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  • Mariner Finance, Llc v. Michael ShanleyOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Mariner Finance, Llc v. Michael ShanleyOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Mariner Finance, Llc v. Michael ShanleyOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Mariner Finance, Llc v. Michael ShanleyOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview


FILED: GENESEE COUNTY CLERK 02/06/2023 09:26 AM INDEX NO. E70278 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/06/2023 - New York State Unified Court System t %, UCS-CCR1 (04/2022) Additional Notice of Lawsuit Page 1 of 2 nycourthelp.qov Name of Court: SUPREME County: GENESEE Street Address: COUNTY.BLDG. 1, 15 MAIN STREET City, State, Zip Code: BATAVIA, NY 14020 Name of Defendant: MICHAEL SHANLEY Defendant Address: C/O LIBERTY PUMPS, 7000 APPLE TREE AVE., BERGEN, NY 14416 Plaintiff: MARINER FINANCEr LLC Defendant: MICHAEL SHANLEŽ Original Creditor: MARINER FINANCE LLC Index Number: E70278 Attention: a lawsuit has been filed against you claiming that you owe money for an unpaid consumer debt. You inay wish to contact an attorney "answer" You should respond to the awsuit as soon as possible by filing an which may be done at the court clerk's office listed above. If you do not respond to the lawsuit, the court may enter a money judgment against you. Once entered, a judgment is good and can be used against you for years, and your personal twenty property and money, including a portion of your paycheck and/or bañk account, may be taken from you. Also, a judgment may affect your credit score and can affect your ability to rent a home, find a job, or take put a loan. You CANNOT be arrested or sent to jail for owing a debt. Additional information can be found at the New York State Court System website. Sources of information and assistance: The court encourages you to iriform yourself about your options an a defendant in this lawsuit. In addition to seeking assistance from a private attorney or legal aid office, there aresfree legal assistance computer programs that you can use online to help you represent yourself in this lawsuit. For further information, or to locate a legal aid progràm near you, you may visit the LawHelpNY website or the New York State Cpurt System website, whibh has information for representing yourself and links to other resources at: https://www.nycourts.qov/courthelp/MoneyProblems/wheritouOwe.shtnhi. b( FILED GENESEE CD CLERK 2023 FEB6 AM9:13 " ADA Accommodations . Spðken or Sign Language Interpreters ada@nycourts.qov " 212-428-2760. interpreter@nycourts.qov " 646-386-5670 1 of 2 FILED: GENESEE COUNTY CLERK 02/06/2023 09:26 AM INDEX NO. E70278 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/06/2023 New York State Urtified Court System UCS-CCR1 (04/2022) . Notificación Adicional de Demanda Page 2.of 2 0 nycourthelp.qov Tribunal: SUPREME Condado: GENESEE Dirección: COUNTY BLDG. 1, 15.MAIN STREET Ciudad, estado, Código ríostal: BATAVIA, NY 14020 Nombre de la parte demandada: MICHAEL SHANLEY Dirección C/O LIBERTY PUMPS, 7000 APPLE TREE AVE.,.BER EN, NY 1. Parte Demandante: MARINER FINANCE LLC Parte Demandada: . MìCHAEL SHANLEY Acreedor Original: MARINER FINANCE LLC . Número de causa: E70278 Atención: Se ha entablado uná demanda en su contra reclamándole una deuda de consumo. Si quiere, consulte con uri ábogado. "contestación" Conteste a la demanda lo antes posible al entablar una en la secretaría del tribunal arriba mencionado. El tribunal podría emitir un fallo monetario en su contra si no contesta la demanda. Una vez que se emita el fallo, este teIdrá validez y podría usarse en su contra.por 20 años y le podrían quitar sus bienes personales y dinero, incluso una porción de su sueldo.y/o cuenta bancaria. También, un fallo monetario podría afectarle su puntuación crediticia y podría impactar su capacidad para alquilar una viviendá, conseguir empleo, o solicitar un préstamo. NO se le arrestará ni encarcelará por deudas. Para más información visite la página web del Sistema de los Tribunales del estado de Nueva York. Fuentes de información y ayudà: . El trib.unal le anima a informarse acerca de las opciones disponible como persona demaridada. Adernás de buscar ayuda con abogados privados o la oficina de ayuda legal, sepa .que existen programas de computadora de asesoría legal, en línea; e su disposición si se representará por derecho propio en esta demanda. Para más información, o para localizar un programa de asesoría legal cercano a usted, visite la página web LawHelpNY o la·página web del Sistema de los Tribunales del estado de Nueva York que ofrece información y enlaces para recursos de representación por derecho propio https://www.nycourts.qov/courthelp/MoneyProblems/whenYduOwe.shtml. ADA Accommodations Spoken. or Sign Language Interpreters C ada@nycourts.qov " 212-428-2760 interpreter@nycourts.qov " 646-386-5670 2 of 2