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APP-003 [ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY STATE BAR NUMBER: FOR COURT USE ONLY INAME: Selene Ballonoff FIRM NAME: STREET ADDRESS: 2230 Dwight Way #308 CITY: Berkeley STATE:CA ZIP CODE: 94704 TELEPHONE NO.: 510-549-3709 FAX NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: san Francisco Ceunty Superlor Court ATTORNEY FOR (name): pro per SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF San Francisco STREET ADDRESS: 400 McAllister Street AUG 1 4 2023 MAILING ADDRESS: CLERK OF T UT CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Francisco 94102 BY: BRANCH NAME: DG PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Marilyn Silverman-Ballonoff Revocable Trust DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: OTHER PARENT/PARTY: APPELLANT'S NOTICE DESIGNATING RECORD ON APPEAL ‘SUPERIOR COURT CASE NUMBER: PTR-17-301171 (UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE) ‘COURT OF APPEAL CASE NUMBER (if known): RE: Appeal filed on (date): May 15, 2023 A167821 Notice: Please read Information on Appeal Procedures for Unlimited Civil Cases (form APP-001-INFO) before completing this form. This form must be filed in the superior court, not in the Court of Appeal. 4 RECORD OF THE DOCUMENTS FILED IN THE SUPERIOR COURT I choose to use the following method of providing the Court of Appeal with a record of the documents filed in the superior court (check a, b, c, or d, and fill in any required information): a. [3] Aclerk's transcript under rule 8.122. (You must check (1) or (2) and fill out the clerk's transcript section (item 4) on pages 2 and 3 of this form.) (1) [-] Iwill pay the superior court clerk for this transcript myself when | receive the clerk's estimate of the costs of this transcript. | understand that if | do not pay for this transcript, it will not be prepared and provided to the Court of Appeal. (2) [4] | request that the clerk's transcript be provided to me at no cost because | cannot afford to pay this cost. | have submitted the following document with this notice designating the record (check (a) or (b)): (a) [4] An order granting a waiver of court fees and costs under rules 3.50-3.58; or (b) [-"] An application for a waiver of court fees and costs under rules 3.50-3.58. (Use Request to Waive Court Fees (form FW-001) to prepare and file this application.) b. [__] An appendix under rule 8.124. c. [_] The original superior court file under rule 8.128. (NOTE: Local rules in the Court of Appeal, First, Third, and Fourth Appellate Districts, permit parties to stipulate (agree) to use the original superior court file instead of a clerk's transcript; you may select this option if your appeal is in one of these districts and all the parties have stipulated to use the original superior court file instead of a clerk's transcript in this case. Attach a copy of this stipulation.) d. [__] An agreed statement under rule 8.134. (You must complete item 2b(2) below and attach to-your agreed statement copies of all the documents that are required to be included in the clerk's transcript. These documents are listed in rule 8.134(a).) 2. RECORD OF ORAL PROCEEDINGS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT | choose to proceed (you must check a or b below): a. [__] WITHOUT a record of the oral proceedings (what was said at the hearing or trial) in the superior court. | understand that without a record of the oral proceedings in the superior court, the Court of Appeal will not be able to consider what was sald during those proceedings in deciding whether an error was made in the superior court proceedings. Page 1 of 4 Form Approved for Optional Use APPELLANT'S NOTICE DESIGNATING RECORD ON APPEAL Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.50, Judicial Council of California 8,121-8.124, 8.128, 8.130, 8.134, 8.137 APP-003 [Rev, January 1, 2019] (Unlimited Civil Case) APP-003 CASE NAME: Marilyn Silverman-Ballonoff Revocable Trust ‘SUPERIOR COURT CASE NUMBER: 2. b. [a] WITH the following record of the oral proceedings in the superior court (you must