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  • JPMorgan Chase Bank N/A v. O'DonnellCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview
  • JPMorgan Chase Bank N/A v. O'DonnellCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview


SHERIFF 8 DEPARTMENT NH DELAW ARE COUNTY 201 WEST FRONT STREET MEDIA PENNSYLVANIA 19063 (610) 891 4296 P SHERIFF SERVICE tN§TRtLJCTlgN§ fFOR SEZVFEdOl-‘t PQOCE§S You must file one PROCESS RECEIPT and AFFIDAVIT OF RETURN ms ruc non s ee or eac e en an Do No. mm any copies ea e 1 PLAINTIFF/S/ 58 W 2 COURT NUMBER V 3 DEFEADANT/S/ V cm CL C)! L011 002495!“ ‘ M 4 TVPE OF WRIT OR COMPLAINT SERVE 5 AMEOFINDI N VIDUAL cowva CORPORATION ETC T0 SERVICE m\ I . 6 ADDRESS (Shit or RFD Apartment No City Bore Twp AT State and ZIP Code) 7.”- O] fibgmmwm 7 INDICATE UNUSUAL SERVICE a REG MAIL c1 DEPUTIZE D POST DOTHER Now 20 I SHERIFF OF DELAWARE COUNTY PA do hereby deputize the W County to execute Sheriff of this Writ and make return thereof according to law This deputation being made at the request and risk of the plaintiff W l. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR OTHER INFORMATION THAT WILL ASSIST IN EXPEDITING SERVICE Denysmri" lnvonce No 4 7 a 26 Amount Fag 50 10 Docket a Page NOTE ONLY APPLICABLE ON VIEW OF EXECUTION N a WAIVER OF WATCHMAN Any deputy sheri" levying upon or attaching any property unde wtthm wnt may leave same without a watchman in custody of whomever IS tound m possession after notifying person of levy the gun at such degutx or the Sheri" to ant glamt-tt herELn or attachment without luabilaty on tor an loss destruction or removal 3! an such no rt betore sheriffs sale theme! 9. PRINT/TYPE NAME AND ADDRESS OF ATTORNEYKRIGINATO; .’ 10 TELEPHONE MUM ER 11 D TE Qav-HCS A Hart“ ”'9 $mH“? 35‘2““ 5 6‘0 Q A (L 08 Zo’LL. Q /CCL<.(X Cow); 30 '0%0§< Heck» (5er VA‘ 0 " SPACE BELOW FOR USE OF SHERIFF ONLY DO OT w ms 13 | acknowled 9 race pg of me Wm SIGNATURE 0‘l Authorlzed DCSD Deputy a BELO mmm- I ’ e 34 Date Fate ‘5 9"at'0n/Hear'"gda‘e or complamtgas Ind:Cftf(_1:bf):l8 ‘ I 22") 2 2 O 514“" W I I TO BE 0MPLETE D V HERIFF WE- _ WI 16 Served and madeésown to 11”” U. I W . Detendant(s) at r I 19m. ‘m/ x / Street County 0! Delaware onwealth ct Pennsytvama. m the manner described below Detendanus) personally served dun tamuy member with whom sand Detendant(s) reside(s) Retatmship is D Adutt in charge of Defendant s resudence W D Managet/Clem of place 01 lodging in which Defendant“) resode(s) [3 Agent or person m charge of Defendant s otfice or usual place of bushes D Posted NW D Other MW On the day 0t __._._._____________ 20 at oclock M Defendant not tound because 0 Moved El Unknown D No Answer [3 Vacant D Other W REMARKS RETURNED -I .0m I 17 AFFIRMED and subscribed to baton me thus 18 s 20 0. a ' I y 2o 9 D mama ; a a?” n 9'00 / 1 lo 23 Notary Public WWW“.- W, ' I 1 A A . A A l, N 1' 11 I . AWA m. N Y I J MV COMMISSION EXPIRES 24 I ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE SHERIFF'S RETURN SIGNATURE I OF A THORIZED ISSUtNG AUTHORITY AND TITLE 25 Dan Raccwod ocso u an g1 ISSUING AUTHORITY