determined that any party opposing the motion will not be prejudiced in maintaining that party's action or defense on the merits. (Code Civ. Proc. §2034.620 (a) (b).) In addition, the court must find either that Caltrans would not “in the exercise of asonable diligence” have determined to call that expert witness (Code Civ. Proc. §2034.620 (c)(1)), or that the failure to call that expert witness was as a result of “mistake, inadvertence, TESLA’s RESPONSE AND OPPOSITION TO CALTRANS’ MOTION TO AUGMENT EXPERT WITNESS INFORMATION surprise, or excusable neglect” and the party promptly sought leave to augment and promptly served a copy of the proposed expert witness information on all parties. (Code Civ. Proc. §2034.620 (c)(2)(A) (B).) The motion “shall be made at a sufficient time in advance of the time limit for the completion of discovery under Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 2024.010) to permit the deposition of any expert to whom the motion relates to be taken within that time limit. Under exceptional circumstances, the court may permit the motion to be made at a later time.” (Code Civ. Proc. §2034.610(b).) Finally, the motion shall be accompanied by a meet and confer declaration. (Code Civ. Proc. § 2034.610(c).) In short, Caltrans has failed to establish that it has met any of the requirements under Code Civ. Proc. §2034.620 and the court should deny its Motion. First, Caltrans does not claim “mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect” as its reason for failing to disclose a Biomechanic expert. Instead, it argues that it could not have determined the need to disclose a Biomechanic expert until after the disclosure dates had passed. However, the notion that Caltrans could not have known through the “exercise of reasonable diligence” that such expert would be necessary to support its position and defense related to cause of death until after its Accident Reconstruction expert performed “additional work” is implausible. Caltrans knew or should have known that such an expert ould be ed to support its contention that the condition of the attenuator at the time of the subject crash was inconsequential at least as of 2020 when the NTSB announced its findings about the role played by the inoperable crash attenuator in causation of Mr. Huang’s death. For reasons known only to Caltrans, it failed to act on that information and it chose to not disclose a Biomechanic to address this topic. Even if it were true that Caltrans did not realize it needed a iomechan until after some additional work” by its Accident Reconstruction expert that occurred after May 1, Caltrans had to know a iomechanical expert was needed after receiving the expert disclosures on May 1 that included disclosures of Biomechanic experts by Tesla and Plaintiffs. Still, Caltrans decided TESLA’s RESPONSE AND OPPOSITION TO CALTRANS’ MOTION TO AUGMENT EXPERT WITNESS INFORMATION ainst disclosing a supplemental expert when it had the opportunity to do so without leave of the court Instead, Caltrans waited until July 25, 2023 to raise its request to “augment” its expert disclosures with Tesla and Plaintiff (Ex Correspondence from Caltrans Counsel). The following language from the Court of Appeal, though it addresses supplemental expert disclosure, applies equally here: “When it comes to issues that both sides anticipate will be disputed at trial, a party cannot merely ‘reserve its right’ to designate experts in the initial exchange, wait to see what experts are designated by the opposition, and then name its expert only as purported ‘rebuttal’ witnesses.” Fairfax v. Lords (2006) 138 Cal. App. 4 1019, 1021. Not only did Caltrans wait for Tesla and Plaintiffs to disclose experts, but Caltrans also waited until after both opposing parties’ ccident econstruction experts testified and after Tesla’s iomechanic expert testified before making its request. California law does not permit this type of litigation conduct. Simultaneous expert exchange is required per Code Civ. Proc. 2034.260(a) and one party cannot hold off on disclosing an expert until after an opposing parties’ experts have turned over their experts’ files, produced their experts’ work product and analysis have already been deposed. Tesla will be unfairly prejudiced if Caltrans’ Motion is granted. Tesla’s Biomechanic was timely disclosed and Caltrans has had the benefit of receiving that expert’s disclosure, the entirety of his expert file materials and his deposition testimony. If Caltrans is now permitted to disclose a Biomechanic expert, that late disclosed expert will sit in a rebuttal position relative to the timely disclosed Biomechanic experts of Tesla and Plaintiffs. This will create the need for the Biomechanic experts of Tesla and Plaintiffs to respond to Caltrans’ expert but it will also require Tesla’s Accident Reconstruction expert to perform additional work to support Tesla’s Biomechanic. While it is true that rial in this matter is not set to