check (1), (2), or (3) below): (1) [ae] A reporter's transcript under rule 8.130. (You must fill out the reporter's transcript section (item 5) on pages 3 and 4 of this form.) | have (check all that apply). (a) [__] Deposited with the superior court clerk the approximate cost of preparing the transcript by including the deposit with this notice as provided in rule 8.130(b)(1). (b) [4] Attached a copy of a Transcript Reimbursement Fund application fl led under rule 8.130(c)(1), (c) [__] Attached the reporter's written waiver of a deposit under rule 8.130(b)(3)(A) for (check either(i) or (ii)) (i) [{) allof the designated proceedings. (ii) [_] part of the designated proceedings. (d) [_] Attached a certified transcript under rule 8.130(b)(3)(C). (2) [) Anagreed statement. (Check and complete either (a) or (b) below.) (a) [__] Ihave attached an agreed statement to this notice. (b) [__] All the parties have stipulated (agreed) in writing to try to agree on a statement. (You must attach a copy of this Stipulation to this notice.) | understand that, within 40 days after | file the notice of appeal, | must file either the agreed statement or a notice indicating the parties were unable to agree on a statement and a new notice designating the record on appeal (3) [-] Asettled statement under rule 8.137. (You must check (a), (b), or (c) below, and fill out the settled statement section (item 6) on page 4.) (a) [__] The oral proceedings in the superior court were not reported by a court reporter. (b) [-_] The oral proceedings in the superior court were reported by a court reporter, but | have an order waiving fees and costs. (c) [_] |am asking to use a settled statement for reasons other than those listed in (a) or (b). (You must serve and file the motion required under rule 8.137(b) at the same time that you file this form. You may use form APP-025 to prepare the motion.) 3. RECORD OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING TO BE TRANSMITTED TO THE COURT OF APPEAL [] | request that the clerk transmit to the Court of Appeal under rule 8.123 the record of the following administrative proceeding that was admitted into evidence, refused, or lodged in the superior court (give the title and date or dates of the administrative proceeding): [ Titie of Administrative Proceeding ] [ Date or Dates ] NOTICE DESIGNATING CLERK'S TRANSCRIPT (You must complete this section if you checked item 1a above indicating that you choose to use a clerk's transcript as the record of the documents filed in the superior court.) a. Required documents. The clerk will automatically include the following items in the clerk's transcript, but you must provide the date each document was filed, or if that is not available, the date the document was signed. [ Document Title and Description I Date of Filing ] (1) Notice of appeal May 15, 2023 (2) Notice designating record on appeal (this document). TBD-- filed by USPS mail (3) Judgment or order appealed from March 17, 2023 (4) Notice of entry of judgment (if any) March 17, 2023 (8) Notice of intention to move for new trial or motion to vacate the judgment, for judgment notwithstanding the verdict, or for reconsideration of an appealed order (if any) (6) Ruling on one or more of the items listed in (5) (7) Register of actions or docket (if any) Appeltaro Reite of Acton hag hen le ‘APP-003 [Rev. January 1, 2019] APPELLANT'S NOTICE DESIGNATING RECORD ON APPEAL Page 2 of 4 (Unlimited Civil Case) APP-003 CASE NAME: SUPERIOR COURT CASE NUMBER: 4. NOTICE DESIGNATING CLERK'S TRANSCRIPT b. Additional documents. (if you want any documents from the superior court proceeding in addition to the items listed in 4a. above to be included in the clerk's transcript, you must identify those documents here.) [45] I request that the clerk include in the transcript the following documents that were filed in the superior court proceeding. (You must identify each document you want included by its title and provide the date it was filed or, if that is not available, the date the document was signed.) [ Document Title and Description | Date of Filing ] (8) (9) (10) (11) [42] See additional pages. (Check here if you need more space to list additional documents. List these documents on a separate page or pages labeled "Attachment 4b," and start with number (12).) Exhibits to be included in clerk's transcript [4] I request that the clerk include in the transcript the following exhibits that were admitted in evidence, refused, or lodged in the superior court. (For each exhibit, give the exhibit number, such as Plaintiffs #1 or Defendant's A, and a brief description of the exhibit. Indicate whether or not the court admitted the exhibit into evidence. If the superior court has returned a designated exhibit to a party, the party in possession of the exhibit must deliver it to the superior court clerk within 10 days after service of this notice designating the record. (Rule 8.122(a)(3).)) [Exhibit Number _][ Description | [Admitted (Yes/No) | (1) (2) (3) (4) [4] See additional pages. (Check here if you need more space to list additional exhibits. List these exhibits on a separate ge or pages labeled "Attachment 4c," and start with number (5).) 5. NOTICE DESIGNATING REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT You must complete both a and b in this section if you checked item 2b(1) above indicating that you choose to use a reporter's transcript as the record of the oral proceedings in the superior court. Please remember that you must pay for the cost of preparing the reporter's transcript. a. Format of the reporter's transcript | request that the reporters provide (check one): (1) [--] My copy of the reporter's transcript in electronic format. (2) [_] My copy of the reporter's transcript in paper format. (3) [ae] My copy of the reporter's transcript in electronic format and a second copy in paper format. (Code Civ. Proc., § 271.) APP-003 [Rev. January 1, 2019] APPELLANT'S NOTICE DESIGNATING RECORD ON APPEAL Page 3 0f4 (Unlimited Civil Case) APP-003 CASE NAME: SUPERIOR COURT CASE NUMBER: 5, b. Proceedings | request that the following proceedings in the superior court be included in the reporter's transcript. (You must identify each proceeding you want included by its date, the department in which it took place, a description of the proceedings (for example, the examination of jurors, motions before trial, the taking of testimony, or the giving of jury instructions), the name of the court reporter who recorded the proceedings (if known), and whether a certified transcript of the designated proceeding was previously prepared.) [ Date [Department |Full/Partial Day] Description l Reporter's Name [_ Prev. prepared? (1)March 1, 2023 204 Partial Hearing on Third Trust Account Teanna Ward oO Yes [x]No (2) o Yes {J No (3) Oo Yes 1 No (4) O Yes [] No [-) See additional pages. (Check here if you need more space to list additional proceedings. List these exhibits on a separate page or pages labeled "Attachment 5b," and start with number (5).) 6. NOTICE DESIGNATING PROCEEDINGS TO BE INCLUDED IN SETTLED STATEMENT (You must complete this section if you checked item 2b(3) above indicating you choose to use a settled statement.) | request that the following proceedings in the superior court be included in the settled statement. (You must identify each proceeding you want included by its date, the department in which it took place, a description of the proceedings (for example, the examination of jurors, motions before trial, the taking of testimony, or the giving of jury instructions), the name of the court reporter who recorded the proceedings (if known), and whether a certified transcript of the designated proceeding was previously prepared.) [ Date [Department [Full/Partial Day] Description I Reporter's Name [_ Prev. prepared? | (1) oO Yes [] No (2) Oo Yes [] No (3) O Yes [] No (4) O Yes 1 No See additional pages. (Check here if you need more space to list additional proceedings. List these proceedings on a Co separate page or pages labeled "Attachment 6," and start with number (5).) 7a The proceedings designated in 5b or 6 [__] include [) do not include all of the testimony in the superior court. If the designated proceedings DO NOT include all of the testimony, state the points that you intend to raise on appeal. (Rule 8.130(a)(2) and rule 8.137(d)(1) provide that your appeal will be limited to these points unless the Court of Appeal permits otherwise.) Points are set forth: (Below (—] Ona separate page labeled "Attachment 7." Date: August 1, 2023 Selene Ballonoff /s/ Selene Ballonoff (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF APPELLANT OR ATTORNEY) APP-003 [Rev. January 1, 2019} APPELLANT'S NOTICE DESIGNATING RECORD ON APPEAL Page 4 of 4 (Unlimited Civil Case) For your protection and privacy, please press the Clear This Form button after you have Printed the form. [ Print this form | | Save this form lear this form Attachment 4b to Notice Designating Record 5th Conservatorship & 3rd Trust Accounts A167822 & A167821 Attachment 4b to Notice Designating Record in Fifth Conservatorship Account & Third Trust Account A 12 Proof of Service by Mail on Selene Ballonoff of Petition for Conservatorship and Ex Parte H: 02/27/12 13 Substitution of Attorney: Franchesca Callejo for Andrew Schultz 03/02/12 14 Order Appointing Temporary Conservator (with Order Suspending MSB's AHCD except for 03/05/12 15 Declaration of ILM Lesser 06/05/12 16 Order After Hearing filed by Selene O7/A7N2 17 Letters of Conservatorship 12/13/12 18 Order Appointing Tom Lucas Conservator of MSB's Person and Estate 12/13/12 19 Acknowledgement & Receipt of Duties of Conservator 12/13/12 20 Notice of Conservatee's Rights filed by Thomas A. Lucas 01/04/13 21 General Plan 03/06/13 22 Selene Ballonoff's Response to Proposed Care Plan 03/26/13 23 Declaration of Selene Ballonoff Re: Conservatee's Express Medical Wishes Regarding Med 03/27/13 24 Petition for Authority to Sell Conservatee's Real Property & POS 04/26/13 25 Notice of Change of Residence of Conservatee & POS 05/07/13 26 Order Authorizing Conservator to Sell Conservatee's Real Property 07/19/13 27 Motion for Reconsideration of Order Authorizing Sale of Conservatee's Real Property 07/23/13 28 Request for Special Notice filed by Elizabeth Hansen (includes POS) 07/23/13 29.SB's Request for Special Notice 12/18/13 30 Reply to Objection Re: Motion for Reconsideration of Sale of Conservatee's Real Property 03/03/14 31 Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration of Order Authorizing Sale of Conservatee's Real 03/04/14 32 First Account of Conservator 03/18/14 33 Report of Sale of Real Property; Petition to Confirm Sale 03/21/14 34 Order Granting Report of Sale of Real Property; Petition to Confirm Sale 04/23/14 35 First Account of Conservator Granted Subject to written order 05/20/14 36 First Account of Conservator Granted Subject to written order 05/21/14 37 Order denying Selene Ballonoff's Request for Evidentiary hearing 05/21/14 38 Second Conservatorship Account 03/29/16 39 Selene's Opposition to Second Account of Conservator 05/27/16 402016 email thread with subject “change in Marilyn's condition?” (Admitted at 2020 Trial as 06/26/16 41 Order Settling Second Conservatorship Account 08/03/16 42 Petition for Substituted Judgment to Create and Fund Revocable Trust 06/01/17 43 Supplemental Declaration for Petition to Create and Fund Revocable Trust 08/11/17 44 Order Re: Petition for Substituted Judgment to Create and Fund Revocable Trust and Exec 08/17/17 45 (T) Copy of Order for Substituted Judgment Authorizing Conservator to Execute Revocable 08/29/17 46 (T) Bond in the amount of $909,000.00 08/29/17 47 March 10, 2018 email thread with subject “change in Marilyn's condition?” (Admitted at 20 03/10/18 48 March 12, 2018 email thread (Admitted at 2020 Trial as Exhibit L) 03/12/18 49 March 13, 2018 Ex Parte Petition for Temporary Restraining Order & Request for Injunction 03/13/18 50 Memorandum of Points and Authorities 03/13/18 51 Selene Ballonoff's Urgent Ex Parte Communication Pursuant to Probate Code 1051 03/13/18 52 Third Account of Conservator 04/02/18 53 Status Report that provides a list of prescribed medications 04/02/18 54 “AHCD Petition #1” (Petition Re: Validity of Conservatee's Advance Health Care Directive in 04/05/18 55 Ex Parte Petition to Advance Hearing Date of “AHCD Petition #1” 04/05/18 56 Order Advancing Hearing Date and Shortening Time for Service of AHCD Petition #1 04/09/18 57 ROA entry showing AHCD Petition #1 off calendar at petitioner's request per court 04/30/18 58 Supplement to Status Report 05/02/18 59 Change of Residence Notice (Post-Move) 05/07/18 60 Proof of Payment of Assessment Fees 05/07/18 61 SB's Objection to Third Account of Conservator 05/08/18 62 Response to Objections filed May 8, 2018 by SB to the Third Report and Account of Conse 05/30/18 63 Selene's First Amended Objection to Third Account of Conservator 06/18/18 64 Response of Thomas A. Lucas to Court Questions of 6/18/18 07/03/18 65 Addendum to Selene's First Amended Objection to Third Account of Conservator 07/11/18 Page 1 Attachment 4b to Notice Designating Record 5th Conservatorship & 3rd Trust Accounts A167822 & A167821 66 Second Addendum to First Amended Objection to Third Account of Conservator 07/16/18 67 Petition to Limit Authority of Conservator 07/16/18 68 Motion to Compel Further Responses to Document Production 07/26/18 69 Memorandum Re: Knox v Dean as Authority to Stay Proceedings on Petitioner's Third Accc 07/26/18 70 Third Addendum to First Amended Objection to Third Account of Conservator 08/17/18 71 Selene Ballonoff's Reply Memorandum Re: Knox v Dean and Stay of Third Account 08/17/18 72 Notice of Motion & Motion to Compel Further Responses to Requests for Production of Dox 08/30/18 73 Order Staying Petition for Approval of Conservator's Third Report and Account (also 9/7) 08/31/18 74 Order Staying Petition for Approval of Conservator's Third Report and Account (also 8/31) 09/07/18 75 Opposition/Objection to Petition to Limit Authority of Conservator Petition for Surcharge Pe 09/27/18 76 ‘Reply RE Objection to petition to Limit Authority of Conservator 10/22/18 77(Request for Special Notice — 10/22/18} 78\First Trust Account 11701718! 79 First Amended Notice of Motion & Motion to Compel Further Responses to Document Prod 11/09/18 80 First Amended Separate Statement of Facts, Attachments 11/09/18 81 Opposition to Objector Selene Ballonoff's First Amended Motion to Compel Further Respor 11/29/18 82 Declaration of Natalie M. Lupo in Support of Opposition to Objector Selene Ballonoff's First 11/29/18 83 Notice of Non-Opposition to First Amended Motion to Compel Further Responses to Reque 11/29/18 84 Second Amended Separate Statement of Facts Re First Amended Motion to Compel Docur 11/29/18 85 Verification of Thomas A. Lucas to Opposition to Objector Selene Ballonoff's First Amendec 11/30/18 86 Ruling on Motion to Compel Further Responses to Requests for Production of Documents 12/06/18 87 Selene Ballonoff's Status Report Re: Petition to Limit Authority of Conservator 12/19/18 88 Conservator's Status Report —_ - 01/28/19 89)(T) Objection to First Trust Account 02/14/1 9, 90/(T) Declaration of Counsel Re Typographical Error in First (Trust) Account Filed November 1 03/29/19, 91\(T) Declaration of Trustee in Response to Examiner's Notes in Tentative Ruling for February; 04/02/19} 92 (T) Declaration of Counsel Re Retention of Original Financial Records for First (Trust) Accou “04/02/19 93 Selene Ballonoff's Trial Brief Re Evidentiary Hearing on Third Report and Account of Conse 04/26/19 94 Motion in Limine filed by Conservator 04/26/19 95 Trial Brief filed by Conservator 04/26/19 96 Exhibit List filed by Conservator 04/26/19 97 Conservator's First Amended Exhibit List 04/29/19 98 MPA re: Court's Authority and Obligation to Regulate & Control Conservaqator & To, on its 05/01/19 99 Request for Findings re Third Report and Account of Conservator 05/15/19 100 Request to File New Litigation by VL 05/15/19 101 Order to File New Litigation by VL is granted to File Conditional Withdrawal of Request for E 05/15/19 102\(T) Motion to Compel Further Responses to Request for Production of Documents Set One] 05/15/19} 103\(T) Separate Statement of Facts in Support of Motion to Compel Further Responses to Req 05/15/19) 104 Request to File New Litigation by VL OS/17/19 105{(T) Supplement