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  • Bethpage Federal Credit Union, v. Maria Williams A/K/A MARIA E. WILLIAMS, Timothy Williams A/K/A TIMOTHY M. WILLIAMS, Bethpage Federal Credit Union, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Capital One, National Association, SUCCESSOR TO GREENPOINT BANK,, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12 the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Bethpage Federal Credit Union, v. Maria Williams A/K/A MARIA E. WILLIAMS, Timothy Williams A/K/A TIMOTHY M. WILLIAMS, Bethpage Federal Credit Union, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Capital One, National Association, SUCCESSOR TO GREENPOINT BANK,, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12 the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Bethpage Federal Credit Union, v. Maria Williams A/K/A MARIA E. WILLIAMS, Timothy Williams A/K/A TIMOTHY M. WILLIAMS, Bethpage Federal Credit Union, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Capital One, National Association, SUCCESSOR TO GREENPOINT BANK,, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12 the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Bethpage Federal Credit Union, v. Maria Williams A/K/A MARIA E. WILLIAMS, Timothy Williams A/K/A TIMOTHY M. WILLIAMS, Bethpage Federal Credit Union, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Capital One, National Association, SUCCESSOR TO GREENPOINT BANK,, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12 the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Bethpage Federal Credit Union, v. Maria Williams A/K/A MARIA E. WILLIAMS, Timothy Williams A/K/A TIMOTHY M. WILLIAMS, Bethpage Federal Credit Union, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Capital One, National Association, SUCCESSOR TO GREENPOINT BANK,, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12 the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Bethpage Federal Credit Union, v. Maria Williams A/K/A MARIA E. WILLIAMS, Timothy Williams A/K/A TIMOTHY M. WILLIAMS, Bethpage Federal Credit Union, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Capital One, National Association, SUCCESSOR TO GREENPOINT BANK,, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12 the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Bethpage Federal Credit Union, v. Maria Williams A/K/A MARIA E. WILLIAMS, Timothy Williams A/K/A TIMOTHY M. WILLIAMS, Bethpage Federal Credit Union, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Capital One, National Association, SUCCESSOR TO GREENPOINT BANK,, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12 the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Bethpage Federal Credit Union, v. Maria Williams A/K/A MARIA E. WILLIAMS, Timothy Williams A/K/A TIMOTHY M. WILLIAMS, Bethpage Federal Credit Union, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Capital One, National Association, SUCCESSOR TO GREENPOINT BANK,, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12 the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint,Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/26/2023 01:36 PM INDEX NO. 615537/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/26/2023 NASSAU COUNTY CLERES OFFICE ENDORSEMENT COVER PAGE Recorded Date: 09-06-2001 Record and Return Tot Recorded Times 11:18:31 a BETKPAGE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION ATTN: MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT Liber Book: M 21361 P.O. BOX 127 Pages From1 511 BETMPAGE, NY 11714 To: 520 Control Nuntber: 605 Ref 4: CS 031064 Doc Typer MF2 Mort-FCU2-MF2 Location: Section Block Lot Unit NEMPSTEAD (2820) 0054 00483-00 00021 Consideration Amount: 40,000.00 Taxes Total 275.00 Recording Totals 52.00 TEM001 Total Payment 327.00 THIS PAGE IS NOW PART OF THE INSTRUMENT AND SHOULD NOT BE REMOVED KAREN V. MURPHY COUNTY CLERK RINAAAAREMERRA 2001090b00b05 G FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/26/2023 01:36 PM INDEX NO. 615537/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/26/2023 (Space Above This Line Por Recordl Data) MORTGAG (OPEN-END CREDIT - FUrURE ADVANCES SECURED) WORDS USED OFTEN IN THIS DOCUMENT 08/08/2001 .