start until March 2024, the parties have completed expert discovery on a schedule agreed upon by the parties and their focus at this stage of case should be on trial preparation including motions to challenge experts TESLA’s RESPONSE AND OPPOSITION TO CALTRANS’ MOTION TO AUGMENT EXPERT WITNESS INFORMATION if necessary. Caltrans’ Motion is essentially a request to reset the expert discovery table while it has failed to meet the requirements of Code Civ. Proc. § 2034.610. III. CONCLUSION Caltrans’ belated request to add an expert to offer opinions on biomechanical engineering can be considered nothing more than an attempt to take advantage of the opposing parties’ compliance with the expert disclosure rules and schedule. For the reasons stated above, this court can and should deny Caltrans’ Motion. Dated: October 25, 2023 BOWMAN AND BROOKE LLP Thomas P. Branigan (Pro Hac Vice Attorneys for Defendant Tesla, Inc. TESLA’s RESPONSE AND OPPOSITION TO CALTRANS’ MOTION TO AUGMENT EXPERT WITNESS INFORMATION DECLARATION OF THOMAS P. BRANIGAN 2 Thomas P. Branigan, declare: 3 I am an attorney at law duly licensed to practice before the Courts in the State of 4 Michigan, Illinois and Ohio and I am admitted in this case on a Pro Hac Vice basis. I am 5 ttorney and Partner with the law firm of Bowman and Brooke LLP, attorneys for efendant 6 Tesla in this matter. 7 I have personal knowledge of each of the matters stated herein and if called 8 upon to testify to any of these matters, I can do so in a truthful and competent manner. 9 The National Transportation Safety Board investigated the subject collision and found that if the crash attenuator had been “in a functional condition before the March 23, 2018, crash, the Tesla driver most likely would have survived the collision.” Attached hereto as “Exhibit A” is a true and correct copy of relevant pages of the National Transportation Safety Board report. A true and correct copy of Caltrans’ Response to Form Interrogatories (Set Three) dated October 21, 2020 is attached as “Exhibit B.” A true and correct copy of Caltrans’ correspondence dated July 25, 2023 wherein its Counsel first raised its request to “augment” it’s expert disclosures with Tesla and Plaintiffs is attached as “Exhibit C.” I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on October 25, 2023 at Troy, Michigan. Thomas P. Branigan 1 TESLA’s RESPONSE AND OPPOSITION TO CALTRANS’ MOTION TO AUGMENT EXPERT WITNESS INFORMATION 0L C2 RIN E. HOLBROOK, Chief Counsel G. MICHAEL HARRINGTON, Deputy Chief Counsel LANDA LOW, Assistant Chief Counsel (SBN 125121) OSEMARY LOVE, Deputy Attorney (SBN 257907) KITCH W. CROSBY, Deputy Attorney (SBN rand Avenue, Suite 11-100, Oakland, CA 94612 Mail: P.O. Box 24325, Oakland, California 94623 Telephone: (510 33-9100, Fax: (5 33-9167 ttorneys for Defendant STATE OF CALIFORNIA acting by and through the Department of Transportation (“Caltrans”) UPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA OUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SZ HUA HUANG, Individually and as successor in o. 19CV346663 interest to WEI LUN HUANG, deceased; TRINITY HUANG, a minor; TRISTAN HUANG, a minor; HIS KENG HUANG; and CHING FEN HUANG, FENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSES TO PLAINTIFFS’ intiffs, FORM INTERROGATORIES SET HREE) . TESLA INC.dba TESLA MOTORS, INC., THE omplaint Filed: April 26, 2019 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, and Does 1 through efendants. OPOUNDING PA Y: Plaintiffs SZ HUA HUANG, Individually and as successor in interest to I LUNG HUAN, deceasedTRINITY HUANG, a m inor; TRISTAN HUANG, a minor KENG HUANG;and CHING FEN HUANG ESPONDING PARTY: Defendant STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACTING BY AND THROUGH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NUMBER: THREE (3) TO PLAINTIFFS AND TO THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: Pursuant to the provisions of California Codof Civil procedure sections 2030.010, et seq. Defendant State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation (“Cal rans”) hereby responds to plaintiffs’ Form Interrogatories(Set hree) is defendant expressly reserves all its rights to move to exclude from admission into evidence or to otherwise object to any of the responses recited therein. