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  • IN THE MATTER OF: HAIDAR HASAN ALHIJA Petition for Change of Name (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • IN THE MATTER OF: HAIDAR HASAN ALHIJA Petition for Change of Name (General Jurisdiction) document preview


1 I 1 NC:100 . ATTORNEY OR PARTY W|THOUT ATTORNEY STATE BAR NUMBER * NAME 1 FIRM NAME STHEET ADDRESS. ‘H __ _ h _ Q5506A vom ‚ca axscpA sme 0A cooeqxaoä ML131) TELEPHONE N0 (ßß) *5‘; ‚Q3900 w „o. superior Coutt of Califomiu E-MAIL ADDRESS: sagt: . M County Of 1,0% Angclcn ATTORNEY FOR (na er wmL Ch i ._ ‚ x‘ _. n 17:14 SUPERIOR coum’ OF CALIFORNIA, cou Ü’! ’ ' ' "H ' | K 5 51i." v 1 N e913 smssr ADDRESS CEATSWORTE COURTHOUSE 9425 pendd Avmue’ Rwm 1290 sherri R. {Qarlet bXgCuHikN11üä1iQl6r1 8mm NAME Chalsworth, CA 91311 ‚ Der"! „ ‘ Etwa Omvm PETITION OF (name of each petmoner): name man» m, m A“ CAS .Qr:' PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME O 0a35 Before you complete this petition, you should read the Instructions for Filing a Petition for change of Name (form NC-100—INFO). You-Ä must answer all questions and check all boxes that apply to you on this petition. You must file this petition in the superior coun o1‘ the county where the person whose name is to be changed resides. 1. Petitioner (present name): W resides in this county. 2. Petitioner requests that the court decree the following name changes (list every name {hat you are seeking to change): Piegenmame opgsedjame a. mm9. mm HUHISH changed 1o “km9. 529m 5mm b. changed to c. changed to d. changed to [:] Continued (if you are seeking to change additiona/ names, you must prepare a list and attach it to this pemion as Attachmen! 2.) 3. Petitioner requests that the court issue an order directing all interested persons to appear or file objections to show cause why this petition for change of name of the persons identified in item 2 should not be granted. 4. The number of persons under 18 years of age whose names are to be changed is (specify): 5. lf this petition requests the change of name of any person or persons under 18 years, this request is being made by a. two parents. b. one parent. C- 1: near relative (name and re/ationship): d. Z guardian (name): e. E} other (specify): 6. C] This petition seeks to change name of (check one) pemioner ü (name),- to conform to that person's gender identity. 7. For each person whose name is to be changed, petitioner provides the following information (you must attach a completed copy of the attachment Name and Information About the Person Whose Name Is to Be Changed (form NC-110) for each person idennfied in item 2): a. The number of attachments included in this petition is (specify number): | 1 b—f. (These are the irems on the attached page or pages of Iorm NC-110.) p 1 H age o 533.”;fäälii°gßäifäl“S” FOR CHANGE PETWON(change 0F NAME °°"“'°”" 3 ‘i " nc-aoo 1.20151 [Rev September of Name) ‘