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  • RICHARD TODD TRITES ET AL VS SOUTHERN CALIFRONIA GAS COMPANY Claims Involving Mass Tort (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RICHARD TODD TRITES ET AL VS SOUTHERN CALIFRONIA GAS COMPANY Claims Involving Mass Tort (General Jurisdiction) document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Civil Division Central District, Spring Street Courthouse, Department 1 BC680852 December 3, 2020 RICHARD TODD TRITES ET AL VS SOUTHERN 1:45 PM CALIFRONIA GAS COMPANY Judge: Honorable Daniel J. Buckley CSR: D. A. Salyer Judicial Assistant: S. Chung ERM: None Courtroom Assistant: E. Munoz Deputy Sheriff: None APPEARANCES: For Plaintiff(s): Mildred Regina Bagdasarian (Telephonic) via LACC; Lindsey Jane Bayman (Telephonic) via LACC; Robert R. Begland, Jr. (Telephonic) via LACC -- See additional appearances below. For Defendant(s): James J. Dragna via LACC (Telephonic); Joseph Duffy via LACC (Telephonic); Jeremy Blake Esterkin via LACC (Telephonic) -- See additional appearances below. Other Appearance Notes: (Telephonic via LACC: Amy Williams-Derry; Matthew Summers) NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: Hearing on Motion for Class Certification Private Plaintiffs; Hearing on Motion - Other Motion to Reopen Discovery for Depositions of Third-Party Witnesses from the County of Los Angeles; Informal Discovery Conference (IDC); Hearing on Motion for Order To Exclude Dr. Louis Wilde's Declaration Pursuant to Government Code sections 68086, 70044, and California Rules of Court, rule 2.956, David A. Salyer, CSR #4410, certified shorthand reporter is appointed as an official Court reporter pro tempore in these proceedings, and is ordered to comply with the terms of the Court Reporter Agreement. The Order is signed and filed this date. The matter is called for hearing. The tentative ruling for the Motion for Class Certification is posted on the e-service provider, Case Anywhere, for parties to read and review. The tentative ruling is argued. The Court takes the Hearing on Motion for Class Certification Private Plaintiffs under submission as to cases 18STCV00854, 18STCV01009, 18STCV01013, 18STCV01838, 18STCV04969, 18STCV05328, 18STCV06820, 18STCV10135, 19CHCV00618, 19STCV02570, 19STCV11792, 19STCV19104, 19STCV20976, 19STCV39324, 19STCV41696, 20STCV01226, 20STCV13797, 20STCV21003, 37-2016-00000754-CU-TT- Minute Order Page 1 of 10