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSES TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SET THREE It should be noted that this responding party has not fully completed its investigation of the facts relating to thiscase, has not fully completed in its discovery in this action andhas not completed its preparation for trial. The responsescontained herein are based only u pon such information and documents which are presently available and specifically known tothis responding party and disclose only those contentions which are presently within the knowledge of this responding party. Further, it should be noted that this responding party has large number of branches, not all of which have completed investigation and/or preparation of information in response to this discovery and only such information as is currently known as to this responding party is set forth herein. It is anticipated that further discovery, independent investigation, legal esearch and analysis will supply additional facts, as well as establish entirely new factual conclusions and legal contentions, all of which may lead to substantial additions to, changes in, and variations from, the contentions set forth. The following sponses are given without prejudice to this responding party’s right to produce evidence of any subsequently discovered factsThe responses co ntained herein are made in good faith effort to supply as much factual information and as many specif legal contentions al ong with their factual basis as is presently known, but should no way be used to the prejudice of this responding party in relation to further discovery, research or analysis. The following individual responses are made solely for t purpose of this acti on. Each response is subject to all objections as to competence, relevance, materiality, propriety, admissibility, and any and all other objections on grounds that require the exclusion of any statement contained in this discovery aif made by the witnes s testifying in court, all of which objections and grounds are reserved and may be imposed at the time of trial. Without waving the regoing, Defendant STATE OF CALIFORNIAacting by and through the Department of Transportation “Caltrans” hereby responds to Plaintiffs Form Interroga tories, Set hree ORM INTERROGATORY NO. 1.1 State the name, ADDRESS, telephone number, and relationship to you of each PERSON who prepared or assisted in the preparation of the responses to these interrogatories. (Do not identify _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE anyone who simply typed or reproduced theresponses RESPONSE TO FORM INTERROGATORY NO. 1.1: Landa Low, Attorney for DefendanCaltrans Alex Smith, Claims Officer Tara CabezudDispatcher Clerk Supervisor, Cal trans District 4 FORM INTERROGATORY NO. Identify each denial of a material allegation and each specialor affirmative defense in your pleadings and for each: te all facts upon which you base thedenial or special or affirmative defense; Statethe names, ADDRESSES and telephone numbers of all PERSONS who have knowledgeof those facts; and Identify all DOCUMEN and other tangible things that support your denial or special or affirmative defenseand the RSO who has each DOCUMENT RESPONSE TO FORM INTERROGATORY NO. 1 General enial, First, Second, welfth, Thirteenth ffirmative efenses (a) The subject accident was caused by Walter Huang who was distracted aninattentive to the driving taskwhile driving on a high peed multi lane freeway. An associated factor was his overreliance on the Autopilot featureof his Tesla automobile which he knew to be unreli able becausehad steered hi m towards the gore at thesubject accident location on numerous prior occasio On the da y of the accident he should have been more vigilantand steered or braked his vehicle to avoicollision with the highly visible and wel marked attenuator which was further marked with a pla barricade and traffic cones The accident occur red at high speed in excess of 70 miles per hour and may haveexceeded the capacity of the impact energy attenuat even if full y functioning. The subject locationincludingthe crash attenuatordid constitute dangerous condition of public property on the da te of the accident because did not create a s ubstantial risk of injury to personsusing due care in reasonably reseeable manner.The condition of the crash attenu ator was not a substantia factor to Walter Huang s deathand the State of California acti ng by and throughthe _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE Departmentof Transportationis not liable for Walter Huang s death. (b) jection: calls for the premature disclosureof expe rt witnesses in contravention of CCP section 20et seq. Subject to the foregoing objections, Caltrans responds: Numerous persons identif ed in the TCR, MAIT Supplemental Report, NTSB preliminary report(s) and related documentsmerous Calt rans employees within the Traffic Safety and other Division (c) TCR d MAIT supplementalreport, N TSB preliminaryand fina report(s) and related documents Third ourth, Fifth, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, and EleventhAffirmative Defense (a) None knownat this time . Investigationdiscovery and tr ial preparation are on (b) None known (c) None known Sixthand Seventh Affirmative Defense (a) On March 20,2018, a Cal trans Maintenance anager idenfied the damaged attenuator while passing through the ar and notified the local Maintenance S upervisor. mai ntenance crew was sentto the scene where the workers termined that the impact ergy absorbing crash attenuator was damaged beyond repair could not be reset but had to be removed