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  • Roberts v. GreenCivil - Real Property - Landlord/Tenant Dispute document preview
  • Roberts v. GreenCivil - Real Property - Landlord/Tenant Dispute document preview


COURT OF COl\/£MON PLEAS DELAWARE COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA CASE CAPTION DOCKET NO H /1% Cu olozi 0057 A ‘ /° C / TAXFOLIONO 9 ¢ ARBITRATION (Please mdzcate type of act) /$[ 6. (7 $1% f :g 3 V ( )MotorVehicle ( )Co tract ( ) sessme tofDamages “MEAL (AerlfiéNDQOfl/QZ :ZQJ‘ ( ) Delay Damages (Prime Rate + 1%) REPORT AND AWARD OF ARBITRATORS NOW this 2/3 day of g ‘k fig. Z 20 2,5 we the under31gned Arbltrators having been duly appointed and sworn, make the following Award x14 £1 £1 M 7204/ 27 2/2! 1257571 é: Q 202071 Qggz/zz &7/ I 42 Z! /52 4622 fiéifizz é ég 5 22f §26/ @4154 [/(4 140/0 [fl QZTZd/A? égfi 22/ 2214.1 dz {A12 7; Please name the partzes zfz‘here are more than one Plamz‘zfi’and/or Defendant add: an all counterclazms and c7 ass clazms and complete percentage ofneglzgerzce, zfapplzcable {2% ”765/ r Chairperson (Please pr / 951%! K {flag MAKGUeg: 1g NéALO/V Arbitrator (Please 1mm? Ar‘tm‘ (Please C person ignature Arbitrator Signature Arb tor / gnatur / COUNSEL FOR PARTIES {ELLQM M Attorney ID# Attorney ID# a gfi/iz/ Attorney 381% ID# Attorney ID# Attorney ID# Attorney ID#