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  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxx v. Ottomanelli Bros., Inc. D/B/A Ottomanelli Bros., John Doe 1Torts - Other (False Advertising) document preview
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxx v. Ottomanelli Bros., Inc. D/B/A Ottomanelli Bros., John Doe 1Torts - Other (False Advertising) document preview
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxx v. Ottomanelli Bros., Inc. D/B/A Ottomanelli Bros., John Doe 1Torts - Other (False Advertising) document preview
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxx v. Ottomanelli Bros., Inc. D/B/A Ottomanelli Bros., John Doe 1Torts - Other (False Advertising) document preview
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxx v. Ottomanelli Bros., Inc. D/B/A Ottomanelli Bros., John Doe 1Torts - Other (False Advertising) document preview
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxx v. Ottomanelli Bros., Inc. D/B/A Ottomanelli Bros., John Doe 1Torts - Other (False Advertising) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/08/2023 02:49 PM INDEX NO. 154675/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 16 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/08/2023 EXHIBIT C FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/08/2023 02:49 PM INDEX NO. 154675/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 16 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/08/2023 2-7900 MB NEAT sus 50 COOKINGracHoo NOPRESERVATIVES, NOARTIFICIAL COLORS ORFLAVORS. DOESNOTCONTAINNUTS. NETWT.12 0Z. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/08/2023 02:49 PM INDEX NO. 154675/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 16 AUTHElmC HOGRENADE REQ PES RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/08/2023 Calories 180 The OttomaneBi f==h has been in we foodfbasiness in Manh=**== since 1900. r:eanw s As in & and long-cuablished 5ª" °ª SG 2 .eRene is one odeas serv-s a ae cheesteror 2: turning point 4tr generation Aa* skes the best Sodian 340nig 14 of its drops olde-world TotalCarbohydrates14g 5 fegacy, inhibiting caution and responds to DietaryFiber2g 8 imaginatively the demands of the marketplace. mai sugarsog Protein8g I VitaminA 10% . . VitaminC 2% Calcium 15% t.i Iron 6% . . *The% DailyValue(DV)tellsyou howmucha nutrientin a serving . Q T offoodcontributesto a dailydiet. 2,000caloriesa day is usedfor generalnutritionadvice. Ingredients:Extrafancydurumwheat(wheat oo oo fü)M 0) @ 3ÌIi 5 flour,niacin,reducediron,thiamin,monitrate, @ Â Iâ BBB©MlE1} riboflavin,folicacid),water,eggsimpastata 9 pasteurized wholermlk starter,salt),Ricotta n 8 Û L@ @ 7 =! Thm89 @ pasteurized wholemilk start,milk),Pecorino @ M SBE@7 Î $,MBS { II ©îf I) @ ffr e°nTyTe re'liÈ(TasTe°uedwh le negar a M£Ô1M ) M8%i Î E89 if©y 9 %E @R D ( flih andhannilase),Parmesan(cow'smilk,cheese & Ñ } W 93 ibil AES 97 IfÈM2BB 0 ifBRS@ culture,saltandenzymes).SauceIngredients: Crushedtomatoes(freshtomatoesandsalt), Canolaoil,onions,garlic,saltandpepper. . Contains:Egg,milk,soy,wheat.