-- (A) 'Sectrity fretrument". This Document which is daled , w be called the "Security Irmtrurnent". (B) "Borrowr". MARIA W1LLIAMS TIMOTHY WILLIAM5 $o$7 3rowe-r Age., Òc.emsWe Al " Borrower" " ou" or " Y our". sometimes will be ca]]ed and sometinus simply Y or ammodation which exists unar (C) 'Lendet".Bethpage Federal Credit Union will be miled "Lender". Leader is a corporatbn the lave d The UnitedStates of America. Lander's address is 2993outh Oyster Bay Road, Bathpage, NY 11714. (D) "Credit Line". The Credit Line Account Agreement signed by Borrower and dated 08/D8/2001 , will be called the 'Credit Liner. Under the terrre of the Credit Line Borromr twil from time 10 time, obtairt advances not to exceest at em aggpagate amome equal to the Mex1mum Czdit Litrát (as defined of any time, theretn) FORTY THOUSAND AND 00/00 Dollars (U:S $40,000,00 ) plus interest. Y ou ham promised to pay this &bt in mordbly payments and to pay the debtin ft41 by JULY 31, 2031 " The that is descrmed below in the sectbn titled "Descrlysian of the Property", will In caUed the (E) Property'. property "Property". Property" (P) "Surns Secom#. The ammnts descr@ed below in the section titled "Borrowers Tansfer to Lerder of Rights in the sometimes will be called the "Sums Secure&. " Person" govemmental or other party. {G) "Person". The word meare any larsort organizatim authority SORROWSR'S TO LENDER TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROFERTY You mortpge, and grant tir Property to Lehr vulgect to the terrrs of this Security hatrument. Thfs rnsarm that, by cmvey this Istrument, You are Lender those rights that are stated in tids Security instrument and also those rights signing Security giving that the law giws to lenders who hold mortgaps on real property. You are giving Lender these rights to protect Lander from possible Iosses that might rmult if You fall ttx owe Lander under the Credit Line: (A) Pay all the amounts that You provision 6 of this Security hatnanent to proscet the value of the (B) Pay, whh interest, any ammmts that Lender spergh un&r and landsta rights in the Property; and poperty agreements under this Security Irstrumett ard the Credit Lke (C) Keep all of Your other promists and FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/26/2023 01:36 PM INDEX NO. 615537/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/26/2023 DR8ERIFHON OF THE PROPERTY You ve Lender ri to in the Property described in (A) through (G) below (A) Property w Sch fs located at 301T BROWER AVE. , OCEANBlDE , |qew ye 11572 0 (Cth (Zip Q xh) Thl fa ht NASSAU County. It has the following legal 49eription: Proparty District Section 64 stock 483 I t 21 "A" SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE All ard other that are locatedon the Proprty describedin subparagraph (A) of this section; ( All other that You haw as owner of the property descr ed in athparagrap (A) of this setion These rights ( rights " oppurtenemes attaclwl to the Proprty"; am known as ( An that Y ou hnw In the land which Eas in the streets or roads in front of, or next 10, the Property descrmed in (A) of this section: that are now or in its future will be on the decribed in subparagra (A) and (B) of this section; All of the rights and goperty Ascribedin (E) of this sectkm t You acqufm in de fuhat ard All reprerrerds of or addinors 10 the Pro1xrty subparagrapis (B) throgh (F) of this section TO MORTGAGE THE PROPERTY AND BORROWERS OBuGATION TO DEFEND BORROWER'8 IUGHT OWNEREMP OF THE PROPERTY and convey the Property You omise that: (A) You lawfdly own the Property; (b) You have the right to anigage, grant FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/26/2023 01:36 PM INDEX NO. 615537/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/26/2023 . EXHIBIT A AU; THAT CERTAIN Pllyf, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THER BON ERECTED, Sn1JATE, LY ING AND BEING AT OCEANSIDE, TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD, COUN TY OF NASSAU AND STATE OF NEW YORK, KNOWN AS AND BY PARTS OF LOtS 6 AND 7 )N BIDCK 4B3 AS SHOWN ON A CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED, BROOK. P ARK, ADDITION NO. 1, OCEANSIDE TOWN OF HBMPSTEAD, NASSAU COUNTY, N.Y., DATED AUGUST 28, 1946 BY CARMAN-DUNNE INC., AND FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF NASSAU ON NOVEMBER 7, 1946 UNDER TH E FILE NO. 4632, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDHD AND DESCREBED AS FOLLO W S B1!GINNINGAT A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF BROW ER AVENUE DISTANT 149.50 FEET W ESTERLY FROM THE CORNER FORMED BY THE INTERSECTION OF NORTHERLY S1DE OF BROW ER AVENUE WITH THE WESTERLY SIDE OF HARDING STREET;. RUNNING THENCE Al,0NO THE NORTHIRLY SIDE OF BROW ER AVENUE NORTH 66 DEOREES 29 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 54,50 FEET; ITIENCE NORTH 23 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 95 94 FBET; THENCE SOUTH 66 DEGREES 30 MINOTES EAST 54,50 FEER THENCE SOUTH 23 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 95.96 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF BROWER AVENUE. AT THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNINO. SAID PREMISES BEING KNOWN AS AND BY THE STREET ADDRESS 3057 BROWER AVENUR, OCEANSIDE, NEW YORK 11372. THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THIS MORTGAGE 18 OR Wil£ UE IMPROVED BY A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWE1.L1NG ONLY. M-204 (REV. 3/95) FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/26/2023 01:36 PM INDEX NO. 615537/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/26/2023 arxt (C) there are no owstanding claime or charges against the Paperty, except for those which are of public record ou give a general warranty of iltle to tankr. This means that You wm be fully reponsible for any lases which Lender suf fers because someone other than You has some of the rights in the hoperty which You pomise that You have. You promise that You w$ defend Your ownership of the Property agalret any claims of suchrights. PLAIN LANGUAGE SECURITY INSTRUMENT This Security Instrument contains promises and agreements that are used in real proprty security instrumerts all over the country. It'also codates other prom(sS and agreements that vary, to a limited extent, in different parts of the country, Your gomises and language" abeements are stated In "plain , CDVENANTS You promise and You agree with Imbr es follome L BORROWER'S PROMISE TO PAY You will pay to Lender on time principl and interent due unkr the Credt Line and any fees and charge to inthe the Credit Line. 2. AFFLICATION OF BORROWER'S PAYMENTS Unless the law requires otherwise, Lender wl!l appy each d Your payments as called for under the Credit Line. 3. BORROWER's OBLIGATION TO FAY CHARGES, ASSESSMENTS AND CLAIMSYou wilt py all taxes, assasarmats, water frortage chaps and otlwr similar charps, sewer rents, and any other charges and fines that may be imposed on the Paperty and that may be superior to this Security Instrunet You will also make paynents due tuder Your lease if You are a tenant on the Property and You will py gromid rents (if ) due on the Pm rty. At Lender's request then pomptly after making any of those pynwnts You will give Lander a receipt whi shoue that Y ou ve done so. You will pom y pay or satisfy all fies against the Proprty that may la superior to this Security Jrstrunust. Fknwwer, this Security instrument does not mguire You to satisfy a superior Jien if: (A) Y ou agree, in writing, to pay the obligatirut which gave rise to the suprior lien ami Is for appoves the way in which You agree to py that obligatfort or (10 in good faith, You argue or deferd agaimt the supetfor lien in a lawsuit so that, dudng the lawsuit, the suprior I en may not be enforceÆ or (C) You secure from the holder of that other lien an agramnt, oved in writing Len r, that the lien of this Security latrument in supErlor 10 the lien held that pnon. if ferder Alermines any prt of the perty is stt ect to a superior liern Lerder may give Bormwer a notice i&nti the suprior lien. Borrower sMI py or satisf y the superior lian or take one or trore of the actions set forth above within 10 days the gMng of notice. If Bormwer falls to do so, feder may do so in accordarce wfth provistan6 below 4. RORROWER¬S OBUGATION TO MAINTAIN EAZARD INSURANCE OR PROPERTY INSURANCE You will obtain hazan1 or poperty insurance to cover ell buildings and other improwmerds that now are or in the future will he located on the Property. covetugp' Tlw imurance must cover loss or damage caused by fire, hazanh normally