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  • In the Interest of 
Ronan WingParent Child Relationship - Conservatorship, Access, Support document preview
  • In the Interest of 
Ronan WingParent Child Relationship - Conservatorship, Access, Support document preview
  • In the Interest of 
Ronan WingParent Child Relationship - Conservatorship, Access, Support document preview
  • In the Interest of 
Ronan WingParent Child Relationship - Conservatorship, Access, Support document preview
  • In the Interest of 
Ronan WingParent Child Relationship - Conservatorship, Access, Support document preview
  • In the Interest of 
Ronan WingParent Child Relationship - Conservatorship, Access, Support document preview


Exhibit A NO. 23-05-06612 IN THE INTEREST OF § IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW RONAN WING § NUMBER 3 A CHILD MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY STEPHANIE WING appeared in person before me today and stated under oath: "My name is STEPHANIE WING. | am above the age of eighteen years, and | am fully competent to make this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct. "| am the Petitioner in this case. “The Respondent is CODY RUSSELL WING. “| have been married to Cody Wing since June 15th, 2019. | have been subjected to severe emotional abuse that has been extremely damaging not only to me but also to our son through Cody Wings actions and statements. “Our relationship seemed okay for a while until it simply was not. Cody started becoming extremely difficult to communicate with. One of the first and biggest displays Cody has shown me occurred between the years 2020-2021. Cody had cheated on me with a girl from the gym. “This put a huge strain on our marriage among other things and | asked for a divorce around this time. After | asked, Cody said, “are you serious?” and | said “yes”. Cody then grabbed ‘one of his handguns, cocked it fully loaded, and put it to his head. He continued to look at me and said, “Look what you're making me do”. | was terrified and visibly upset because | loved him. | begged him not to do it and grabbed the gun from him. | was afraid that | would get shot myself because of that situation. | felt so manipulated and like the entire situation was my fault. Cody pleaded and promised that he would never do anything like this again. | did everything in my power to fostera beautiful relationship amongst manipulation like this. | even asked for marriage counseling for years, but | always got the response “I don't like counseling, and it doesn't help me” from Cody. “Fast forward to when | found out | was pregnant. We never expected to get pregnant, but | smiled when | first saw the positive test. | knew that our baby was a miracle. Cody on the other hand did not. He immediately hated the idea. He told me that he wished | had aborted the baby in my first trimester, and continued these negative comments throughout the pregnancy, but only to me. He acted like he was a very supportive father to everyone but did not want the baby when he was alone with me. | cried and begged him for the entire first trimester for him to please turn things around. It was a nightmare. | could not bear the thought of aborting our baby. We had two pregnancy scares after Ronan, and he told me that | had to get an abortion both times. | had to endure all of these emotions again and again. | was exhausted. “In our four years of marriage and especially in the last 7 months with our son, Cody has shown a lot of aggression. He hits counter tops regularly, slams doors repeatedly, and punches doors when he's mad all while the baby is around. | have asked him to stop this behavior because it scares me, and | don't want Ronan to grow up thinking that behavior is okay. The response | have received from Cody is “I will not change how | act because | have a son. Ronan will cuss and hit things because he is a boy”. Cody would also hold Ronan during fights, and if | walked away, he would continue to follow me with the baby in his arms to fight. This behavior did not get better over the 7 months. | fear how this behavior will influence Ronan as he grows. “The week of April 18th of 2023, | discussed having a civil divorce with Cody again due to his behavior. Cody did not want a divorce and began acting manic and irrational. He followed me around every single room of the house for days, he would wake me up at night at least 5 times to say snide comments, he woke me up during a nap many times as well, he would cry while holding our son, tried to sleep on our sons floor one night crying, and he did all of this behavior while | was asking for space repeatedly. If | ever left the house, he would blow up my phone for hours until | got home. Throughout the couple of days, Cody would say awful things to me like “No man will ever love you the way | do”. “On April 18th, Cody told me he was going to kill himself, took one of his handguns, handed me our baby and left in his jeep. | was emotionally a mess and called the cops immediately after | couldn't stop him. | never thought | would see him again. Cody retuned that night with the cops but was still irrational and scared all night. He acted very calm and levelheaded around the cops but continued his behavior when they left. He would not seek help for his mental health. With how badly he was following me for days and still even that same night, | did not feel safe. | started to Jock myself in the bathroom. | made phone calls in our closet and took the baby monitor with me too so that | could listen while calling for help. “Eventually, | called the cops to help me pack that night and they did. | moved to Texas with my family because | really needed some support during this difficult time. For weeks now, he has harassed me and my family by sending hundreds of disturbing text messages and videos of him. He has contacted dozens of friends and family to tell them about our situation. He has posted on social media about our situation. He claims he is better, redeemed, and that | need to come, but | am afraid of returning to him in Idaho. Neither one of us have family or support in Idaho and returning there is not in the best interest of the child and myself/ “| am asking this Court to grant me a temporary order for the safety and welfare of the child and myself under these circumstances. | have dealt with the mistreatment from Cody and emotional abuse long enough and if forced to live in an environment with him, | know it will continue to affect me and the baby both mentally and emotionally. ees Executed in Montgomery County, on May 4, 2033 VERONICA VASQUEZ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEX MY COMM, EXP, 03/17/2024] NOTARY 1© 12526221-0 Notary Public