andreplaced. The crew immediate ly placed sawhorse type ba cade and several bright orang traffic co to warn passing motorists of t he damaged device The maintenance supervisor had to locate a eplacement device and assemble wo crews ersons total and heavy equipment forthe installation and for traffic co trol in the igh raff area evere rainstormsover he next few day requiredthe local crew to conduct hour storm patrol shifts throughout the day and e to the ri sk of mudslides and other storm damage requiringimmediate ention. The attenuator repair wathere ore scheduled for the next business day, Monday, March 26, 2018at which time it was repaired just six daysafter Caltrans first learned of the d amage. In the meantime, the subject accident occurred on March 23, 2018. (b) Ernesto L Ramirez and other Caltrans personnel _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE (c) tatement of Ernesto L. Ramirez FORM INTERROGATORY NO. Do you contend that PERSON, other than you or plaintiff, contributed the occurrence the INCIDENT or the injuries or damages claimedy plaintiff? If so , for each PERSON tate the name, ADDRESS, and telephone number of the PERSON tate all facts upon whichyou base contention; tate the names, ADDRESSES, and telephone numbers of all PERSONSwho have knowledgeof the facts; and Identify all DOCUMENTSand other tangible things that support contentionand state thename, ADDRESS, and telephone number of the PERSONwho has each DOCUMENT or thing. RESPONSE TO FORM INTERROGATORY NO. 1 (a) Tesla Inc (b) There may have beenlimitations in the Tesla s Autopilot and OEDR stems which may have caused or contributed to the decedent Tesla to steer out of its lane of travel, and to not brake or slow the vehicle despite approaching a fixed object. Investigation, discovery and trial preparationare ongoing (c) Employees of Tesla (d) Tesladocuments FORM INTERROGATORY NO. Do you contend tha the injuries or the extent of the injuries claimed by plaintiff as disclosed in discovery proceedings thus far in this ca e were not caused by theINCIDENT ? If so, for each injury: dentify tate all facts upon which you base your contention; ate the names, ADDRESSESand telephone numbers of all PERSONS who have knowledge of the facts; and dentify all DOCUMENTSand other tangible things that support your contentionand state _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE the nameADDRESS , and telephone number of the PERSONwho has each DOCUMENT or thing. RESPONSE TO FORM INTERROGATORY NO. 1 Not at this time. Investigation, discovery and trial preparation are ongoing. FORM INTERROGATORY NO. Do you contend that any part of the loss of earningsor income claimed by plaintiff in discovery proceedings thus far in this c se was unreasonableor was not caused by the INCIDENT so: ate the names, ADDRESSESand telephone numbers of all PERSONS who have knowledge of the facts; an dentify all DOCUMENTSand other tangible things that support your contentionand state the nameADDRESS , and telephone number of the PERSONwho has each DOCUMENT or thing. ate the names, ADDRESSESand telephone numbers of all PERSONS who have knowledge of the facts; and dentify all DOCUMENTSand other tangible things that support your contentionand state the nameADDRESS , and telephone number of the PERSONwho has each DOCUMENT or thing. RESPONSE TO FORM INTERROGATORY NO. Not at this time. Investigation, discovery and trial preparation are ongoing. FORM INTERROGATORY NO. Is your response to each request for admission served with these interrogatories an unqualified admission? If not, for ach response that is not an unqualified admission (a) tate the number of the request; (b) tate facts u pon which you base your response: (c) state the name ADDRESS , and telephone number of all PERSONwho have ledge of those facts; and (d) identify all CUMENTSand other tangible things that support your response and _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE state the name, ADDRESS, andtelephone number of the PERSONwho has each DOCUMENTor things. RESPONSE TO FORM INTERROGATORY NO. 1 No. (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans is unable toadmit the truth of the matter stated, bu merely that the referenced document contains the statement. (c) umerous persons within Caltransincludingthose in the Maintenance Division have nowledge (d) Maintenance Memo dated 7/31/15 ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans is unable to admit thetruth of the matter stated, but merely that the referenced document contains the statement. (c) umerous persons within Caltransincludingthose in the Mainten ance Division have nowledge (d) Maintenance emo dated 7/31/15 ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans is unable to admit thetruth of the matter stated, but merely that the referenced documentcontains the statement. (c) umerous personswithin Caltrans includingthose in the Maintenance Division have nowledge (d) Maintenance Memo dated 7/31/15 ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans is unable to admit thetruth of the matter stated, but merely that the referenced document contains the statement. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE (c) umerous persons within Caltransincludingthose in the Maintenance Division have nowledge (d) Maintenance Memo dated 7/31/15 ---------------------------------------------------------- (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans is unable to admit thetruth of the matter stated, but merely that the referenced document contains the statement. (c) umerous persons within Caltransincludingthose in the Maintenance Division have nowledge (d) Maintenance Memo dated 7/31/15 ------------------------------------------------------------ (e) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans is unable to admit thetruth of the matter stated, but merely that the referenced document contains the statement. (g) umerous persons within Caltransincludingthose in the Maintenance Division have nowledge (h) Maintenance Memo dated 7/31/15 (a) None known. --------------------------------------- -------------------- (a) (b) The document speaksfor itself. Caltrans is unable to admit the truth of the matter stated, but merely that the referenced document contains the statement. (c) umerous persons within Caltransincludingthose in the Maintenance Division have nowledge (d) Maintenance Memo dated 7/31/15 ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans is unable to admit thetruth of the matter stated, _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE that the referenced document contains the statementbecause the request is unintelligible. (c) one known (d) Maintenance Memo dated 7/31/1 ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans is unable to admit thetruth of the matter stated, but merely that the referenced document contains statem entwhich has been paraphrased (c) umerous persons within Caltransincludingthose in the Maintenance Division have nowledge (d) Maintenance Memo dated 7/31/15 ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans is unable to admit thetruth of the matter stated, but merely that the referenced document contains the statement. (c) umerous persons within Caltransincludingthose in the Maintenance Division have nowledge (d) Maintenance Memo dated 7/31/15 ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans is unable to admit thetruth of the matter stated, but merely that the referenced document contains the statement. (c) umerous persons within Caltransincluding ose in the Maintenance Division have ledge (d) Maintenance Memo dated 7/31/15 ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans is unable to admit thetruth of the matter stated, but merely that the referenced document contains the statement _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE (c) umerous persons within Caltransincludingthose in the Maintenance Division have nowledge (d) Maintenance Memo dated 7/31/15 ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans is unable to admit the ruth of the matter stated, but merely that the referenced document contains the statement. (c) umerous persons within Caltransincludingthose in the Maintenance Division have nowledge (d) Maintenance Memo dated 7/31/15 ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans has no personal knowledge about what the NTSB declared. Based on lack of information and belief, Caltrans is unable to admit or deny the truth of the matter stated (c) Unknown persons at NTSB (d) ne known ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The NTSB issued a single safety recommendation to CalSTA, not multiple recommendations. (c) umerous persons within Caltransand CalSTA. (d) Letter from NTSB to CalSTA dated September 9, 201 ------ --------------------------------------------------- (a) (b) This request is compound andis there fore improper. (c) ounsel for Caltrans (d) CCP §2030.060(f) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE ---------------------------------------------------------- (a) (b) This request is compound andis the refore imroper. In addition, Caltrans previously responded to these two requests which werenumbered Requests for Admission numbers 6 & 7. Caltrans has no personal knowledge about the details of the March 12, 2018 accident, nor the injuries of thedriver. Based on lack of informationand belief, Caltrans is unable to admit or den (c) None kno (d) CCP §2030.060(f) ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) TCR reflects that in the field notifie a box was checked yes n the report As to the meaningof the check mark, Caltrans lacks sufficient information or belief to ad it or deny. (c) CHP reporting officer (d) TCR dated 3/12/ ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) CHP did not notify Caltrans that the crash attenuator at the subject accident locationhad been damaged due to an accident on March 12, 2018 (c) TaraCabezud, and oth persons in the TMCCHP