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  • Candace Barasch, Richard Grossman v. Lisa Schiff, Schiff Fine Art Llc, Sfa Advisory Llc, Does 1-10Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Candace Barasch, Richard Grossman v. Lisa Schiff, Schiff Fine Art Llc, Sfa Advisory Llc, Does 1-10Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Candace Barasch, Richard Grossman v. Lisa Schiff, Schiff Fine Art Llc, Sfa Advisory Llc, Does 1-10Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Candace Barasch, Richard Grossman v. Lisa Schiff, Schiff Fine Art Llc, Sfa Advisory Llc, Does 1-10Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/16/2023 12:05 AM INDEX NO. 652287/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 20 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/16/2023 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK CANDACE BARASCH and RICHARD Index No. 652287/2023 GROSSMAN, Plaintiffs, -against- LISA SCHIFF, SCHIFF FINE ART LLC, SFA ADVISORY LLC, and DOES 1-10, Defendants. CANDACE CARMEL BARASCH, MICHAEL Index No. 652380/2023 A. BARASCH, and BRADLEY A. CARMEL LIVING TRUST, DEFENDANT LISA SCHIFF’S Plaintiffs, NOTICE OF MOTION TO DISMISS -against- Oral Argument Requested LISA SCHIFF, SCHIFF FINE ART LLC, SFA ADVISORY LLC, and DOES 1-10, Defendants. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, upon the Memorandum of Law dated 2023-June- 15, and all prior papers and proceedings had herein, Defendant Lisa Schiff, by and through their undersigned counsel, will move this Court in the Motion, Room 130 of the courthouse located at 60 Centre Street, New York, New York, at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, 2023- June 23 or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, for an order, pursuant to CPLR 3211(a)(7) on the grounds that the pleadings in the captioned actions fail to state a cause of action against Defendant Lisa Schiff individually. 100094179.1 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/16/2023 12:05 AM INDEX NO. 652287/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 20 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/16/2023 PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that pursuant to CPLR 2214, answering papers and cross-motion, if any are required to be served upon the undersigned attorneys at least two (72 days before the return date of this Motion, and that reply papers in further support of this Motion and responsive papers to any cross-motion by Plaintiff are required to be served upon counsel for Plaintiff at least one (1) day before the return date of this Motion. Dated: New York, New York 2023-June-15 LLP By: /s/JR Cahill John R. Cahill Worldwide Plaza (2900) New York, New York 10018 212-981-2300 Attorney for Defendants Lisa Schiff and Schiff Fine Art L.L.C 100094179.1 2 of 2