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  • GORGE ALBERTO ANGUIANO GONZALEZ VS JOSE FLORES Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • GORGE ALBERTO ANGUIANO GONZALEZ VS JOSE FLORES Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview


CIV-110 [ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BAR NO: 214331 FOR COURT USE ONLY Name: Ramin Ray Kohanarieh FIRM NAME: RK LAW GROUP, APLC STREET ADDRESS: 9301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 602 ory: Beverly Hills state: CA zip cope: 90210 TELEPHONE NO: 310-274-1100 FAXNO.: 310-274-1125 FILED EMAILADORESS: Superior Court of California |ATTORNEY FOR (Name): George Alberto Anguiano Gonzalez County of Los Angeles SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. 11/12/2019 ‘STREET ADDRESS: 141 N. Hill St. Sheri R Carter, Executive Office | Gesaf Court MAILING ADDRESS: lorry ano 2i@ cove: Los Angeles, 90012 By: Billy Lopez Deputy BRANCH NAME: Central District Plaintiff/Petitioner: George Alberto Anguiano Gonzalez Defendant/Respondent: JOSE FLORES: ‘CASE NUMBER: REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL 19STCV08634 A conformed copy will not be returned by the clerk unless a method of return is provided with the document. This form may not be used for dismissal of a derivative action or a class action or of any party or cause of action ina class action. (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.760 and 3.770.) 1 TO THE CLERK: Please dismiss this action as follows: a (1) With prejudice (2) ] Without prejudice b. (1) [) Complaint 2) [J Petition (3) [] Cross-complaint filed by (name): on (date): (4) [J Cross-complaint filed by (name): on (date): (5) [2] Entire action of all parties and all causes of action (6) CJ Other (specify):* 2. (Complete in all cases except family law cases.) The court [_] did [2<] did not waive court fees and costs for a party’in this se. (This iffornatic ior clerk. If court fees and costs were waived, the declaration on the back of this for musitbe pipted). ). Date: 10/20/19 RAMIN RAY KOHANARIEH (TYPEOR PRINT NAME OF ATTORNEY [1] PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY) v NgiGNxTURE) “if dismissal requested is of specified parties only of specified causes of action only, Attorney or party withol attorney for: or of specified cross-complaints only, $0 state and Identify the parties, causesof [__] Plaintiff/Petitioner (—) Defendant/Respondent action, or cross-complaints to be di ed, [-) Cross Complainant 3. TO THE CLERK: Consent to the above dismissal is hereby given.** » Date: GYPEOR PRINT NAME OF [J ATTORNEY [_] PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE) ** tf a cross-complaint ~ or Response (Family Law) seeking affirmative Attomey or party without attorney for: relief- is on file, the ettomey for cross-compiainant (respondent) must sign () Plaintiff/Petitioner [-{] Defendant/Respondent ‘this consent if required by Code of Civil Procedure section 581 (i) or (. [J Cross Complainant (To be compieted by clerk) 4 Dismissal entered as requested on (date): 11/13/2019 5 (__] Dismissal entered on (date): as to only (name): 6. [[_] Dismissal not entered as requested for the following reasons (specify): 7. a. [J Attorney or party without attorney notified on (date): 11/13/2019 ». [1] Attomey or party without attorney not notified. Filing party failed to provide arter, Executive Officer ! Ger af Court [] 4 copy to be conformed [J means to return conformed copy Date: 11/13/2019 Clerk, by Billy Lonez Deputy Page 1 of 2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Code of Civil Procedure, § 584 et seq: Gov. Code, Judicial Council of California REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL '§ 68637(¢);Cal, Rules of Court, rule 3.1280, Civ-410 Rev. Jan. 4, 2013}