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  • MIDLAND FUNDING LLC VS FREDDY GARCIA, AN INDIVIDUAL, JR Collections Case - Purchased Debt (Charged Off Consumer Debt Purchased on or after January 1,2014) (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview
  • MIDLAND FUNDING LLC VS FREDDY GARCIA, AN INDIVIDUAL, JR Collections Case - Purchased Debt (Charged Off Consumer Debt Purchased on or after January 1,2014) (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 01/14/2021 02:25 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by B. Castellano,Deputy Clerk MIC-012 ATTORNEY 0a PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY STATE BAR NUMBER FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME Christopher D Mandanch SB 220693 DaVld C McGaffey 88315632 FIRM NAME MANDARICH LAW GROUP, LLP STREET ADDRESS P 0 BOX 109032 CITY ChIcago STATE IL ZIP CODE 60610 TELEPHONE NO 877 285 4918 FAX NO 818 888 1260 EMAIL ADDRESS Callfornla@mandanchlaw com ATTORNEY FOR (flame) MIDLAND FUNDING LLC SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES STREET ADDRESS 12720 NORWALK BLVD MAILING ADDRESS CITY AND ZIP CODE NORWALK CA 90650 BRANCH NAME NonALK COURTHOUSE PLAINTIFF MIDLAND FUNDING LLC DEFENDANT FREDDY GARCIA JR, an IndIVIdual MEMORANDUM OF COSTS AFTER JUDGMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CASE NUMBER IQNWLC45471 CREDIT, AND DECLARATION OF ACCRUED INTEREST 1 [X] Postjudgment costs a | claIm the followrng costs after judgment Incurred WIthIn the last two years (Indicate If there are multiple Items In any category) ow mm (1) Prepanng and Issumg abstract oqudgment $ 0 00 (2) Recordrng and Indexmg abstract ofjudgment $ 0 00 (3) FItIng notice oqudgment km on personal property $ 0 0Q (4) Issumg wnt of executlon, to extent not satIsted by Code CIv Proc , $ 0 00 § 685 050 (specrfy county) (5) Levyrng officers fees. to extent not satIsted by Code CIv Proc . $ 0 00 § 685 050 or wage garmshment (6) Approved fee on appllcatlon for order to: appearance of Judgment $ 0 ()Q debtor. or other approved costs under Code CIv Proc , § 708 110 et seq (T) Attorney fees, If allowed by Code CIv Proc , § 685 040 $ 0 00 (8) OtheFReglstered Process Server'SfanYe author/2mg 0030 C C P 685 070(eL $ 0 00 (9) Total of cIaImed costs for current memorandum of costs (add Items (1)—(8)) $ 0 00 b. Ali prewously allowed postjudgment costs $ 0 00 c Total of all postjudgment costs (add Items 5 and b) $ Q 90 2 Credlts to Interest and prInCIpal a I acknowledge total payments to date In the amount of $ 0 00 (IncludIng returns on levy process and dIrect payments) The payments recered are applied first to the amount of accrued Interest. and then to the Judgment prInCIpal (Includlng postjudgment costs allowed) as follows credIt to accrued Interest $0 00 , credIt to Judgment prInCIpal $ 000 b Principal remaming due: The amount oqudgment prInCIpal remammg due IS 55 1,669 41 (See Code C/v Proc, § 680 300) 3 Accrued Interest remaining due I declare Interest accrumg (at the legal rate) from the date of entry or renewal and on balances from the date of any partlal satisfactlons (or other credlts reducIng the prInCIpal) remaInIng due In the amount of $114 53 4 lamthe E: IudgmentcredItor D agent for theIudgment credltor [X] attorney for the Judgment credrtor l have knowledge of the facts concernmg the costs claImed above To the best of my knowledge and belIef, the costs claImed are correct. reasonable, and necessary, and have not been satIsted I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of CalIfornIa that the foregomg IS true and correct. Date December 31, 2020 ChnstopherD Mandanch ’ :3 [IMU (TYPE GR PRINT NAME) NOTICE TO THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR If this memorandum of costs IS filed at the same tIme as an applIcatIon for a ert of executIon, any statutory costs, not exceedmg $100 m aggregate and not already allowed by the court, may be Included In the ert of executlon The fees sought under the memorandum may be dIsatlowed by the court upon a motlon to tax filed by the debtor, notWIthstandIng the fees haVIng been Included In the ert of executlon. (Code CIv Proc , § 685 070(e) ) A motlon to tax costs clalmed In thls memorandum must be filed WIthIn 10 days after serVIce of the memorandum (Code CIv Proc , § 685 070(0) ) Page 1 of2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use MEMORANDUM OF COSTS AFTER JUDGMENT, Code ofCIvrl Procedure. JudIcIal Councn of Callform- §§ 685 040 685 070‘ 695 220 MC~012lRev Septembermom ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CREDIT, AND DECLARATION wwwcourrsca gov OF ACCRUED INTEREST