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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Document Scanning Lead Sheet Aug-29-2017 8:57 am Case Number: PTR-17-301171 Filing Date: Aug-29-2017 8:55 Filed by: MIRA YUZON Image: 06004033 SUBSTITUTED JUDGMENT TRUST AGREEMENT IN RE: MARILYN SILVERMAN-BALLONOFF REVOCABLE TRUST 001P06004033 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned.G. FRANCHESCA CALLEJO Attorney at Law 2140 Shattuck Avenue, #803, Berkeley, CA 94704 om dD Dn nH © °o G. Franchesca Calllejo, CSB#088028 Attomey at Law Wells Fargo Building, 2140 Shattuck Ave. #803 FI LE D Berkeley, CA 94704-1229 ‘San Francisco County Superior Court (510) 526-7209 feallejn@sboglobal net AUG 2.9 2017 CLER| COURT Attorney for Conservator BY. Thomas A. Lucas Deputy Clerk SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO prp-17-3014 | In re the ) Case No. ) Companion Case No. P CN-12-295409 MARILYN SILVERMAN- ) BALLONOFF REVOCABLE ) COPY OF ORDER FOR SUBSTITUTED TRUST ) JUDGMENT AUTHORIZING CONSERVATOR ) TO EXECUTE REVOCABLE TRUST, TO ) TRANSFER CERTAIN ASSETS TO ) TRUSTEE AND TO EXECUTE ) POUR OVER WILL ) ) Attached hereto is a true copy of the Order referenced above in Case No. PCN-12-295409 with a copy of the trust and will approved therein and executed by Conservator on August 24th, 2017. Dated: August 28th, 2017 . ¢Franchesca Callejo Attorney for Mr. Lucas -1- Copy of Order for Substituted JudgmentG. FRANCHESCA CALLEJO Attomey at Law Mills Tower, 220 Bush St, #1650, S.F. CA 94104 oe ta Aw PF WN vet a A Ww BB WN —§ OO 18 © ° G, Prenchana Caltqio, CSBI0RR028 Attorney ot Lares Wells Fargo Building, 2140 Shattuck Ave. #803 coma : F I L E D ah Franoleco County Superior Court AUG 172017 Attomey for Conservator Thomas A. Lucas CLERK OF THE COURT BY: nk SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO In re the Conservatorship of the ) Case No. PCN-12-295409 person and estate of ) ) ORDER FOR SUBSTITUTED JUDGMENT MARILYN SILVERMAN- ) AUTHORIZING CONSERVATOR TO BALLONOFF aka MARILYN ) EXECUTE REVOCABLE TRUST, TO BALLONOFF ) TRANSFER CERTAIN ASSETS TO ) TRUSTEE AND TO EXECUTE ) POUR OVER WILL ) PROBATE CODE §§2580(b)\(11) and (b)(13) ) —-______Comservatees____) Date: 08/15/2017 9:00 a.m. Dept. 204 The petition of Thomas A. Lucas, conservator of the person and estate of MARILYN SILVERMAN-BALLONOFF aka MARILYN BALLONOFF, for substituted judgment to execute a revocable trust, to transfer assets to trustee and to execute a pour over will on behalf of the conservatee came on regularly for hearing this date before the Hon Peter J. Busch, Judge presiding. Conservator Thomas A. Lucas appeared by his attorney G. Franchesca Calléjo. No one appeared in opposition. After examining the petition and hearing the evidence, the Court finds: 1; All notices of hearing have been given as required by law. 2. The conservatee is not opposed to the proposed actions. “1. Order for Substituted Judgment Case No. PCN-12-295409G. FRANCHESCA CALLEJO Attomey at Law Mills Tower, 220 Bush St, #1650, SF. CA 94104 oe QR DA HW F YN eet on AW es YH | OO 19 © ° 3. The proposed actions are consistent with the conservatee’s wishes and the documents to be executed have been prepared by the conservatee’s court appointed attomey Mary Gemma O’Keeffe. The proposed trust has been modified to address the concerns of the court conceming the requirement for court supervision of certain actions by Trustee and clearly naming the Trustee. The Court therefore grants the petition and orders as follows: 1. Thomas A. Lucas, as conservator of the estate of Marilyn Silverman-Ballonoff aka Marilyn Ballonoff, is authorized to execute the MARILYN SILVERMAN-BALLONOFF REVOCABLE TRUST under PC§2580(b)(11) inthe form attached as Exhibit A, 2. Thomas A. Lucas, as conservator of the estate of Marilyn Silverman-Ballonoff aka Marilyn Ballonoff, is authorized to execute the will on behalf of Marilyn Silverman-Ballonoff under PC§2580(b)(13) in the form attached as Exhibit B; 3. Thomas A. Lucas, as conservator of the estate of Marilyn Silverman-Ballonoff aka Marilyn Ballonoffi, is authorized to transfer the following existing assets to himself as Trustee that were listed in Exhibit C to the petition of the Trust, a. Funds on deposit with Wells Fargo Bank Checking account #XXX1928; b. Funds on deposit with Citibank, accounts #s XXX1026, 2203, 7703 and 9474; c. Funds on deposit with First Republic Bank account XXX 1842; d. Promissory Notes from Louis Lipset dated 12/15/2008 and 3/1/2010, principal balances of $300,000.00 and $234,707.00 respectively; e. The conservatee’s monthly income from all sources, including social security, retirement benefits and payments on promissory notes from Louis Lipset. f. Funds ordered to be returned to the conservatorship estate by Selene Ballonoff in the sum of $343,138.76 per statement of decision filed herein on October 11th, 2016, as they are collected by Petitioner; -2- Order for Substituted Judgment Case No. PCN-12-295409~ oe dN A we WN G. FRANCHESCA CALLEJO Attomey at Law Mills Tower, 220 Bush St, #1650, SF. CA 94104 © ° 4. Bond is ordered in the sum of $909,000.00. boas — ——— ae “Tides of Gs SiperiorGout—— 5. A staps Leaving bhall be at fe ajeela pw jin a copy of thia order; bmd + The ame ted Lop bred a nw 6 Oar Vb oe. » The Trustees feat ACCOUNT FOR THE PERIOD 8/ -F (MUST BE ON FILE BY. ses See la 7. The Twstee'« seamel aeeomt perisd wil be adjusted fo Syne it With tle emiervatsshys reviews. Lc Siqnehve qoelows lost attachment ] 3. Order for Substituted Judgment Case No, PCN-12-298409THE MARILYN SILVERMAN-BALLONOFF REVOCABLE TRUST THIS TRUST, known as THE MARILYN SILVERMAN-BALLONOFF REVOCABLE TRUST, Ils executed by MARILYN SILVERMAN-BALLONOFF aka MARILYN SILVERMAN, by and through her court-appointed Conservator, THOMAS A. LUCAS, as “Trustor," and THOMAS A. LUCAS as “Trustee.” ARTICLE |. TRUST PROPERTY. The Trustor has caused, or will cause, the conveyance and transfer to the Trustee of all the property described in Schedule “A" attached hereto, and the Trustee accepts such property for the purposes and on the conditions hereinafter set forth. Trustor may from time to time assign, transfer, deliver, bequeath and devise additional property through the Trust, to be held and administered, subject to all the terms and conditions of this Trust. ARTICLE Hl. DISTRIBUTIONS DURING LIFETIME OF TRUSTOR. During the lifetime of the Trustor, the Trustee may pay to or apply for the benefit of the Trustor all of the net Income, in monthly or other convenient instalments. In addition, the Trustee shall pay to or apply for the benefit of the Trustor so much of the principal as the Trustee shall, from time to time, deem necessary for the support, care and maintenance of the Trustor. ARTICLE Ill, DISTRIBUTION ON DEATH OF TRUSTOR. Upon the death of MARILYN SILVERMAN-BALLONOFF, the Trustee shall distribute the balance remaining in the Trust Estate to SELENE BALLONOFF, daughter of Trustor, or if she should be deceased, then to the heirs at law of Trustor. 10f5© 9 ARTICLE IV. COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA RULE OF COURT 7.903. Notwithstanding any provisions herein to the contrary, the following provisions shall apply to this Trust, in compliance with California Rule of Court 7.903: 1. This Trust Is subject to the continuing jurisdiction of the court, and is subject to court supervision. 2. This Trust shall not be modified or revoked without prior court approval. 3. All investments are prohibited by the Trustee except those permitted under Probate Code Section 2574. , 4. The Trustee must post bond in the amount required under Probate Code Section 2320 et seq. 5. The Trustee shall file accounts and reports for court approval in the manner and frequency required by Probate Code Sections 1060 et seq. and 2620 et seq. 6. The court must approve any change in Trustee, and a court must appoint any Successor Trustee. 7. The Trustee and the Trustee's attorneys shall be entitled to just and reasonable compensation in amounts fixed and allowed by the court. 8. Sale of Trust real property shall require prior court approval and is subject to court supervision. 9. The Trustee shall provide for the Trustor's needs without regard to the Interest of any remainder or contingent beneficiary. 10. The Trustee shall obtain court authority prior to making any gifts on behalf of the Trustor. ARTICLE Vi. CALIFORNIA LAW TO APPLY. This Trust shall be governed and controlled by the laws of the State of California. 20f5© ° ARTICLE V. TRUSTEE. Thomas A. Lucas shall serve as Trustee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MARILYN SILVERMAN-BALLONOFF, by and through her Conservator, THOMAS A. LUCAS, as Trustor, and THOMAS A. LUCAS, as Trustee, has executed this Revocable Living Trust on this 24 day of Cian MAN-BALLONOFF - Trustor AS A. LUCAS, Conservator A. LUCAS - Trustee 3of5© ° A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate Is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, ) A On this, the +t day of A “a aust 2017, before 3 me, Mow A A Abate a Notary Public, personally appeared THOMAS A. LUCAS, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. | certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. MARK A. ABATE WITNESS my hand and official seal. j Notary Public» California sess San Francisco County 2NCZS7 commission # 2151492 Dik A AGL. 4o0t5 My Comm. Expites Apr 30, 2020 Zz z zAN © ° SCHEDULE "A"(THE MARILYN SILVERMAN-BALLONOFF TRUST) 1. Funds on deposit with Wells Fargo Bank Checking account #XXX1928 2. Funds on deposit with Citlbank, accounts #s XXX1026, 2203, 7703 and 9474, 12/31/16 3. Funds on deposit with First Republic Bank account XXX 1842 4. Promissory Notes from Louis Lipset dated 12/15/2008 and 3/1/2010, principal balances of $300,000.00 and $234,707.00 respectively. 5. The conservatee's monthly income from all sources, including social security, retirement benefits and payments on promissory notes from Louis Lipset. 6. Funds ordered to be returned to the conservatorship estate by Selene Ballonoff in the sum of $343, 138.76 per statement of decision filed herein on October 11th, 2016, as they are collected by Petitioner. any other-efter-discoverec-assets-of the-eenserratee thatceme-tnte-the— knewlecdge-ene-pessession-of eemervaterthomes Ar Lucas— Sof 5LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF MARLYN SILVERMAN-BALLONOFF |, MARILYN SILVERMAN-BALLONOFF, a resident of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, declare this to be my Last Will and Testament. FIRST; | hereby revoke all former Wills and Codicils to Wills made by me. SECOND: I declore thatlama single woman, and that | have one child now living, whose name is SELENE BALLONOFF. THIRD: All of my estate, of whatever kind, character or description and wheresoever situated, | hereby give, devise and bequeath to the Trustee under the Marilyn Sierman-Bailonoff Trust dated fccye LA 20f Ek _, otwnich | am the Trustor. | direct that the residue of my estate shall be added to, administered and distributed as part of that Trust, according to the terms of the Trust and any amendment made to it before my death. To the extent permitted by law, it is not my Intent to create a separate Trust by thls Will or to subject the Trust or the property added to It by this Will to the jurisdiction of the probate court, except to the extent provided for in the Trust mentioned above. If the disposition in this Paragraph THIRD Is not operative or Is invalid for any reason, or if the Trust referred to In this Paragraph THIRD fails or has been revoked, then | hereby Incorporate by reference the terms of that Trust, as executed previously without giving effect to any amendments made subsequently, and | bequeath and devise thent © 3° residue of my estate to the Successor Trustee(s) named in the Trust, to be held, administered and distributed as provided in that instrument. FOURTH: | direct that any Inheritance, estate, or other death taxes that may by reason of my death be attributable to my probate estate, or any portion of it, or to any property or transfers of property outside my probate estate, shall be pald by my Executor out of the residue of my estate disposed of by this Will, without adjustment among the residuary beneficiaries, and shall not be charged against or collected from any beneficiary of my probate estate, or from any transferee or beneficiary of any property outside my probate estate. FIFTH: | hereby nominate and appoint THOMAS A. LUCAS, as Executor of this Will, to serve without bond. If said THOMAS A. LUCAS should for any reason fall to quallfy as Executor, or should cease to act as Executor, then and In such event | request that a court-appointed private professional fiduciary be named as Executor of this Will, to serve without bond. | authorize my Executor to sell any property belonging to my estate, at either public or private sale, either with or without notice, subject-to such confirmation as may be required by law, and to hold, manage, iease and operate any such property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MARLYN SLVERMANBALLOHOEE he teri We petson and named, have to this, aay Last Will and Testament, hereunto set my hand this a coy of Roars, Z°/F _ pursuant to ae Deda Subshbied Rud B-13-14 im’ the Ser Fram Aoctce Spevio Csuct dls:Cc Q Thomas A. Lucas, on behalf of MARILYN SILVERMAN-BALLONOFF, the testator above named, dectared to us, the undersigned, that this Instrument, consisting of three {3) pages, Including this page signed by us as witnesses, was the testator's Will and requested us to act as witnesses to It. The testator hereupon signed this Will in our Presence and In the presence of each of us. The testator, an adult over 18 years of age, appears to us to be of sound mind, and we have no knowledge of any facts indicating that this instrument or any part of It was procured by duress, menace, fraud, or undue influence. We now, at the testator's request, in the testator's presence, and in the presence of each other, subscribe our names as witnesses. We declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on hgeee rt, te/ Lat San Francisco, California. ee ee 4b. Residing at ‘2! Kévere Are. San Fiance cp CA 24124 fro - Residing at J_iat fT Shr Frasscirs A SUNY,