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  • Rowan -v - General Motors LLC et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview
  • Rowan -v - General Motors LLC et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview
  • Rowan -v - General Motors LLC et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview
  • Rowan -v - General Motors LLC et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview


~V ORQINAL Mary Lynn Arens, Esq., SBN: 282459 Tavian King, Esq, SBN: 334649 I lfiTEFQAUFORN‘A ERSKINE LAW GROUP, PC SUCFEEURlegs gggAN BERNARDINO 1576 N. Batavia Street, Suite A SAN BERNARD'NO D'STR'CT Orange, CA 92867 A "23 202‘: Tel:(949)777—6032 i . \ Fax: (714) 844—9035 marensmcbride(ci‘ tkinQfifierskinelawxom JACCUHJNE HARNESS Attorneys for Defendant, GENERAL MOTORS LLC FAX SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA BY COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 10 11 SANDRA ROWAN, Case N0.: CIVSBZI 19439 12 Plaintiff, GENERAL MOTORS LLC’S ANSWER TO 13 PLAINTIFF’S UNVERIFIED COMPLAINT vs. 14 Hon. Lynn Poncin vvvvvvvvvvv GENERAL MOTORS LLC; and DOES l Dept. $28 - SBJC 15 through 10, inclusive, 16 Defendants. 17 18 Defendant General Motors LLC (“GM”) answers Plaintiff s Unverified Complaint as follows: 19 I. 20 GM answers the Unverified Complaint pursuant to California Code 0f Civil Procedure § 21 431.30 by denying, generally and specifically, each, every, and all 0f the allegations in the Unverified 22 Complaint and each and every part of it, including each and every cause of action in it, and denies that 23 Plaintiff has sustained or will sustain any damage in the sum referenced in it, 0r any other sum(s), or 24 at all. 25 II. GM further answers the Unverified Complaint 0n file herein and each and every purported 26 cause of action in it by denying that Plaintiff has sustained or will sustain, any damages in any sum at 27 28 all by reason of the carelessness, negligence 0r other faults, act, or omission by GM, its agents, GENERAL MOTORS LLC’S ANSWER TO PLAINTIFF’S UNVERIFIED COMPLAINT 1 E W E® QEG AUG 2 3 2321 T UUUH RIOR ERNARDi NO S U P E B T S A N R l C TY OF O DlST CUUN BERNARDIN N SA