personnel (d) one known ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) Caltrans TMC did not receive notice that the crash attenuator at the subject accident location had been damaged due to the accidentMarch 12, 2018. (c) TaraCabezud, an other persons in the TMC CHP personnel (d) one known ------------------------------------------------------------ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans has no personal knowledge about what the NTSB investigators determined. Caltrans is unable to admit th truth of the matter stated based on lack of information and belief. (c) Unknown (d) None known. -------------------- -------------------------------------- (a) (b) his requestseeks an admissionabout the subject location compared to various locations which are remote from and dissimilar to the subject locationover an unspe cified period of his request requires comp ilation and analysis of accident and repair datafor all attenuator locations throughout District 4 which is comprised of nine Bay Area Counties. Based on the objectionsstated in response to Request for Admiss ion number 55Caltrans is unable to admit or den (c) Caltrans employees in D04 Traffic Safety (d) None known. ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) Caltrans has no personal knowledge about what the NTSB determinedBased on lack of informationand belief Caltrans is unable t o admit or deny thetruth of the matter stated (c) Unknown. (d) Unknown. ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans has no personal knowledge about what NTSB entifiedBased on lack of information and belief, Caltrans is unable to admit or deny the truth of the matter stated (c) Unknown persons at NTSB _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE (d) None known ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. The request is misleading andmischaracterizes the Maintenance ManualWhile there is a refer ence to energy dissipaters the Manual does not describe crash attenuators as enerissipators. (c) Various persons in Caltrans (d) MaintenanceMan ual, Chapter M --------- ------------------------------------------------- (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. The portion of the request in quotes misstates the Maintenance Manual (c) Various persons in Caltrans (d) MaintenanceMan ual, Chapter M ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. The portion of the request in quotes misstates the Maintenance Manual (c) Various persons in Caltrans (d) MaintenanceMan ual, Chapter M ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. The request ismisleading and mischaracterizes the Maintenance ManualObjection: vague as to the phrase safety item. Subject to the foregoing objection, Caltrans admits that for repair or replacementof an attenuator the intenance type is “safetBut the Maint enance Manual does not providethat s a safety item which te rm is undefined (c) Various persons in Caltrans _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE (d) MaintenanceMan ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. The request is misleading andmischa racterizes the Maintenance Manualin effe ct on the day of the accident. (c) Various persons in Caltrans (d) MaintenanceMan ual ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. The request is misleading and ischaracterizes the Maintenance Manualin effe ct on the day of the accident. (c) Various personsin Caltrans (d) MaintenanceMan ual ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. Caltrans has no personal knowledge aout what the NTSB identified. Caltrans is unable to admit thetruth of the matter stated based on lack of information and belief. (c) Unknown persons at NTSB (d) None known ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. The request is misleading andmischaracterizes the Maintenance Manual It is also vague as to time as the requirements changed over time. (c) Various persons in Caltrans (d) MaintenanceMan ual ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE (b) here is no evidence that the two accidents happened under substantially simil conditions, that the vehicle characteristics and dynamics were similarand that speed and other factors did not affectthe ultim outcome of the collisionsThese are the pr oper subject of xpert tness analysisand opinionBased on lack of information and belief as to the comparability and survivability of the two accidents, Caltrans is unable to admit or deny. (c) Various persons in Caltrans; undisclosed expert consultants (d) ne known ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) There is no evidence that the two accidents happened under substantially simil conditions, that the vehicle characteristics and dynamics were similarand that speed and other facto did not affectthe ult outcome of the collisionsThese are the proper subject of xpert witness analysisand opinionBased on lack of information and belief as to the comparability and survivability of the two accidents, Caltrans is unable to admit or deny. (c) Various persons in Caltrans; undisclosed expert consultants (d) one known ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) Caltrans has no personalknowledge as to the level of injury in the March 12, 2018 accident and as a result,Caltrans is unable to admit or deny. (c) None known (d) one known ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) The NTSB reports speak for themselves. Caltrans has no personal knowledge about what the NTSB concluded other than as stated in thereports and orrespondenceto Caltrans /CalSTA Caltrans is unable to admit thetruth of the matter stated based on lack of personal knowledge. