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  • Nicholas James Ryan v. Elizabeth S. Lustrin M.D., Christopher R. Wilkins M.D., Bhumika Balgobin M.D., Marlon Seliger M.D., Ajay K. Misra M.D., Suchismita Datta M.D., Nyu Langone Radiology Associates, Nyu Langone Ambulatory Care East Meadow, Advanced Neurological Services Of Long Island P.C., Nyu Emergency Medicine, Nyu Langone Hospital-Long Island f/k/a NYU WINTHROP HOSPITAL, Nyu Langone Health SystemTorts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview
  • Nicholas James Ryan v. Elizabeth S. Lustrin M.D., Christopher R. Wilkins M.D., Bhumika Balgobin M.D., Marlon Seliger M.D., Ajay K. Misra M.D., Suchismita Datta M.D., Nyu Langone Radiology Associates, Nyu Langone Ambulatory Care East Meadow, Advanced Neurological Services Of Long Island P.C., Nyu Emergency Medicine, Nyu Langone Hospital-Long Island f/k/a NYU WINTHROP HOSPITAL, Nyu Langone Health SystemTorts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/15/2023 12:24 PM INDEX NO. 614075/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/15/2023 Form 2 - AFFIDAVIT OF sERVICE P9934753 SIEGEL & COONERTY ESQ Vargas SUPREME COURT NASSAU COUNTY STAM OF NEW YORK NICHOLAS JAMES RYAN Index No. 614075/2023 PLAEN'-'LFF Date Filed - vs - Office No. 22-1139 ELI2;ABETH S. T.IISTRIN, M.D., ETAL Court Date. DEFEN"JANT STATE LïF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NASSAU :SS: SEAN CUNNINGHAM being dul y sworn, deposes and says; I am over 18 years of age, not a party to this a::tion,and reside in the State of New York. That on the 01ST day of SEPTEMBER 2023, 11:52AM at 200 OLD COUNTRY RD MINEOLA NY 11501 I served the SUMMONS AND VERIFIED COMPLAINT, BEARING INDEX NUMBER AND DATE FILED, CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO CPLR 3012A, NOTICE REGARDING AVAILABILITY OF ELECTRONIC FILING SUPREME COURT CASES, ATTORNEY'S VERIFICATION upon SUCHISMITA DATTA, M.D., the DEFENDANT, therein named by delivering and leaving a true copy or copies of the aforementioned documents with S. BEY (REFUSED FULL NAME), ADMINISTRATION, a person of suitable age and discretion. Jeponent describes the person served as aforesaid to the best of deponent's ability at the time and circumstances of the service as follows: SEX: FEMALE COLOR: BLACK HAIR: BLACK APP.AGE: 45 APP. HT: 5'8 APP. WT: 150 OTHER IDENTIFYING FEATURES On 09/08/2023 I deposited in the United States mail another true copy of the atorementioned documents properly enclosed and sealed in a post-paid wrapper addressed t:: the said DEFENDANT at the above address. That being the place of business of the DEFENDANT. C::py mailed 1sL class mail marked pers::nal and ?nfidential not indicating on the outside thereof by return address or otherwise that said notice is from an attorney or ccncerns an action against the person to be served. COMMENTS: That at the time of service, as aforesaid, I asked the person spoken to whether the DEFENDANT was in the military service of the United States Government, or of the State of New York, and received a negative reply. Upon information and belief based upon the conversation and observation as aforesaid I aver that the DEFENDANT is not in the military service, and is not dependent on anyone in the military rvice of the United States Government or the State of New York, as that term is def' d in statutes of the State of New York, or of the Federal Soldiers and Sailors ' 'an Relief Act. * Sworn to before me this 08TH d- ' of SEPTEMBER, 2023 S NING JEFFREY RUBELL 1 OADWA D FLOOR Notary Public, State of New York ORK, NY 10001 No. 01RU6216027 erence No: 3-SC1-9934753 Qualified in NASSAU COUNTY Commission Expires 01/11/2026 1 of 1