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  • GABRIEL GREEN VS MICHAEL TENOFSKY M D ET AL Med Malpractice (Drs & Surgeons) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • GABRIEL GREEN VS MICHAEL TENOFSKY M D ET AL Med Malpractice (Drs & Surgeons) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


FILED ornia SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFOBNE® CoHis angeles LOS ANGELES COUNTY - VAN NUYS DEPARTMENT T nov 03 2020 . Bxecull ive Officer/Clerk Sherri F. ae oe Dep By 5 J MM. Nichols GREEN, et al. Case No. BC608131 Plaintiff, ORDER CONTINUING VARIOUS DATES V. RE PENDING MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL TENOFSKY, et al., New hearing date: 11/25/2020 8:30 a.m. Defendants. Good cause having been shown, the court continues the following dates concerning the plaintiff's pending Motion for New Trial: 1. Date for plaintiff to serve by email and file memorandum of points and authorities: 11/9/2020 2. Date for defendants to serve by email and file opposition: 11/18/2020 3, Date for plaintiff to serve by email and file reply: 11/23/2020 4. Hearing on Motion for New Trial. Parties and counsel may appear by CourtConnect: 11/25/2020 at 8:30 a.m. IT IS SO ORDERED. CLERK TO GIVE NOTICE. Dated: 11/3/2020 SHIRLEY K. WATKINS JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT