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  • Pouchon, Inc. v. The Board Of Assessors And The Assessors And The Board Of Assessment Review Of The Village Of Farmingdale And The Village Of FarmingdaleReal Property - Tax Certiorari document preview
  • Pouchon, Inc. v. The Board Of Assessors And The Assessors And The Board Of Assessment Review Of The Village Of Farmingdale And The Village Of FarmingdaleReal Property - Tax Certiorari document preview
  • Pouchon, Inc. v. The Board Of Assessors And The Assessors And The Board Of Assessment Review Of The Village Of Farmingdale And The Village Of FarmingdaleReal Property - Tax Certiorari document preview
  • Pouchon, Inc. v. The Board Of Assessors And The Assessors And The Board Of Assessment Review Of The Village Of Farmingdale And The Village Of FarmingdaleReal Property - Tax Certiorari document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/01/2023 09:39 AM INDEX NO. 403216/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/01/2023 Tax Year 2020/21 NOTE OF ISSUE For Use of Clerk Calendar �o. Our File# 10-4374 {i[ any} -:: ndex No , 403216/2023 Supreme County, N. Y. Co:.:;rt, ______________:N.:.a;,au ln the Matter of the Application of: �Jame of .Juctge Assigned NOTICE FOR TRIAL D Trial by jt:.ry demanded POUCHON, INC. D Of a.1:. issues D Of issues specified below or attached hereto Sec 49 Blk 76 Lot(s) 1 ISi '1'::ial wit.t:ou: jury ?iled by attorney for 5/28/20 Date Not:ice o= Petition Served 5/28/20 Service Completed 5/29/20 Date Issue Joined NATURE OF ACTION OR SPECIAL PROCEEDING D Tor::: 0 Mo:.or Vehicle neglige:>ce D Medical nalprac�ice 0 Contract 0 Otter tort D Contested r.-,atrimor.ial 0 Uncontested �a�rimonial Petittoner(sl � Tax certio�ari against 0 Condem."1tH.:ion D :not itemized above) specify THE BOARD OF ASSESSORS AND THE ASSESSORS AND THE BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW OF THE 0 �his action is brc1:ght as a class actio:i. VILLAGE OF FARMINGDALE AND THE VILLAGE OF D This is a malpractice action: FARMINGDALE panel prescribed ty cour:. rules pu.c:.sua:nt t:::i Jud, §148.A D have beer. cornple:e-:i D have r:.ot been complet.eO Respondent rs) Amount denanded $ Other relief Specieil preference clai:ned under -------- Ins'.1.rance carrier\:s), if known Crcci� Harris & Associates P. c. A�torneys for Petitioner Office & P.O, Address 333 Earle C�ington Boulevard, Suite 820 Uniondale, New Yer% 11553 Phone No.: 1516) 506~7880 SCOTT STONE, ESQ. Attorney for Respondents Office & P.O. Address: 340 Atlantic Avenue East Rockaway, NY 11518 Phone: (516) 593-0202 NOTE; Clerk will not accept this ,iote of iss'..le ur:less accoripanied by a certificate of read:.ness, er� in .1. medical malpractice action, unless, where applicab::.e, the certif::.cate of rea.diness p.revio·.Jsly has been filed and the pa::el ?rocedure p.rescr:ibed by court rules pursuant 'to section :1.48-a of the Jud.Lciary Law have beer:. conpleted. 1 of 2 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/01/2023 09:39 AM INDEX NO. 403216/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/01/2023 For Clerk's Use CERTIFICATE OF READINESS FOR TRIAL N.I, served on (Items 1-7 must be checked) Completed Waived Not Required 1. All pleadings served. X 2. Bill of particulars served. X 3. Physical examination completed. X 4. Medical reports exchanged. X 5. Appraisal reports exchanged, X 6. compliance with the rules in matrimonial actions(22NYCRR 202.16) X 7, Discovery proceedings now known to be necessary completed. X 8. There are no outstanding requests for discovery. 9. There has been a reasonable opportunity to complete the foregoing proceedings. 10. There has been compliance with any order issued pursuant to the Precalendar Rules {22NYCRR 202.12). 11. If a medical malpractice action,there has been compliance with any order issued pursuant to 22NYCRR 202.56. 12. This case is ready for trial. Dated September 1, 2023 UNIONDALE, NEW YORK Signature - type name below, Laureen Harris, Esq. Cronin, Harris & Associates, P. C. Attorney,