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  • Bhrac-Ac Llc v. Kevin Cooke, Ricky Holms, Steven Victor, For My Own Entertainment Llc, Sidney R. Selby Iii Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2017 10:40 AM INDEX NO. 521443/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 35 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2017 At an I.A.S. Trial Ternl of the Supreme Court of the State of New York held in and for the County of Kings, at th€ Courthouse, located at Civic Center. Borough-o{!fooklyn. City,and State of New York on te '{!n day ot g-dWE - 20 l -7 PR ES E N T: ,.,. fLo c,t+1g,.---,.- Justice ft<- LL C. Cal. No. UL{t<- Plaintiff(s) Ind€xNo. ;e4rr3 l-- o( b - against - QooLt--e.-,fl.f},l= 'k^L Defendant(s) The following papers numbered 1lo read on this motion Papers Numbered Notice of Motion - Order to Show Cause (Affi rmations) Annexed and Aflidavits Answering Aflidavit (Affi rmation Reply Aflidavit ( Allirnation Affidavit (Affirnation) Pleadings- Exhibits Stipu lations - Minutes Filed Papcrs .f+;s eh (@ d- 71.+ Aak) 5/ L ,rln L" futo"l; P C olLdl"- as At(0.'' dt1,s, k'"rt -'L##'X *t-./-8- ;^ " {^a,^u do* firz h- b. t IrTfrorr + A"!l (;r'i^,r,',J \!' 'z-..-f , lo t g ,l^+- l' L\ o-!-a d/'\ .iii _For MG Clerks use only,/-------"-2 ;-=:'E -1:r_ IL D, lt, _-__z-a / r't '/ €__rr Motio-n!ho. # ENT .S.C Uv-rev I I -04 HON. LEON RI'CHELSMAI.! 1 of 1