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  • Lopez et al -v- Paulies's LLC et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Lopez et al -v- Paulies's LLC et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Lopez et al -v- Paulies's LLC et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Lopez et al -v- Paulies's LLC et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview


Page: 7 of 20 04/26/2021 3:11 PM Fax: (909) 708-95867 From: .LEE AND QSEJO gax: 1949932445 To: V p—t Oman (SBN 279483) Jahzeel LE U LEE & OS JO, LLP F B CALIFORNLA. SUPERIOR COURT OF 17897 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 205 COUNTY OF SAN BERNA RDINO Irvine, CA 92614 SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT Tel (949) 955-2445 Fax. (949) 955-2446 APR 2 6 2021 Attornefifor Plaintiffs, (OWNwfiJ'IDQDN RICHA D G. LOPEZ, JESSEE LOPEZ, ’ CAR R1 T. DEPUW RICHARD E. LOPEZ and TAMARA R. S. LOPEZ Nic. LE FORN IA SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALI FOR THE COUNTY 0F SAN BERNARDINO RICHARD LOPEZ, an Individual, G. CASENO. CIVSB 21 125 i 3’ JESSEE LOPEZ, an Individual, RICHARD E. LOPEZ, an Individual, and COMPLAINT FOR: TAMARA R. S. LOPEZ, an Individual. (1) BATTERY Plaintiffs, (2) ASSAULT (3) INTENTIONAL INFLICTION 0F EMOTIO NAL DISTRESS PAULIE’S LLC, a California Limited (4) VICARIOUS LIAB ILITY Company; PAULIE’S PIZZA Liability (5) NEGLIGENT HIRING, PUB, an entity form unknown; PAUL RETENTIO SUPERVISION N, DUBECK, an Individual; and DOES 1 t0 30, inclusive. AND TRAINING — PREMIS (6) NEGLIGENCE mflmmhwmwowmflamhwmwo Defendants. LIABILITY y and severally as follows: Plaintiffs complain and allege against Defendants jointl THE PARTIES law5uil occurred iu the COuuty of San 1. The tortious conduct giving rise to this California. at a restaurant‘located in Upland, Bernardino, State of California, specifically of San Plaintiff RICHARD G. LOPEZ is an individual who resides in the County 2. of the ed therein cbntinuously through the date Bernardino, State of California and has resid incident stated herein to present. /// COMPLAINT FOR DABV m . , 4 .\‘ g: x 9g: ‘ t x E £9 I o © 65%‘04, $319 %%% “W32; 0° %® (é; Mo 4% . , . , V V