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  • RICHARD TODD TRITES ET AL VS SOUTHERN CALIFRONIA GAS COMPANY Claims Involving Mass Tort (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RICHARD TODD TRITES ET AL VS SOUTHERN CALIFRONIA GAS COMPANY Claims Involving Mass Tort (General Jurisdiction) document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Civil Division Central District, Spring Street Courthouse, Department 12 BC680852 August 5, 2020 RICHARD TODD TRITES ET AL VS SOUTHERN 1:45 PM CALIFRONIA GAS COMPANY Judge: Honorable Carolyn B. Kuhl CSR: David Salyer Judicial Assistant: L. M'Greene ERM: None Courtroom Assistant: M. Miro Deputy Sheriff: None APPEARANCES: For Plaintiff(s): No Appearances For Defendant(s): No Appearances Other Appearance Notes: (See Appearances Below) NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: Status Conference; Hearing on Motion to Compel Further Testimony and Production of Documents from May Lew (BC601844); Hearing on Motion to Compel Further Testimony and Production of Documents from Witness on Firefighter Communication (BC601844); Hearing on Motion to Compel Further Testimony and Production of Documents from Witness on Gas Losses (BC601844); Hearing on Motion to Quash Subpoena to Dr. Burke (BC608322) The matter is called for hearing. Pursuant to Government Code sections 68086, 70044, and California Rules of Court, rule 2.956, David Salyer CSR# 4410, certified shorthand reporter is appointed as an official Court reporter pro tempore in these proceedings, and is ordered to comply with the terms of the Court Reporter Agreement. The Order is signed and filed this date. Appearances: PLAINTIFFS Ray Boucher, Brian Panish, Sierra Elizabeth PLAINTIFFS – LaCourtConnect Christopher L. Casillas, R. Rex Parris, Patricia K. Oliver, Alan I. Schimmel, Andrew Jacobson, Nazareth Haysbert, Michael Louis Kelly, Austin Norris, Jeff Westerman, Mark Holscher, Devin Bolton, Frank Petosa, Kelly W. Weil, Gary A. Praglin, Frank M. Pitre, Cathy Kim, Susan A. Owen, George Stiefel, Mariana McConnell, James P. Frantz, Jesse Creed. DEFENDANTS David Shrader, Robert Gooding Minute Order Page 1 of 18