covered "extended hazard ' insuiance polkies aml other hazards for which lan&r requires coverage includhig floods and f . The imumrce must be in the amounts and for the of time raguired by Lander. You may choose the insurance company, but Your choice is su4ect to lander a appoval. L r not refuse to approve Your choice unless the afusal is reasonable. If You & not mentain the iruurance covera described ve, Lettler nay obtain insuratte coverage to potect Leader's rightsin the Property in accordance with provision 6 low, All of the insuratre policies and renenals of those policies must foclude what is Imoso as a "standard nortgage clause" b t Lander, The forru or all policies and renewels must be acceptable to Lender. Lender will have the right to hold the polic as and anewals, If Lerder m.[uims, You will pomptly give Len±r all acepts of paid pomiurre and renewal stices that You receive. if there is a loss or damage to the Property, You will prompey retify the insurarce company ami Lesler. If You do not pomptly pove to the insurarre comp that the loss or deauge occund then I4der may do so.The amount paid by the Insurarce " proceeds". T poceeds will be used to repfr c is eatled or restore the Amagpi Proprty unlem (A) Jt is not economically feasi to nake the repairs or restoration; or (B) the use of the poceeds for that papse would lesusn the potection given to lander by this Security instrumert or (C) Letr and You haw agreed in writing st to Lee fle eeds for that purpose, If the replr or restoration Is not economically feasible or if it would lessen Len&r's potection under Sa:urity Imtrument then the poceeds wGI be used to reduce the amount that You owe to Leader un&r the Credit Line and under this Securi Intrument. If any of the goceeds remain atter the amount that You owe to Lender has been pddin fulL the asrminirg proceeds wi1 be pdd to You. If You abandon the Property or if You do not answer, within 30 days, a notice from Leacht statirg that the imurmre company has offend to settle a claim, Lander may collect the pmceeds, Leader may use the poceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay the SHrs Secured. The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given If proceeds are used to redire the amatent of princi which You owe to Leader under the Credit Line, that use will not dalay the date or chartge the anwunt of any of Your y pyments under the Cndit Line. It Leruler acqidres the Property under n 19 Mow, all of Your rights in the insurance policies will belo to Lerder, Also, all of Your rights in any poceeds - are paid because of damage that co-urred before the Froperty is acquired Lander or sold (peu s on pen) FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/26/2023 01:36 PM INDEX NO. 615537/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/26/2023 will belong to Lender. However, landers righta in tlese pmceeds will not be greater tlan tle Sunn Securedimmediately befoæ the Proprty is acquired by Len&r or sold 5. BORRDWER'S OBLIGATIONS TO MAINTAIN AND PROTECT THE PROPERTY, AND TO FULFILL ANY LEASE OBLIGATIONS; BORROWER'S LOAN APPLICATION (A) Barrower's Ohilgations to Maintabt and Protect the Property You will keep the Pro rty in good repfr. You wlil not dstroy, damage or harm the Property, and You will not allow the Property default" o deteriorate.You wi be 'in under this Security Iretrument if Y m fail to keep any promise or agreement ma& in this Security Instrunent. You also will be in ifault under this Security Itstrument If any civil or criminal action or eeding for forfeiture" b be given (that is> a legal action or proceeding to require the Pro ty, or any part of the Property, is begun and Lener determines, in good faith, that this action or proceed ng c d result in a court ruling (f) that would require forfeiture of the PNperty or (ff) that would materfally f r the lien of this Security Instrument or Lender's fights in the Property. You may corset the default by obtairdng a court ruitng t dismisses the legal action or poceating, if Iander determines, in good faith, that this court ruling goverts forfeiture of Your intarents in the Property and also poverts any material impairmmt of (f) the hen created by this Saurity Instrument or (ii) Lander's rights in