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  • Hanson, Eric W vs. Sr Ventures, Llc et al Declaratory Judgment G.L. c. 231A document preview
  • Hanson, Eric W vs. Sr Ventures, Llc et al Declaratory Judgment G.L. c. 231A document preview


Date Filed 8/25/2022 3:52 P Superior Court - Middlegpx Docket Number 2281C 2278 L2 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, ss SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT ERIC W. HANSON a/k/a RICK HANSON, Individually and derivatively on behalf of SR VENTURES, LLC, CIVIL ACTION NO. 2281CV02278 Plaintiff, RECEIVED Vv 8/25/2022 SR VENTURES, LLC, JOHN F. GALLANT, MICHAEL CONLEY and GALLANT & ERVIN, LLC, Defendants. AFFIDAVIT OF ATTORNEY I, Andrea S. Batchelder, on oath depose and state as follows: 1 lam a member in good standing of the Bar of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (BBO# 551056). 2 Iam currently a partner with the law firm of Gallagher & Cavanaugh, LLP, 22 Shattuck Street, Lowell, MA, which firm is counsel to the plaintiff, Eric W. Hanson, in connection with this above-captioned matter. 3 On August 10, 2022, a 9A package was mailed via certified mail and emailed to defendants' counsel in accordance with Superior Court Rule 9A. 4 As of the date hereof, we received no Opposition or response from defendants' counsel. ~ g ) i= ( Z ds ) &, eta A GALLAGHER & rate Andrea S. Batchelder, Esq. CAVANAUGH LLP COUNSELLORS AT LAW| THE GASLIGHT BUILDING] 22 SHATTUCK STREET LOWELL, MA 01852 978.452.0522 FAX 978.452.0482