to Objection to First (Trust) Account; Ex Parte Communication Re; Probate | 05/21/19} 106 Notice & Motion to Compel Further Responses to Requests for Production of Documents S 05/29/19 107 SB's Separate Statement of Facts Re Notice & Motion to Compel Further Responses to Re: 05/29/19 108|(T) Objection to Motion to Compel Further Responses to Document Production 05/30/19) 109 Order After Hearing on Third Report and Account 05/31/19 110(T) Amended First Trust Account 06/04/19 111 (T) POS Re Trustee's Supplemental Responses for Production of Documents Set One (Privi 06/05/19 112 Declaration of Counsel Regarding Visitations with Conservatee 06/21/19 113 (1) SB's Status Conference Statement Re First Trust Account 07/10/19 114 (1) Declaration of Counsel Re Retention of Original Financial Records for Response to Exan 07/23/19 115 (T) SB's Objection to Amended First Trust Account, Ex Parte Communication Pursuant to P 07/31/19 116 (1) Application for Authorization to Set Aside Funds into Attorneys Trust Accout to Qualif 08/30/19 117 Declaration of Conservator Thomas A. Lucas Opposing Ex Parte Petition of Court Appointe 09/13/19 118 Change of Residence Notice (Post-Move) 01/21/20 119 (T) Order Authorizing Trustee to Set Aside Funds into Attorneys Trust Account 02/21/20 120 Continuance of Third Report and Account of Conservator to September 28 07/06/20 Page 2 Attachment 4b to Notice Designating Record 5th Conservatorship & 3rd Trust Accounts A167822 & A167821 121 Trial Setting Order 07/07/20 122 (T) Order Setting Trial in the Department of the Presiding Judge and Notice of Trial 07/07/20 123 Petition Re: Conservatee's Advance Health Care Directive as to End of Life Decisions & for 07/15/20 124 Ex Parte to Advance AHCD #2 07/22/20 125 Objection to Ex Parte to Advance AHCD #2 filed by SB 07/24/20 126 Order to Show Cause Why POLST Directive Dated April 30, 2018 Should not be Reinstated 07/31/20 127 Declaration of Charles Jonas (Court Appointed Counsel for Conservatee) Re: Conservatee': 08/05/20 128 Response/Answer to AHCD #2 filed by SB 08/10/20 129 Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Response filed by SB 08/10/20 130 Notice of Limited Scope Representation of Lemoine Skinner for August 13, 2020 hearing fo 08/10/20 131 Response to Declaration of Court-Appointed Attorney Re: AHCD #2 filed by SB 08/12/20 132 POLST filed September 1, 2020 09/01/20 133 Order After Hearing on Order to Show Cause Why.POLST Directive Dated April 30, 2018 St 09/23/20 134 (T) Amended First Trust Account 09/24/20 135 (T) Request for Court Reporting 09/24/20 136 (T) Trial Brief filed by Trustee 09/29/20 137 Minutes from first day of 2020 Trial 09/29/20 138 Minutes from second day of 2020 Trial 09/30/20 139 Minutes from third day of 2020 Trial 10/01/20 140 Minutes from fourth day of 2020 Trial 10/02/20 141 Minutes from fifth day of 2020 Trial 10/05/20 142 Post Trial Order 10/06/20 143 Post-Trial Brief and Ex Parte Communication Pursuant to Probate Code 1051 filed by SB 10/13/20 144 (T) Post-Trial Brief filed by Trustee 10/13/20 145 (T) Order Settling First Report and Account of Trustee; Affirmation of Attorneys Fees and Tr 10/27/20 146 Order Denying Petition to Limit Authority 10/27/20 147 Order Approving Acts of Conservator Thomas Lucas through Third Conservatorship Accou! 10/27/20 148 Memorandum Order 10/27/20 149 Memorandum Order (Redacted) 10/27/20 150 Memorandum Order (Unredacted) 10/27/20 151 (T) Selene Ballonoff's Request for Statement of Decision re First Trust Account 11/10/20 152 SB's Request for SOD re Third Conservatorship Account 11/10/20 153 SB's Request for SOD re Petition to Limit Authority of Conservator 11/10/20 154 SB's Separate Statement of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Re: Request for State 11/10/20 155 Order Re: Request for Continuance of Deadlines for New Trial Motion 11/18/20 156 Scheduling Order 12/02/20 157 SB's Motion for New Trial 12/14/20 158 Table of Authorities for Motion for New Trial 12/14/20 159 Response and Opposition to Selene Ballonoff's Motion for a New Trial 12/23/20 160 (T) Response and Opposition to Selene