theProperty. B) Borrower's Obliguilans to fulfill Any lease Obilgations If You did not own but are a tenant on the Proprty, You will fulfill all Your oblipttiots unir Your lense, You also agree that if You acquire she fee title to the Property, Your lease interest and the fee title wlu not merge unless Lender agrees b the merger in writing. (C) Borrower's Loan Application 16 during the a cation pocess for the Credit Llre You made false or fratecurate statenants b Lender about information irnportartt to Lander in Your far the Credit Line, Isler will treat Your actions as a default under this Security rdng eligibility Instrument. pmcess You failed to provi& Londer with information important to Len±r in Also, if during the Ioan application Your for the loan Istler will treat this as a default under this Security Instrument. determining eligibility 6, LENDER'S RIGHT TO PROTECT ITS RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY If1 (A) You & not keep Your promises and agmements made In this Security Instrumett or (B} someone, imluding Yog tagtns a legal proceeding that affect Lender s rights in the Pro (such as a legal proceediq in bankruptcy, in pobate, significantly ty is necessary to prohxt the for condemrutitm or f iture, or to enforce laws or regulations), may do and py for whatever ' value of the Property and Landers rights in the Property. Lenders actions may inclu& appearing in court reasonable sitorneys' Lendar rnay take action under this provistort does not fees and enlering on de Property to make reptre, Although have b (bso. You will pay to1.mular any amounts, with interest which lander spnds unchr this provision. You will those anumts to fander when Lenfer sands You a notice squesting that You & so. You will also pay interent on time arrotats at the Credit Lim rais. Intempt on each amount will on the date that the amount is spent by lander. However, Lender and You may agree in writing to terms of payrnent that are erent frotn those in this pavision This Security lostrument wilt potect Lender in case You do not keep this postse to pay those arrourts with interet, 7, LENDER'5 RIGHT TO INSPECT THE PROPERTY must do so in a reasonable manner and at Lender, and others authorized by Len&r, inny enk:r on and irspect the Property. They reasonable times. Defore or at the thne an inspection is made, Lerrier must give Yon notice ainting a reasonable purpose for the frspection. 8. AGREEMENTS ABDUT CONDEMNATION OF THE PROPERTY "conderanatforf.You give b Imder Y our right: A taking of proprty by any governmental autlaity by eminent domain is known as of damages from con&nuation or other governmental of the Property; and (A) to poceeds all awards or clains for rsulting taldng to poceech from a male of the that is made to avoid condemnation All of t1ae poceech will be pid lo Lender. (B) Property if all of the Property is taken the pocee4 will be used to reduce the Sums Secumi (f any of the proceeds remain after the amount Itat You owe toLerer has been pid in fulL the remainirg procecar will be paid to You. Uriless lanar and You otherwise in writing, if only a part of the Proprt .1s takert arul the fair market value of the Property before tle either is mual or greater tims the nmount of Suaw Becured turnediately before dw faki the lrnmediately to, eeds multl ed by a fractlen. That fraction is as fo : amount that You owe to Lander will be reduced cagy by the anetmt of Secumd urtnediately befom the divided (B) the fair marl(et value of the Proprty (A) the total amount of the Sums immediately before the takhy The remainder of the proceeds will be pki You or unless the law requims otherwise, if only a prt of the Pmprty is takert ext Urdess Len@r and You agree etherwise in wrl the taking is less thm the amount of the Sums Secured immediately before the fair narket value of the Proper the taktrg, the poceeds will be lo educe Sums Smured. If You abandon the Property, or if You do rot answer, within 30 &ys, a notice fem Len@r slattrg that a authority has offered toinake a pymert or tosettle a claim for damager, Inder has the authority to collect the , Iander nay then (Ps"4 oI7 P58) FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/26/2023 01:36 PM INDEX NO. 615537/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/26/2023 useshe proceeds to mpair or retare the Properly or to re&ce fre Sums Secured The 30-day period will begin when the nodce is given If poceeds are med to reduce the amount of which You cme to Lender under the Credit Line, that use will not delay the date or change the ament of any of Your y payments under the Credit Line. 9. ÚONTINUATION OF BORROWER'S OBLIGATIONS AND OF LENDER'S RICHTS (A))Lorrwwer's Obligations Iander tray allow a person who takes over Your obligatimn to delay or to change the amount d the monthly pyrnards of pincipal and interest due under the Credit Re or urxler tNs Secudty Instrument. Even if Lender does this, however, that person and You will bothstill be fully obligated under the Credit Line and under tNs SecurityIretrument. lander may allow those delays or changs for a person win takes ther Your obligatlam, ewri if larder is requested not In do so. Lander will not be required to bring a lamult agai.nst such a person for not fulfilling obligations under Ge Credt Line or under this Security Imtrument, even if Lander is requested to do so. (B) Leader's Rights livest if Lerxler does not exercise or efforce any rigle of Lender under this Security Instrument or under the law, lander will still have all of those rights and may exercise and enfere themin the future. 10. OBLIGATIONS OF BORROWER AND OF PERSONS TAl(1NG OVER BORROWER'S RIGHTS OR DBLIGATIONS Any garson who takes over Your obligations under this Security Iredrument will be obligated to 1mep all of Your promises and rights or obligatiom under this Security agraments made in this Securf Insitunent Similarly, any peson who takes over Lender's hstrument will have all of a rights and will be obligated to keepall of Lander s agreemere nuch in tNs Security Instrument If m(xe than one person signs this Security hutrument as Borrower, each of You is fully obligated to keep all of Borrower s promises and obhgatbm contaired in this Security ketrument, Len&T may enforce 1.ender a rigNo undet this Security Imtrument galrst each of Y ou individually or agatrut all of You together. TNs meam that any one of You may be mquired to pay all of tir Sums Secured. EIowever, if one of You is not obilgated urxbr the Credit Line: (A) that is signing this Security Imtrument only to w that person's ri in the Property to Lender tmder the terms of this s ty hatrument ard (B) that persco is not pe obligated to Sums Secured; and (C) that person agrees that Lender may ee with the other Bodowers to delay y ]my enforct of Londer's rights or to or make any accomnedations with ngani to terms d this Security Iretrument or any modify the Cr t Line without that persaws corsant IL IAAN CHARGES If the loan secured by this Security Irstrummt is subject to a law which sets maximurn loan charg% and that law is finally interpreted so that the iterest or other loan charges collected or to be cdlected in connection with the loan exceed permitted limits: and (B) any sums (A) any such Icon charge elwll be aduced by the amomt necessary to reduce the char to the permitted lirnit coUected from Dorrower wNch exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to r. Lender may choose to make thts owned under the Credit Lize or by making a direct pymet to Scrrower. If a refund educes by reducing the prirrfpd principal, the reduction will be treated as a prtial pmpayment without any pngayment charge under the Credit Llrm 12.. NOTICES REQUIRED UNDER THIS SECURITY ]NSTRUMENT notice that ntst be given to You under this Security Instrument will be ven by deliveris it or by n it first class mail Any unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice will be essed to You at addras s in section above tilled 'Dæcription of tte Propedy', A notice will be given to You at a different address if You ve Lender a notke of Your addres. must be given to Lender under this See Iretnnent will be we by mailing it to Lander's differet Any notke that adchess stated in subparagraph (C) of the section abow titled "Words Osed In This Docurramt". A notice will be mailed to tander at a diffemnt address if Lender giws You a notke of the different address. A notice required this Security Instrument is given whmit is mailmi or when it is delivered according to the ratufrements of this provision