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  • Antonio J. Lapenta v. Eb Construction Group Llc, Engel BurmanTorts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview
  • Antonio J. Lapenta v. Eb Construction Group Llc, Engel BurmanTorts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview
  • Antonio J. Lapenta v. Eb Construction Group Llc, Engel BurmanTorts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview
  • Antonio J. Lapenta v. Eb Construction Group Llc, Engel BurmanTorts - Other Negligence (Labor Law) document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/13/2023 11:36 AM INDEX NO. 614332/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/13/2023 $UPREME COURT COUNTF OF TBOF NEW YORK J E.K. . STATEMENT0F AUTHORIZATION FOR ELECTRONIC F1150 . Olanaging Attontey Authorizing Filing Agent Entity) I, , F49,d neging attorney of/ n on No. ) em the Vi¾he of e-filing for s L an . w (the "Firm') Eepresent thatthiittorneys in hereby acknowledge and El who are authoried t sers of the ronic New York State R EF").beteby authorize any employee of the behs).f and at th possesses a NYSCEF Sing agent 1D to file directioà, as a Bling agent, in documents on counsel of record through any e-fued inatter in whleh NYSOEF, as provided in Seedon they are Trial Courts. son,8-h of the Uniform Rules for the This authorization extenda to any consensual previously consented to metter in which these e-filing or may hereaf ter consent, att0rneys have · they have recorded their to.any mandatory matter in which agent to record consent orrepresentation, and to any matter in which they authorize the filing representation in the NYSCEF system. This authorization extends to any and all documents submit to the filing.agent these ttorneys generate and for Sing in NYSCEF website as to each any such matter. This matter in which these attomers authorization, posted once on the deemed to are counsel of accompany any deemnent in that matter sed record, shall be Attorneys. by the filing agent on behalf of these Where a document intended for filing includei Filing Rules, the secureinformation as set forth in the F attorney will notify the docuinent Bra1m in the filing agent and direct the NYSCEF system. These filing agent to mark that view such Seeme attorneys further documents that they have filed or that mithorize the filing agent to . agent for filing in any such matter. they generate and submit to the filing This authorization.also extends to matters of either by debiting an account payment, whicli the the filing agent filing agent may make taine with the e-thg county or by debiting Cork of any authorized an account Pirm maintains with County authorized eviling county. the Cotmty Clerk of.say This authorization re ng this filing agent shall continue authortation until the Firm revokes ting on rescribed form delivered to the the Efiling Resource Center, Dated: City, State and in code . P ame Phone 1 of 2 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/13/2023 11:36 AM INDEX NO. 614332/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/13/2023 . . Street ddtess 2 of 2