Ballonoff's Motion for a New Trial 12/23/20 161 Reply Re: Selene Ballonoff's Motion for New Trial & Ex Parte Communication Pursuant to P 12/29/20 162 Photographs of Scabs All Over Conservatee's Face and Body; Video of Non-Responsive Ci 01/04/21 163 Order Denying Motion for New Trial 01/04/21 164 (T) Second Trust Account 06/08/21 165 Fourth Conservatorship Account 06/15/21 166 (T) Notice of Change of Address-- FC 06/16/21 167 SB's Objection to Fourth Conservatorship Account 08/11/21 168 (T) Supplemental Declaration of Trustee Re Second Trust Account 08/25/21 169 Declaration for Fourth Report of Conservator filed by Thomas A. Lucas 08/30/21 170 (T) Selene Ballonoff's Objection to Second Trust Account 09/23/21 171 Amendment to Fourth Report of Conservator 10/14/21 172 Second Amendment to Fourth Report of Conservator 12/09/21 173 (T) Amendment to Second Trust Account filed June 8, 2021 12/09/21 174 Motion to Compel Further Responses to Document Production Set Two (set for May 13, 20 01/25/22 175 Separate Outline of Disputed Issues Re: Motion to Compe! Further Responses to Documen 01/25/22 Page 3 Attachment 4b to Notice Designating Record 5th Conservatorship & 3rd Trust Accounts A167822 & A167821 176 (T) Motion to Compel Responses to Requests for Production of Documents Set One 01/25/22 177 (T) Separate Outline of Disputed Issues Re Motion to Compel Responses to Requests for P 01/25/22 178 (T) Kemp Ex Parte Application 01/27/22 179 (T) Opposition to Kemp Ex Parte 02/07/22 180 (T) Ex Parte Petition of Attorney for Trustee to Pay Retainer Fee of $5000 from Set Aside to 02/22/22 181 (T) Exhibit A Complaint-- to Ex Parte Petition of Attorney for Trustee to Pay Retainer Fee of 02/22/22 182 (T) Exhibit B Docket Report-- to Ex Parte Petition of Attorney for Trustee to Pay Retainer Fe 02/22/22 183 (T) Exhibit C Retainer Agreement-- to Ex Parte Petition of Attorney for Trustee to Pay Retair 02/22/22 184 (T) Opposition to Ex Parte Petition of Attorney for Trustee to Pay Retainer Fee of $5000 fron 02/28/22 185 (T) Denial of Ex Parte Petition of Attorney for Trustee to Pay Retainer Fee of $5000 from Set 02/28/22 186 (T) First Addendum to Selene Ballonoff's Objection to Second Trust Account 03/01/22 187 (T) First Addendum to Selene Ballonoff's Objection to Kemp Ex Parte Application 03/01/22 188 First Addendum to SB's Objection to Fourth Conservatorship Account 03/01/22 189 (T) Amended Second Trust Account 03/22/22 190 Amended Fourth Conservatorship Account 03/24/22 191 Correction of Typographical Error in Prayer for Fourth Conservatorship Account 04/05/22 192 Second Addendum to Objection to Fourth Conservatorship Account 04/26/22 193 Fourth Conservatorship Account Taken Under Submission as of 4/26/22 04/26/22 194 (T) Second Trust Account Taken Under Submission as of April 26, 2022 04/26/22 195 (T) Opposition to Motion to Compel Responses to Requests for Production of Documents £ 05/02/22 196 (T) Declaration in Support of Opposition to Motion to Compel Responses to Requests for P 05/02/22 197 Opposition to Motion to Compe! Further Responses to Document Production Set Two (set 05/02/22 198 Declaration in Support of Opposition to Motion to Compel Further Responses to Document 05/02/22 199 Reply Re Motion to Compel Further Responses to Document Production (set for May 13, 2¢ 05/09/22 200 Separate Statement of Facts Re Motion to Compel Further Responses to Document Produc 05/09/22 201 (T) Reply Re Motion to Compel Responses to Requests for Production of Documents Set O 05/09/22 202 (T) Separate Statement of Facts Re Motion to Compel Responses to Requests for Productir 05/09/22 203 Proof of Service by mail filed by Selene Ballonoff 05/12/22 204 Order Denying SB's Motion to Compe! Further Responses to Document Production Set Tw 05/13/22 205 (T) Order Denying Selene Ballonoff's Motion to Compel Responses to Requests for Product 05/13/22 206 Order Denying SB's Motion to Compel Further Responses to Document Production Set Tw 05/13/22 207 Order Approving Fourth Conservatorship Account 05/18/22 208 (T) Order Approving Second Trust Account 05/18/22 209 Notice of Motion to Compel Further