or of able law. 13. LAW THAT GOVERN8 TIES SECURITY INSTRUMENT This Security Irstrument is govemed by federal law and the law that applks in the place where the PNparty is localmi If any term of this Security Instrument cr of the Credit Line conflicts with the law, all other terne of this Security hetrumentandof the Credit Line wf11 still mmain in effect if can be given gfect without the r. term TNs means that any terum of this Security kstrument and of the Credt Line 'h conflict with the law can be seprated the aneirdng terms, and the remalƒg Wrne will sttIl be enfon:ed 14, BORROWER'S COPY You w) be given ore confonned copy of this Security Instnunent. 15. AGREEMENTS ABOIII LENDER'S RIGHTS IF THE PROPERTY 18 SOLD OR TRANigFERRED immediate payment in full of all Surre Secured by this Security Irstrumentif all or any part of the Property, or Imder any nuluire is nold or transferred wRhott Leadera pior writian prmisslan. Lander also mqy recpdre immedate if any right in the Proprty, pymert in full if a beneficial irdernatin Borromr is solder trandernd amiBormer is rot a natural peson. However, Lander ouge aemones FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/26/2023 01:36 PM INDEX NO. 615537/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/26/2023 shall not rentire knmediate payment in full if this is pohibited by federal law on the date of this Security Instrument Any strh sale oÂtrarsfe shall repesent an actlan by Barrower wlich adversey affects [Ender's interestin the Paparty. If lemfer reqtires immediate payment in full under this povisfort Leder will give Y ou a notice which stake (No requirerrent. The notice will give Y ou at least 30 days to nake the required payment The30-day period will begin on the date the notic is mailed or deltered If You da not make tiw r red payment durlrg that prioct Lander may act to enforce its rights under tNo Security instrument without givirg You any fur - notice or dernand for payment. 1 . BORROWER's RIGHT TO HAVE LENDER'S ENl.RCEMENT OF THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT DISCONTINUED Even lf IEnder has wquired fmmediate pynent in full You may have the right to have enforcement of this Security Irstrument discontinued You will have this right at tina befors sale of the Property uner any power of sale granted by this Security Irstrument or at any time before a f has been enteSd attorcing this Security Instrument if You ineet the condNiors' following (A) You py to Laner the full arSunt that then would be due under this Security Irsinumot and the Credit Line as if immediate pymunt An fidl had never ben axjutred; and (B) Y ou correct Your failure to keep any of Your other pomises or agreemerts made in this Security Iretrument; and Leybr' aterneys' (C) You pay all of s masonable experees in coforelrg this Security frstrument includi·g,- for example, reasonable fees; and (D) Y ou do whatever Larxler reasonably nins to assure that Lender's rights in the Pmperty, Lender's rights inder this Security Irutrument, and Your obligatlers tatier the edt Line and inder this Security Irstrument continue uncharged If You fulfill all of the condidan in this povisiorb then the Credit Line and this Security Irstrument will remain in full effect as ff Lander' inne ate pynent in fult had rever heen required However, You will not have the right to haw s enforcement of this Iretnanent disoreund ff Lender has requfmd immediate pyment in full under Paragraph 15 alove. Security U.CREDIT LINE HOLDER's RIGHT TO SELL THE CREDIT LINE OR AN ( NFEREST IN THE CREDIT LINE The Credit Line, or an interest in the Credit Line, together with tids Security 1rsizument, may be sold one or more three. You may rot receive any plor notice of these sales. 