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE (c) Unknown persons at NTSB (d) None known ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) This request eeks information and analysis ofCaltrans maintenance and repair program relative to the timely repair of traffic safety hardware in 12 separate Districts statewide for an unspecified period of time. This analysis would take hundreds of manhours and is therefore burdensome and oppressive, and harassing. (c) Traffic Safety and Maintenance personnel (d) None known ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) he statute speaks for itselfand provides that titl is vestedin the name of the peopl e of the Stateof California not the State of California as stated in therequest. (c) umerous persons (d) S&H Code §233 ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) To the extent the Department of Transportation is an integral pa of the tate of California and acts on behalf of the StateCaltrans does hold legal title to However, title to the roadway is vested in thepeople of the State of California. (c) umerousperson (d) S&H Code §233 ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) Caltrans is an integral part of the State of California,but the State epartment s and gencies have been recognized as a separate entity for purposes of litigationSee, Templo v State (2018) 24 CalApp. 730and cases cited therein ; Greyhound Lines, Inc v Departmentof the _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE CaliforniaHighway Patrol (2013) 213 Cal App (c) Numerous persons (d) See citedcases ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) CHPis an integral p art of the State of California, but the State epartments and gencies have been recognized as a separate entity for purposes of litigationSee, Templo v State (2018) 24 CalApp. 730and cases cited therein; Greyhound Lines, Inc v Departmentof the CaliforniaHighway Patrol (2013) 213 Cal App (c) Numerous persons (d) See citedcases ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) Caltransis an administrative segment of the State of California, but the State epa rtment and gencies have been recognized as a separate entity for purposes of litigationSee, Templo State (2018) 24 Cal App. and cases cited therein; Greyhound Lines, Inc v Departmentof the California Highway Patrol (2013) 213 Cal App (c) Numerous persons (d) See citedcases ---------------------- ------------------------------------- (a) (b) CHPis an administrative segmentof the State of California,but the State epartments and gencies have been recognized as a separate entity for purposes of litigationSee, Templo v State(2018) 24 Cal App. and cases cited therein; Greyhound Lines, Inc v Department of theCalifornia Highway Patrol (2013) 213 Cal App (c) Numerous persons (d) See citedcases ------------------------------------------------------------ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ DEFENDANT CALTRANS’ RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS FORM INTERROGATORIES (SE HREE (a) (b) The document speaks for itself. (c) umerousperson (d) Govt Code §11150 ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) he TMC has a duty to notify Caltrans Maintenance when TMC personnel have been notified of damage to a Caltrans structure or facility but ot have such ty when it has not been notified of damageto Caltrans structure or facility (c) Tara Cabezud and others in CaltransTMC (d) one known ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) TMC staff includes only Caltrans personnel. Officers who work in the TMC do not port to Caltrans o their own rgeantThose officers are not CHP dispatch (c) Tara abezud and various persons in Caltrans; CHP Officers (d) None known ------------------------------------------------------------ (a) (b) Caltrans TMC staff did not know that the crash attenuatorlocated at southbound US 101 at the State Route 85 onramp wasdamaged on and after March 12, 2018.Had they been notified,the notification would be refl ected in the CHP dispatch log, but such a record does not exist. If CHP ispatch had notified the TMC, then the TMC would have acknowledge with 1039 DOTCC no such record exists. (c) Tara Cabezud and arious persons in Caltrans; CHP spatch (d) CHP dispatch records; TMC records ------------------------------------------------------------