Responses to Document Production Set Four 07/11/22 210 Separate Statement Re Motion to Compel Further Responses to Document Production Set 07/11/22 211 Memorandum of Points and Authorities Re Motion to Compel Further Responses to Docum 07/11/22 212 Declaration of Selene Ballonoff Re Motion to Compel Further Responses to Document Proc 07/11/22 213(T) Petition for Authority to Enter Into An Assignment Agreement with Kemp 08/26/22 214 Supplement to Motion to Compel Further Responses to Document Production Set Four (Ati 09/02/22 215 Statement of Non-Opposition to Motion to Compel Further Responses to Document Produ: 09/02/22 216 Order Taking Motion Off Calendar 09/06/22 217 (1) Ex Parte for Order Advancing Hearing Date of Petition for Authority to Enter Into An Assi 09/19/22 218 (T) Selene Ballonoff's Objection to Ex Parte for Order Advancing Hearing Date of Petition fo 10/03/22 219 (T) Order Advancing Hearing Date of Petition for Authority to Enter Into An Assignment Agre 10/04/22 220 (T) Third Trust Account : 10/24/22 221 Fifth Conservatorship Account 10/27/22 222 Contact Information (Confidential) 10/27/22 223 Status Report (Confidential) 10/27/22 224 Confidential Report Re: Medical Attachment (Confidential) 12/05/22 225 Assessment and Order Filed 12/05/22 226 (T) Declaration of Trustee for Original Ending Financial Records for Third Trust Account 12/09/22 227 (T) Declaration of Counsel for Funds held in 1OLTA Account 12/09/22 228 (1) Declaration of Trustee in Response to Examiner's Notes 12/22/22 229 (T) Selene Ballonoff's Opposition to Petition for Authority to Enter Into An Assignment Agree 01/10/23 230 (T) Selene Ballonoff's Objection to Third Trust Account 01/10/23 Page 4 Attachment 4b to Notice Designating Record 5th Conservatorship & 3rd Trust Accounts A167822 & A167821 231 Objection to Fifth Conservatorship Account 01/10/23 232 Objection to (Court Appointed Counsel's) Petition for Allowance of Fees 01/30/23 233 (1) Declaration of Attorney for Trustee Re Status of Texas Probate 02/09/23 234 Order Allowing Attorney's Fees and Costs and Directing Payment by Conservator 02/10/23 235 First Addendum to Selene Ballonoff's Opposition to Petition for Authority to Enter IntoAn A 02/23/03 236 Second Addendum to Selene Ballonoff's Opposition to Petition for Authority to Enter IntoA 03/01/23 237 Confidential documents to be conveyed to the Court of Appeal in a manner to be determinemultiple Page 5 peso] tT swt to) ay tele) Vi leo) mor VR el rN PERI Kers ales Rosas Gad Leet OLR ARSE ohne ubsaKok cn ask eAaaley DER ea aad REAM aA EER LLL eA ARAL rol Transcript Reimbursement Fund Pro Per Litigant Application This form is for litigants who are representing themselves (Pro Se, Pro Per, In Propria Persona) in civil court and are seeking financial assistance with the cost of a court or deposition transcript. Please complete all fields unless marked as optional. An incomplete application may result in delayed reimbursement or non-reimbursement. Reimbursement is limited to up to $2,500 per case 8030.6(a)(5). Criminal matters are not eligible for the program (BPC § 8030.2(a)). Note: Those who are representing indigent litigants should use the Pre Bono Application, found at Part 1 Applicant Information This section is about the party requesting reimbursement. Name Selene Ballonoff Address 2230 Dwight Way #308 City Berkeley State CA ZIP code 94704. Telephone 510-549-3709 Fax (optional) Email address. FEE WAIVER: To receive reimbursement from the Transcript Reimbursement Fund, applicants must submit a copy of a court-approved Fee Waiver with this application. Failure to provide the Fee Waiver will result in the application being returned without processing. My court-approved fee waiver is attached: Yes Part 2 Case Information Please complete this section so the Court Reporters Board can reference the case information. Case name: Marilyn Silverman-Ballonoff Revocable Trust County, court, and/or judicial district where filed: San Francisco Superior Court Court case file no.: PTR-17-301171 Is an appeal pending? 1 Yes, and the appeal number is A167821 ON Have you submitte