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  • Lopez Magallon -v - General Motors, LLC et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview
  • Lopez Magallon -v - General Motors, LLC et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview
  • Lopez Magallon -v - General Motors, LLC et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview
  • Lopez Magallon -v - General Motors, LLC et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview


ORGINAL TIONNA DOLIN (SBN: 299010) ELIANA AMIRIAN (SBN: 34 1 094) STRATEGIC LEGAL PRACTICES, APC 1888 CENTURY PARK EAST, FLOOR 19 Los ANGELES, CA 90067 TELEPHONE: (3 10) 929-4900 CIVIL D'Ivi‘low W FACSIMILE: (3 10) 943-3838 COOQQUIAUJNt—I EMAIL: tdolin@slpattomey£om 35F 1 6 2022 sozozzzgmfi”! EMAIL: ’ « Iv Attorneys for Plaintiff, VERONICA e. ALICIA LOPEZ MAGALLON Z DEPUTY MARY ARENs MCBRIDE, ESQ. (SBN: 282459) RYAN KAY, ESQ. (SBN: 340354) 19910.00 ERSKINE LAW GROUP, PC 1576 N. BATAVIA STREET, SUITE A 92867 ORANGE, CA 92867 (FAx) TELEPHONE: (949) 777-6032 CA FACSIMILE: (7 14) 844-9035 EMAIL: PC ORANGE, 844-9035 EMAIL: GROUP, A, (714) Attorneys for Defendant, A8 SUITE | GENERAL MOTORS LLC LAW (pHoNE) XV:| STREET, SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ERSKINE 777—6032 COUNTY 0F SAN BERNARDINO BATAVIA N. (949) NNNNNNNNNHHHHHp—AHr—IHH ALICIA LOPEZ MAGALLON, CASE No.: CIVSB2111706 1576 Plaintiff, PROTECTIVE ORDER — CONFIDENTIAL AND HIGHLY OOQO‘xUIAUJNHOOOOQONU-Awldflo vs. CONFIDENTIAL DESIGNATIONS GENERAL MOTORS LLC; and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, Defendants. PROTECTIVE ORDER: CONFIDENTIAL AND HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED by and between the Parties to ALICIA LOPEZ MAGALLON v. GENERAL MOTORS LLC (hereinafter the “Parties”), by and through their respective counsel of record, that in order to facilitate the exchange of information and documents PAGE l 0F 14 PROTECTIVE ORDER which may be subject to confidentiality limitations on disclosure due to federal laws, state laws, and privacy rights, the Parties stipulate as follows: 1. In this Protective Order, the words set forth below shall have the following \OOOQQUI#UJNr—i meanings: a. “Proceeding” means the above-entitled proceeding CIVSB21 1 1706. b. “Court” means the Hon. Gilbert G. Ochoa, or any otherjudge to which this Proceeding may be assigned, including Court staffparticipating in such proceedings. c. “Confidential” means any Documents, Testimony, or Information which is in the possession of a Designating Party who believes in good faith that such Documents, 92867 (FAx) Testimony, or Information is entitled to confidential treatment under applicable law. CA d. “Confidential Materials” means any Documents, Testimony, or PC ORANGE, 844-9035 Information as defined below designated as “Confidential” pursuant to the provisions of this GROUP, A, (714) Protective Order. SUITE | LAW e. “Highly Confidential” means any information which belongs to a (pHoNE) STREET, Designating PaIty who believes in good faith that the Disclosure 0f such information to another ERSKINE 777—6032 NNNNNNNNNHr—IHp—tr—n—ar—ir—Ir—It—I Party or non-Pany would create a substantial risk of serious financial or other injury that cannot BATAVIA be avoided by less restrictive means. N. (949) 1576 f. “Highly Confidential Materials” means any Documents, Testimony, or OOVQUIAUJNv—‘OKOOOQQUIAUJNHO Information, as defined below, designated as “Highly Confidential” pursuant to the provisions of this Protective Order. g. “Designating Pany” means the Party that designates Documents, Testimony, or Information, as defined below, as “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential.” h. “Disclose” or “Disclosed” or “Disclosure” means to reveal, divulge, give, or make available Materials, or any part thereof, or any information contained therein. i. “Documents” means (i) any “Writing,” “Original,” and “Duplicate” as those terms are defined by California Evidence Code Sections 250, 255, and 260, which have been produced in discovery in this Proceeding by any person or entity, and (ii) any copies, PAGE 2 0F 14 PROTECTIVE ORDER