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  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES LLC VS NAAMA SANCHEZ-LOPEZ Collections Case - Purchased Debt (Charged Off Consumer Debt Purchased on or after January 1,2014) (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview
  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES LLC VS NAAMA SANCHEZ-LOPEZ Collections Case - Purchased Debt (Charged Off Consumer Debt Purchased on or after January 1,2014) (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview


C I)/-1 10 +ATTORNEY OR PARTY WIT))OUT ATTORNEY fNnnre, Sidle Sa nvmi er nnd ndd nss) Hunt 8 Henriques, Attorneys at Law FOR COURT USE ONLY Michael S Hunt ¹99804 Jenahe Hennques ¹111589 Ken Selet ¹318913 I I 151 Berne( Road Suite 8, Ssn Jose DA 95119-1306 1 ELLr RoNE No 408-362-2270 FAxNQ ronin d 408-362 2299 E MAiL ADDRESS (opinnnd Info@hiinthennques corn ATTORNEY FOR fNnms) Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES GTREFT ADDRESS 12720 Norwelk Blvd, Room 101 MAILING JIDORFSS c)TYAND ZIP QQDE Norwalk CA 90650 eRANcu NAME Norwalk (Southeast Judiaali PLAINTIFF/pETITIQNER Portfolio Recovery Assomates, LLC DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT. NAAMA SANCHEZ-LOPEZ REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL CAGE NUMBER 19N(YLC45838 conformed copy will not be returned by the clerk unless a method of return is provided with the document. A This form may not be used for dismissal of a derivative action or a class action or of any party or cause of action in a class action. (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.760 and 3.770.) TO THE CLERK. Please dismiss this action as follows ~ 1 a. (1) ~X With prejudice (2) b. (1) ~ ] X Without prejudice ] Complaint (2) ~ Petition Cross-complaint filed by (name) (3) (4) ~ Cross-complaint filed by (name). on (date): on (dale). (5) ~X (6) ~ Entire action of all parties and all causes of action Other (specify):* The court did HX ~ 2. (Complete in a/l cases except family law cases) did not waive court fees and costs for a party in t 's c)sse (This in/ormabon ay be obtained from the clerk. /l court fees and costs were waived, the dec/aration on the back f lsp/orm must be comp/ t d) Electronically Received 08/27/2020 08:15 AM Date. August 21, 2020 Kerr Salet ¹318913 (TYPE QR PRINT NAME QF ~X ATTQRNEY 'Ifdismissalrsqussisd is of spsofisd pshies only ofspeofisdcausssofsciion ~ PARTY vvITRQUTATTQRNEY) Attorney or party without attorney for (SIGNATURE) only, or ofspeofisd cross-complaints only so state snd identify the pshies, causes of action, or cross-complaints io be dismissed MX Plaintiff/Petitioner M Defendant/Respondent C7 Cross-Complainant 3. TO THE CLERK: Consent to the above dismissal is hereby given.** Date. (TYPF OR PRINT NAME QF '* ~ s cross complaint or Response (Family Lew) seekmg affirmative ATTORNEY ~ PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE) Attorney or party without attorney for: ~ If — relief — is on file, the attorney for cross-complaint (respondent) must sign this consent if required by Code of Civil Procedure section ESI (i) Plaintiff/Petitioner Defendant/Respondent oi 01 Cross-Complainant (To be completed by c/erk) 4. [ Dismissal entered as requested on (date) 08/27/2020 5 ~ Dismissal entered on (da/e) as to only (name). 6 M Dismissal not entered as requested for the foltowing reasons (specify) 7 a C b. ~H . I Attorney or party without attorney notified on (dale). a copy to be conformed ~ Attorney or party without attorney not notified Filing party failed to prowde means to return conformed copy Date Clerk, by , Deputy Pag I 12 dcs'Cn REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL Code of Cmi P ned re 5 53i st 3 q J n I PICsunma rin Code GGG37(c) Csi Rules of C I rvie 31330 5 civ 110 fR J I 2013) n cnv fs cn gn DD0002CT III III IIII II IIII II IIIIII III 1356603.001