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  • Stillwater Premier Bengals LLC vs Ryan Lee Conciliation document preview
  • Stillwater Premier Bengals LLC vs Ryan Lee Conciliation document preview


27-CO-23-409 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota ConciliationState Court of Minnesota Fourth Judicial District 4/5/2023 2:49 PM ' Hennepin County ;' _ Case Number: 27-CO—23-409 I Case Type: Conciliation Stillwater Premier Bengals LLC vs Ryan Lee Order for Judgment on Claim and/or Counterclaim ,K]Plaintiff D efendant l E] Contested Appearances: J {\ 1y "W ,. Lune/$.11", 1 earance [XlDefault V \IV l\J(_./\ Appearances: [:1 Plaintiff 2 [:1 Defendant 2 E] Contested E] Default Upon evidence received, IT IS ORDERED: CLAHVI: El Plaintiff has not demonstrated an entitlement to relief and recovers zero. CLAIM: -_Plaintiff for $ (RS\ QC 7 #9 is entitled to iudgment against defendant # \7 \ plus $1 _, ' fees of $ plus service fees of $ , for a JUDGMENT OF 33 \033 .ciS . COUNT IERCLAIlVI: El Defendant# is entitled to judgment against plaintiff # for $2 plus fees of $ , plus service , fees of $ , for a JUDGl\/IENT OF $ OFFSET: $ awarded to Plaintiff / Defendant El REPLEVIN: 7 shall immediately return to the and that the Sheriff of the county in which the property is located IS authorized and directed to effect repossession of such property according to Minn. Stat § 491A. 01, subd 5, and turn the property over to [I s claim 15 dismissed without prejudice as to E] 7:; , 5 claim IS dismissed with prejudice as to , . , ,- ,, D An Affidavit of Inability to Pay and/or an In F orma Pauperis Order is/are on file 1n this case. Upon satisfaction of the judgment ordered herein - 7 shall pay $ out of the money recovered to Conciliation Court as reimbursement for fees and costs waived. ~~ 7 , DO'H—IER " ' ' ,, . ,,,, , A . ,,,, /W _ II I I ll ,,, 7 Dated: AER 0 527023 . Referee:'1 l l/VA/ i JUDGMENT is declared and entered as stated in the Court's Order for Judgment set forth above, and the Judgment shall become finally effective on the date specified in the notice ofjudgment set forth below. NOTICE. THE PARTIES ARE NOTIFIED that Judgment has been entered as indicated above, but the Judgment is stayed by law until MAY 0112023.(t0 allow time for an appeal/removal if desired). THE PARTIES ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that if the case is removed to District Court and the removing party does not prevail as provided 1n Rule 524 of the Minnesota General Rules of Practice for the District Courts the opposing party will be awarded $50 as costs Dated: APR 0 5 2m CouIt Administrator/Deputy: