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  • SLEEP CARE CENTER -V- PRIORITY SLEEP CENTERS Print Other Contract Unlimited  document preview
  • SLEEP CARE CENTER -V- PRIORITY SLEEP CENTERS Print Other Contract Unlimited  document preview
  • SLEEP CARE CENTER -V- PRIORITY SLEEP CENTERS Print Other Contract Unlimited  document preview
  • SLEEP CARE CENTER -V- PRIORITY SLEEP CENTERS Print Other Contract Unlimited  document preview


.From: Christina 6 Fax: 16268385157 ~ To: 19097088586© Fax: (909) 708-8586 Page: 35 0f 40 OZIO'HZDZZ 2:23 PM \v Eric A. Forstrom (SEN 237695) COUNTY 0F SAN SLR. FIRST LAW GROUfi-P, APC ‘EAN R‘- RNI‘P! iN 250 E. Rowland. Strum ’Coviua, (IA 91723 FEB 0 1 2B2?! Telephone: ($26.) 838-95 700 Facsimile: (626‘) 838-35710 ' -.~.~ Email: J‘U‘ W - Atwmcys for Plaintiffs, SlfiEP CARE CENTER, 1NC..,and CPAI’ CARE CENTER, INC. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA I FOR THE COUNTY OF'S-AN BERNARDINO 3111921331) CARE CEN’fl‘é'ER. INC. and CPA? Case No; CIVDSZHO’TSM) CARI CENII‘R INC”- Assigned t0 the. Hon. Thomas S. Garza Ikpt. $27 Pl‘ain'ti f‘fs, PLAINTEFF SLE EP CARE CENT 13R?— ' vs. IJNC ’S OPPOSITION TO DE FENDANT‘S’ M01 ION(S) T0 COMPEL P UR FHER PRIORITY SLEEP CEN’]"I3R& QLLC; CI’AP RESPONSES TO SPECIAL PRIDRITY, LDC; JESSE CIEIR’RILLO; INTE RROGA'T ORlES [SFT UNIS}; ' KRISTI CERRJLLO; Cl'1.A.RI.4ES DURAN; MLMORANDUM 0F POINTS AND . AUTHOR“ IES SANDRA Q1 IIN’I‘FRO; SC MI"DIC‘M SAI. I S INC and DOES5.1m 100 inclusive, Hearing: Date: February '15, 2022 'Dcihndams. Time: 9:00 mm. Bepm $27 Location: 247 West Third Street San «Bernardino, CA .9241 5 Ag TO THE COURT} ALL PARTIES HEREIN, AND‘THEIR RESPECTIVE I ATTDRNEYS OF R ECORD: x95 COMES NOW,_.Plaintifi‘i-Sleep {Zara Center, Inc‘ (hereinafter, “Plaintiff” '01- “Sleep Care”) h'arcby submifs the. following oppositian to Defendants’ 'mmiomsj) m compel fitrther responses {0' Special interrogatories [set one], numbers 1&3, 15, and 21. PLMNTIFF SI EP C ARE CE NTE R, INC. S OPPQSI ION F0 DE] ENDANTS’ MOT!ON(S)_ TO i: I COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES T0 SPECIAL IN'I E RROGATORH‘SS [SET ONEI RECEIVED FEB 01 2022 OF CALIFORNIA SUPERIOR C URT W§° °8£§EEE~E§6W§EP§