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  • Rahman -v- Ewing et al Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Rahman -v- Ewing et al Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Rahman -v- Ewing et al Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Rahman -v- Ewing et al Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview


ClV-010 ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY Stacy Augustine, Esq. SBN: 320475 - 27141 Base Line Street, Suite 2 CA 92346 F I ED Highland, SUPERIOR couk'r 0F CALtFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO TELEPHONE No.2 (909) 672-7004 FAX NO- (Optima)? (909) 503-0773 SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Fatima Rahman, et al. JAN 0'7 2022 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STREET ADDRESS: 247 W. Third Street MAILING ADDRESS: cm AND ZIPconE: Same as above. San Bernardino 92415-021 O BY g fiw UL ANA MARS 'AL. DEPUTY BRANCH NAME: San Bernardino Justice Center PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Fatima Rahman, et al. DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Alyson Ewing APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AD LlTEM—CIVIL BiVSB 2132535 EEXPARTE is a minor, an incapacitated person, or a person for NOTE:This form is for use in civil proceedings in which a party ed. A party who seeks the appoint ment of a guardian ad Iitem in a family law or _ ._ whom a conservator has been appoint juvenile proceeding should use form FL-935. A party who seeks the appointment of a guardian ad Iitem in a probate ing should use form DE-350/GC-100. proceed An individual cannot act as a guardian ad Iitem unless he or she is represented by an attorney or is an attorney. is Applicant (name): Shamsur Rahman 1. . . E D the parent of (name): Saad Rahman the guardian of (name): E3 the conservator of (name): (DG.OUm . . E E a party to the suit. the minor to be represented the minoris 14 years of age or older). 2. f. . E This application seeks the appointment of the following person (if anotherinterested person (specify capacity): as guardian ad litem state name, address, and telephone number): Shamsur Rahman 6916 Clear Springs Court Highland, CA 92346 Phone: (909) 786-6980 of the following person (state name, address, and telephone number): 3. The guardian ad litem is to represent the interests Saad Rahman 6916 Clear Springs Court Highland, CA 92346 Phone: (909) 633-5002 be represented 4. The person a. E E to a minor (date ofbin‘h): an incompetent person. is: b. c. E a person for whom a conservator has been appointed. court should appoint a guardian ad litem because: 5. The a. E the person named in item 3 has a cause or causes of action and on which suit should be brought (describe): represents the minors best interests. The person is not a party to the The person is the father of the minor will litigation and there is no conflict of interests. E Continued on Attachment 5a. Page 1 oi 2 Cadeofcw“ Procedure. Fem AéoptedforMandamu“ APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT § 372 at seq. Judlcml Council of Calufomla CIv-o10[Rev. January 1, 2008] OF GUARDIAN AD LlTEM—CIVIL \ V ‘ > “' \..