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  • DAVID MINTZER VS FORD MOTOR COMPANY Fraud (no contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DAVID MINTZER VS FORD MOTOR COMPANY Fraud (no contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


e 2 Ww cyte UA. L @ 14 Olga Matrosova, Esq. (State Bar No. 270402) LECLAIRRYAN, LLP 725 South Figueroa Street, Suite 350 Los Angeles, CA 90017-5428 FILED Superior Court of California PHONE: 213-488-0503 County of Los Angeles FAX: 213-624-3755 Attorneys for Defendant MAY 02 2017 Ford Motor Company ond hy. Shi err Garter, Executive Officer/Cierk SEAL me Son Deputy Pay § SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10 11 DAVID MINTZER Case No.: BC620944 12 Plaintiffs, Assigned for All Purposes to 13 Honorable John P. Doyle vs. Department 58 FORD MOTOR COMPANY, a Delaware DEFENDANT FORD MOTOR COMPANY’S 15 corporation; and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF’S MOTION TO COMPEL THE DEPOSITION OF 16 Defendants. DEFENDANT’S PERSON MOST QUALIFIET AND REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF 17 DOCUMENTS; MEMORANDUM OF POINT$ AND AUTHORITIES 18 Complaint Filed: May 18, 2016 19 Filed Concurrently With: 20 1) Declaration of Olga Matrosova 21 Hearing Date: May 15, 2017 Hearing Time: 8:30 a.m. 22 Department: 58 23 24 25 Mf 26 MI wa o 27 Ml 2 28 ma DEFENDANT FORD MOTOR COMPANY’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO COMPEL THE DEPOSITION OF DEFENDANT'S PERSON MOST QUALIFIED AND REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS