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  • GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY VS COMMERCIAL BUILDING MAINTENANC Other Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY VS COMMERCIAL BUILDING MAINTENANC Other Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview


a ® Robert J. Lynch, Esq. (SBN 192287) ECE; VE, D Su; erior FILED Court of California McMAHON LYNCH LAW FIRM, INC. Attorneys at Law MU,29 Ounty of Los Angeles 1250 Corona Pointe Court Suite 407 ‘iG,ALINE, Wr JUL 20 2016 Corona, California 92879 Telephone: (951) 371-6868 lerri R. Carter, utive Officer/Clerk Facsimile (951) 371-8787 Bi y. Deputy Attorneys for Defendant, Commercial Maintenance Management. Inc., (erroneously sued and served as Commercial Building Maintenance) SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CENTRAL DISTRICT 10 11 CASE NO. BC 620948 GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY/AMERICAN STATES 12 Assigned to WATER COMPANY, 13 Honorable Judge Plaintiff, Dept. 93 14 VS. COMMERCIAL MAINTENANCE 15 MANAGEMENT, INC.’S (erroneously sued and served as Commercial Building 16 COMMERICAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE and DOES 1 through Maintenance) ANSWER TO PLAINTIFF’S 17 100, inclusive. COMPLAINT 18 Date Action Filed: 5-18-2016 Defendants Trial: Nowe 19 20 COMES NOW, DEFENDANT COMMERCIAL MAINTENANCE 21 MANAGEMENT, INC., (erroneously sued and served as Commercial Building Maintenance) 22 (hereinafter, “Defendant”) and answers the unverified Complaint of Plaintiff, GOLDEN STATE eB mo 23 WATER COMPANY/AMERICAN STATES WATER COMPANY, (hereinaftett andi? 2 2 24 and admits, denies and alleges as follows: eooomasa = arn in Se gs esx GQ 25 1 Under § 431.30 of the California Code of Civil Proceduré;'this answepahg Go BR pe 26 Defendant denies generally and specifically each and every allegation contained in ai > be he 27 Complaint, and the whole thereof, and each and every alleged cause of action thereof, al co re - 28 further denies that the Plaintiff sustained damages in the sum or sums alleged, ori in arp sum, or $34a uz g2oog ANSWER TO COMPLAINT