18. CONTINUATION OF BORROWER'S OBLIGATIONS TO MAINTAIN AND PROTECT THE PROPERTY The fe&ral laws and the laws of the jurisdletion where the Property la located that relate to halth, safety or envimornerdal prolStion are called "Isrwironmerdal I amr. You will not do anything affstirg the Froprty that violatm Environmental Laws, and You will not allow anyone else to do so.Environmental Laws classify Srtain substanas as toxic or hazardous. There are other substances that are corefered hazardous for purpcees of this provision, Tlves are psoline, kerosene, other finmmable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticide and herbicides, volattle solvents, materials containing asbetes or femalde 'de, and radioactive materials. The substaxes defimd as toxic or hazarius by Envirtnanmlal Laws and the atibstances consi red hamrdous for purposea of this ovision are callod "Harardna SulalancesNY ou wili not pernet Harardous Salstances to be ent on the Pro rty, You not use or stom Hazardous Sutstances on the Property, and You will not allow anyone ase to so. You also not dispose of Haarchus Substances on the Property, or rdease any Hamrdmis Sulsinnce on the Property, and Y ou will not nilow anyone ese to do so. Houver, Y ou nay permit the presence on the Froperty of arnall quantities of Hazardmm Suhatances that as ty mcogrdzed as a]yroplato for muml relential use and maintenance of the Propaty, and You may use or stone these quant 6es on the Properly, In addition, unless the law requires removal ce other a tlort dw buildi , the improvements and the Axtures on the P ty are permitted to contain asbestos and aslastos-contat ma if the asbestos and esbestos-contphdog a am undisturbed and "non-friable" (that is, not easily cranhled by pmenure).If You know of any fewestigation, clairrL demand Jawsuit or other action by the emment or by a pivate party involving the Proprty and any Hazardots Sutstatre or Environmet1tal Laws, You will go y notify tim Tathr in writing. If the govenment notifies You (or You odwrwise Zeam) that it is necesary to remove a Hazardous Subsiance affecting the Proprty or to take other remedial actlans, You will promptly take all necessary renadial actiors as required by Environmental tawa 19. LENDER'S RIGHT TO REQUIRE PAYMENT IN FULL Lender require You to pay the entire unpaid halance You qu under Your Credit Line if You default un¦r the povision of Your C Itne which allows lander to terminate Your Oedt line. You will be given a mtice of sch a default before Lender &mands immediate payment in full. If Larrier uhes immediate paynant in full and You fail to pay the entin utyeid balance owed under Your Cralit Line, (swler rights in the Property and have the Proprty sold. At this sale Lender or may brirg a awsitt to take away all of Your mnaining arother preon may anguire the Paperty. This is known as "foreclosure and sale". In any laneult for foreclosure and sale, lander will have the right to collect all osts and disbursements and additional allowaxes allowed by law and will have the right to add all masonable attorreys fan to the amount You owe Lender, ½ich fees shall becorna part of the State Secured. 20. LENBER's OBLIGATION TO DISCHARGE THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT When Lander has been oil amounts due under the Credit line and under this Security Insbument, and Borrowers atility to obtain further advances tenninated, I mxler will discharge this Security lrstrument by deliv a certificate that this Irstrument has been satisfied You will not be required to py T.ander for the discharge, You will py osts of Security record1rg the discharge in tir gaper official records. FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/26/2023 01:36 PM INDEX NO. 615537/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/26/2023 BY SIGNING BELOW, You acapt and agree to the promises and agreements conialned in pages 1 thrcngh 4 of this Secudty strumert and in any rider(s) signed by y ou andtecor&d with a ... .. (Sea0 (Sea0 OTHY ILLIAMS _ _ __... ___..... . .. .... ..... , (Seal) State of New Y ork Courty of 5Sh as: On the Yl by of Âv6-v3T in mey=r S c o / befant tre tle undemigned a Notary Pubile in and for said state, pesonally appeared MARIA WILLIAMS TIMOTHY WILLIAMS personally kncan to me or proved to me on the bests of eatisfactory evkknce 10 be the inaMdual(s) whose rmne(s) b (are) subscribed to the within imtrument and acknowledged to tre that heAhe4hey executed the same in higherßIwir capacity(les), ard that by bhAer/hdr signature(s) on the instrtunent, the indivklue)(sh or the penum upon behalf of which the inctMdual(s) acted e(ecuted the instrunwnt This instnment was papared by When Recorded Retum To DIANA CIPOLLIN A Sethpage Federal Credit Union Attn: Martgage Department (Name) P.O. Box 127