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  • MIDLAND FUNDING LLC VS MARIO AGUIRRE, AN INDIVIDUAL Collections Case - Purchased Debt (Charged Off Consumer Debt Purchased on or after January 1,2014) (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview
  • MIDLAND FUNDING LLC VS MARIO AGUIRRE, AN INDIVIDUAL Collections Case - Purchased Debt (Charged Off Consumer Debt Purchased on or after January 1,2014) (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview


ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: CIV—1 1 O STATE BAR NO: FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME: Christopher D. Mandarich SB 220693; ; David C. McGaffey 513315632 ; Amber Swearingen—Ojuri SB324653; F'RM “AME MANDARICH LAw GROUP, LLP STREET ADDRESS: CITY: PO. Box 109032Chicago, IL 60610 STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE No.: 877.285.4918 FAX No.: 818.888.1260 E-MAIL ADDRESS: ATTORNEY FOR (Newer MIDLAND FUNDING LLC SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES STREET “Dim 12720 NORWALK BLVD MAILINGADDRESS: FILE BY FAX 9'“ AND ”PM? NORWALK CA 90650 BRANCH ““5 NORWALK COURTHOUSE Plaintiff/Petitioner: MIDLAND FUNDING LLC Defendant/Respondent: MARIO AGUIRRE CASE NUMBERr19NWLc45878 REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL A conformed copy will not be returned by the clerk unless a method of return is provided with the document. This form may not be used for dismissal of a derivative action or a class action or of any party or cause of action in a class action. (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.760 and 3.770.) 1. TO THE CLERK: Please dismiss this action as follows: a. (1) I:] With prejudice (2) [E] Without prejudice b. (1) I: Complaint (2) I:] Petition (3) CI Cross—complaintfiled by (name): on (date): (4) E] Cross-complaintfiled by (name): on (date): (5) Entire action of all parties and all causes of action (6) I: Other (specify):* 2. (Complete in all cases except family few cases.) The court 1:: did III did not waive court fees and costs for a party in this case. (This information may be obtained from the clerk. If court fees and costs were waived, the declaration on the back of this form must be completed). 04/23/2020 Date: I / , - 4 Christopher D. Mandarich SB 220693 d\ IvV l 41/ \ / . (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF I X ATTORNEY PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE) ‘if dismissal requested is of specified parties only of specified causes of action only. Attorney or party without attorney fortmmAND FUNDING LLC or ofspeciiied crossoompialnts only, so state and identity the parties, causes of l—‘fi: C Plaintiff/Petitioner I: Defendant/Respondent action, or cross-com ialnts to be dismissed. p [:1 Cross Complamant . 3. TO THE CLERK: Consent to the above dismissal is hereby given.“ Date: 04/23/2020 P (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME OF X | ATTORNEY [:3 PARTY WITHOUTATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE) “ If a cross—complaint— or Response (Family Law) seeking afflrmafive Attorney or party without afiomey for: reiief — is on file, the attorney for cmssoomplalnant (respondent) mustslgn :I Plaintiff/Petitioner [:1 Defendant/Respondent this «meant ifrequlred by Code of Civil Procedure section 581 (i) or (I). I: C 035 Com lainant r P (To be completed by clerk) 4. 1:] Dismissal entered as requested on (date): 5 [:3 Dismissal entered on (date): as to only (name): 6, I I Dismissal not entered as requested for the following reasons {wanna/,1: 7. a. i:| Attomey or party without attorney notified on (data): b. |:] Attorney or party without attorney not notified. Filing party failed to provide [:3 a copy to be conformed El means to return conformed copy Date: Clerk, by , DePUIY Fag-1 of: F Addiedf afiéiéacé’unaimiimi'a’ s" M oat U REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL Code fC'iFmd “gatiaictoili’aimaafm m... 3.1390 , 531etse .;GovlCode, ClV—1 10 [Rat]. Jan. 1, 2013] www.mrtsoagov