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  • Regina Caver as Administrator of the Estate of GIRDINE CAVER aka GIRDINE CAVER VILLARROEL, Deceased, v. The New York Methodist Hospital, Henry Tischler M.D, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview
  • Regina Caver as Administrator of the Estate of GIRDINE CAVER aka GIRDINE CAVER VILLARROEL, Deceased, v. The New York Methodist Hospital, Henry Tischler M.D, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview
  • Regina Caver as Administrator of the Estate of GIRDINE CAVER aka GIRDINE CAVER VILLARROEL, Deceased, v. The New York Methodist Hospital, Henry Tischler M.D, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview
  • Regina Caver as Administrator of the Estate of GIRDINE CAVER aka GIRDINE CAVER VILLARROEL, Deceased, v. The New York Methodist Hospital, Henry Tischler M.D, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe, John-Jane Doe Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/27/2018 05:02 PM INDEX NO. 521463/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 73 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/27/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS REGINA CAVER, as Administrator of the Estate of Index No. 521463/2016 GIRDINE CAVER a/k/a GIRDINE CAVER VILLARROEL, Deceased, Plaintiff, against THE NEW YORK METHODIST HOSPITAL AND HENRY 1" TISCHLER, M.D., "Jane/John Doe No. through 12" "John/Jane Doe No. the last twelve names being fictitious, their true names being unknown to plaintiff, the persons intended being the doctors, therapists, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, nurses aides, employees and other agents of Defendant THE NEW YORK METHODIST HOSPITAL who treated or had a duty toward Plaintiffs decedent during the period of Plaintiffs decedent's hospitalization therein from March 4, 2014 through March 11, 2014, Defendants· AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION CYE E. ROSS, ESQ., an attorney duly admitted to practice before the Courts of the State of New York, hereby states upon penalties of perjury: 1. I am the attorney for Plaintiff in this action, and as such I am fully familiar with all of the facts and circumstances setforth herein. 2. I submit this Affirmation in opposition to the request made by attorneys for Defendants New York Methodist Hospital and Henry Tischler, M.D. to vacate the Note of Issue and strike this case from the trial calendar and, in the alternative to extend the time for Defendants to file a motion for summary judgment. 3. As a preliminary matter, itshould be noted that the attorneys for Defendants have engaged in consistent delaying tactics designed to thwart 1 of 4 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/27/2018 05:02 PM INDEX NO. 521463/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 73 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/27/2018 Plaintiff's ability to conduct discovery. It took three compliance conferences before Defendant was willing to produce any witnesses for examinations before trial. 4. A final compliance conference was scheduled by the Court for Order" November 8, 2018, and on that date a "Final Pre-Note was issued by the Court. (See Exhibit A). On the very top of the order itstates that "Plaintiff must filea Note of 11/13/18." Issue on or before To make matters clear, the Court gave Plaintiff only five days to file a Note of Issue. Plaintiff complied with the Order of the Court and filed a Note of Issue. Plaintiff also complied with the terms of the Order by filing a Supplemental Bill of Particulars. (The Supplemental Bill of Particulars served by Plaintiff is annexed hereto as Exhibit B). 5. To penalize Plaintiff, by now vacating the Note of Issue, would contradict common sense, since Plaintiff was ordered to file a Note of Issue even though there was some discovery not completed. 6. Attorneys for both Plaintiff and Defendants signed the order at the bottom of the page. The Defendants never filed a Notice of Appeal with respect to this Order. As a result, any right to complain about provisions contained in the order or to object about the requirement that Plaintiff file a Note of Issue has now expired. DEFENDANTS DO NOT HAVE GOOD CAUSE TO REQUEST AN EXTENTION OF TIME TO FILE A SUMMARYJUDGMENT MOTION 7. The attorneys for Defendants have requested that the time to move for summary judgment be extended to 120 days after the filing of the Note of Issue. Under the rules, the time limit can only be extended if Defendants come cause." forward with "good 2 2 of 4 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/27/2018 05:02 PM INDEX NO. 521463/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 73 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/27/2018 8. Defendants have failed to come close to meeting this requirement. The Plaintiff has complied with all requirements under the Final Pre- Note Order. It is the defendants who have failed to produce crucial witnesses to be deposed and have needlessly delayed discovery. 9. The Defendants produced nurse Barbara Kosiorowska for deposition on July 16, 2018 after months of delay. They produced LaMarcia Parkin on September 17, 2018 to testify about the record keeping process and the protocols issued by the defendant hospital (because the attorneys for Defendants advised us that she was the one with knowledge about the record keeping process). However, this was just a delaying tactic because Ms. Parkin explained at the deposition that she had no knowledge about the particular protocols maintained by the hospital and that the actual person with knowledge was Carolyn Friedman (See deposition transcript pgs. 20-23 Exhibit C). 10. For the past four months we have been trying to schedule a deposition of Carolyn Friedman and also nurse Lydia Myrovitch, but the attorneys for Defendants have ignored our requests. On October 17, 2018 Notice to Take the Deposition of those individuals was e-filed (see Exhibit D). We made subsequent telephone requests to determine if the dates for depositions were available, but we received no response. 11. The Final Pre-Note order provides that depositions of Carolyn Friedman and Lydia Myrovitch must be completed by the end of January, 2019. We have been trying to arrange specific dates for these depositions since early November. Steven Sarshik, Esq., who is acting as Of Counsel for my office in this matter, made a 3 3 of 4 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/27/2018 05:02 PM INDEX NO. 521463/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 73 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/27/2018 number of telephone calls to attorney Miller Blalock, Esq. of Wilson, Elser to request specific dates. Ms. Blalock was unable to provide any specific dates. 12. On December 17, 2018 I wrote a letter to Ms. Blalock stating that the law firm of Wilson, Elser was not cooperating with us because it was not providing dates for depositions. (See Exhibit E). Despite numerous telephone conversations we still could not obtain any dates from the attorneys for Defendants. 13. As can be seen, any delays with respect to the taking of Defendants' depositions are delays with respect to witnesses and are clearly the fault of the Defendants. The Defendants have all the available information they need to make a motion for judgment - should wish to make a motion for summary they summary judgment. As a result, no good cause has been shown to extend any time limits. 14. The motion by Defendants should be denied. Dated: New York, New York December 27, 2018 CYE E. SS L:\Accidents\CAVER, GIRDINE\AFFIRMATION IN OPPOSITION.12.26.18.docx 4 4 of 4