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  • LIGHTNING FAST FINANCE INC VS MITCHELL, LAURA Other Complaint (non-tort/non-complex) (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview
  • LIGHTNING FAST FINANCE INC VS MITCHELL, LAURA Other Complaint (non-tort/non-complex) (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview


@ $6/28/2017 89:37 "@ 8776266399 Acevedo Page 13716 x ~ ACEVEDO LAW GROUP, APLC, . Juan Carlos Acevedo, Esq. (State Bar No. 258783) 5850 Canoga Avenue, Suite 4! Woodland Hills, CA 91367 sau tt igo 3 Telephone: (818) 626-3333 Facsimile: (877) 626-6399 E-Mail: jea@@acevedolaw, GFOUp. By TERED on LINE JUN 98 2017 Attorneys for Plaintiff’ wre 5.20 on R. Garter, anesGfieer Bene Lightning Fast Finance, Inc. ey Alvarez * - SUPERIOR COURT ‘OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA A o ‘OUNTY OF. Li 08 ANGELES, - - 1D LIGHTNING FAST FINANCE, INC, a CASE NO. 15409532 California corporation Wi DECLARATION OF ANI TATEOS IN Plaintiff, SUPPORT OF OPPOSITIONTO - DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO SET. ASIDE ~ DEF. AULT: JUDGMENT 13 Date: July 10,2017 14 LAU A MITCHELL. ati individual, and Time: 8:30 aut ‘DOES 1< 10, inclusive ‘Dept a 43 Defendants. Limited Civil Action 16 17 8 1, AN TATEOS, declare: 19 1 Tam a Legal Répresentative for LIGH TNING FAST FINANCE,-INC. LFF") 20 and tam authorized to thake the following dlecl laration. If swom to testify, T could and would 2 competently testify 1 the following mater of my own personal knowledge; “ 4 22 4 1 am one of the custodians of the ‘books, records and files of LEF ‘as to those 23 bk records, ‘and files’ thait pertain to loans; leaves aid extensions of ciedit giver 10 Defendant 24 LAURA MITCHELL (“Defendant”): 1 have worked on LFF's ‘books, records and files in 28 contection With Deferdants” account, and as t¢ the iollowing facts, T Know them to be'true of my 26 own knowledge or Vhave gained knowledge‘of them from the business records of LFF whic are 27 maintained }in the sitinary course of LEP’s business. and created a ‘or near the ‘time of the acts, ng 8 28 conditions or events io which dhey relate. Any’ such deument was ‘prepared iy the ordinary 2 “ 8 ° 1 POPE AREA PUPEL PRE ANTE IT EEA TAT EVRA DE AC HOA OETIIN