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  • Estate of JULIO MADRID Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview
  • Estate of JULIO MADRID Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview
  • Estate of JULIO MADRID Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview
  • Estate of JULIO MADRID Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview


\a \a DE-172 ATI'ORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATI'ORNEY (Name, slate bar number, and address): TELEPHONE AND FAX NOS; FOR COURT USE ONLY Jason A. Fetchik State Bar No. 227832 (626) 914-7809 Driskell, Gordon & Fetchik, LLP (626)335-7091 180 N. Glendora Ave., Suite 201 F I Glendora, CA 91 741 SUPERbREOUDRT COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT - ATFORNEY FOR (Name): Per|a Arauio NOV 1 9 2021 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF San Bernadino , STREET ADDRESS:247 W. Third Street MAILING ADDRESS: I By cm AND ZIP cooe:San CA 92415 w Bernadine. BRANCH NAMEzJustice Center/ Probate Division Kay M aWOWI Depl m, ESTATE OF (Name): Julio Pablo Madrid aka Julio P. Madrid DECEDENT CASE NUMBER: CREDITOR'S CLAIM pR0332100247 this claim With the court clerk at the court address above before the LATER of (a) four months after the date letters ou must fi1e authority to act for the estate) were first issued to the personal representative, or (b) sixty days after the date the Notice of Administration was given to the creditor, if notice was given as provided in Probate Code section 9051. You must also mail or deliver a copy of this claim to the personal representative and his or her attorney. proof of service is on the reverse.A WARNING: Your claim will in most instances be invalid if you do not properly complete this form, file it on time with the court, and mail or deliver a copy to the personal representative and his or her attorney. 1. Total amount of the claim: $ 12,589.24 Claimant (name): Perla Araujo 2. a- b. E E an individual an individual or entity doing business under the fictitious name of (specify): c. E E a partnership. The person signing has authority a corporation. The person signing has authority to sign to sign on behalf of the partnership. on behalf of the corporation. 3- d. e. E other (specify): Address 0f Claimant (SPeC'TY): c/o Driskell, Gordon & Fetchik LLP 4. Claimant is the creditor E a person acting on behalf of creditor (state reason): 9’91 E Claimant is D the personal representative E the attorney for the personal representative. I | am authorized to make credited. Facts supporting the claim are this claim which is E just on reverse declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing E and due or may become due. All payments on or attached_ is true and offsets to the claim correct. have been Date: i/ ///z, , Perla'Araujo } ( @42 j é Z é G A URE O C | ANT) (TYPE OR PRINT NAME AND TITLE) INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT A- On the reverse, itemize the claim and show the date the service was rendered or the debt incurred. Describe the item or service in detail, and indicate the amount claimed each item. Do not include debts incurred after the date of death, except funeral claims. for If the claim is not due or contingent, or the amount is not yet ascertainable, state the facts supporting the claim. B. C. If the claim is secured by a note or other written instrument, the original or a copy must be attached (state why original is it is sufficient to describe the security unavailable.) If secured by mortgage, deed of trust. or other lien on property that is of record, ’ and refer to the date or volume and page, and county where recorded. (See Prob. Code, § 9152.) with return receipt requested. D. Mail or take this original claim to the court clerk's office for filing. If mailed, use certified mail, a the personal representative and his or her attorney. Complete the Proof of Mailing or Personal Delivery on E. Mail or deliver copy t0 the reverse. F. The personal representative or his or her attorney will notify you when your claim is allowed or rejected. representative must be within the Claims against the estate by the personal representative and the attorney for the personal filed G. claim period allowed in Probate Code section 9100. See the notice box above. (Continued on reverse) Form Approved by the CREDITOR'S CLAIM Probate Code. §§ 9000 at seq., 9153 Judlclal Council of Callfomla DE-172 [Rem January 1, 1998] (Probate) \I \r ESTATE OF (Name): CASE NUMBER: JUY‘O P0b\o Hadnd DECEDENT ?ROSB’UOOZH'? FACTS SUPPORTING THE CREDITOR'S CLAIM Date of item E See attachment (if space Item and supporting facts is insufficient) Amount claimed 12,589.24 11/2/2021 Funeral, Cemetery, and burial costs TOTAL: $ n. .53‘] .ZLl PROOF OFE MAILING: PERSONAL DELIVERY To PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE (Be sure to mail or take the original to the court clerk's office for filing) 1. |am the creditor or a person acting on behalf of the creditor. At the time of mai|ing or delivery was at least 18 years I of age. 2. My residence or business address is (specify): 180 N. Glendora Ave.. Suite 201. Glendora. CA 91741 mailed or personally delivered a copy of this Creditor’s Claim to the personal representative as follows (check eithera orb below): 3. | a. E Mail. I am a resident of or employed in an envelope AND in the county where the mai|ing occurred. (1) | (a) (b) E enclosed a copy E deposited the sealed envelope with the United States Postal Service with the postage fully prepaid. placed the envelope for collection and mai|ing on the date and at the place shown in items below following our ordinary business practices. am readi|y familiar with this business‘ practice for collecting and l processing correspondence for mai|ing. On the same day that correspondence is placed for collection and mai|ing, it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid. (2) The envelope was addressed and mailed first-class as follows: (a) Name of personal representative served: Irene G. Madrid (b) Address on envelope: c/o Albrektson & Shumate, LLP 1801 Orange Tree Ln, Ste 230 Redlands, CA 92374 (C) Date of mai|ing: \l/‘s/u and CA b. D (d) Place of mai|ing Personal delivery. (1) Name | (city state): Glendora, personally delivered a copy of the claim to the personal representative as follows: of personal representative served: (2) Address where delivered: (3) Date of mai|ing: (4) Time delivered: foregoing true and correct. declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the is I Date: \l/{S/Z‘ Samantha DeVries (TYPE DE-172 [Rev. January 1,1998] 0R PRINT NAME 0F CLAIMANT) CREDITOR'S CLXlM ’ . fl (SIGNAyORE 0F cfinMANT) [Ma Page two (Probate) For your protection and privacy, please press the Clear This Form button after you have printed the form. Frint this form I [save this form I