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  • SECOND ROUND SUB, LLC ASSIGNEE OF COMENITY CAPITAL BANK (TOYOTA CREDIT CARD) VS MARISOL V SOLIS Collections Case - Purchased Debt (Charged Off Consumer Debt Purchased on or after January 1,2014) (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview
  • SECOND ROUND SUB, LLC ASSIGNEE OF COMENITY CAPITAL BANK (TOYOTA CREDIT CARD) VS MARISOL V SOLIS Collections Case - Purchased Debt (Charged Off Consumer Debt Purchased on or after January 1,2014) (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 11/20/2019 02:29 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by D. Santos,Deputy Clerk 1 Christopher A. Beyer, State Bar #213264 Camryn P. Berk, State Bar #317565 2 RAUSCH STURM 3 3131 Camino Del Rio N., Suite 350 San Diego, CA 92108 4 Telephone: (877) 215-2552 Facsimile: (877) 396-4464 5 E-mail Address: 6 Attorneys for Plaintiff 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 8 9 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, NORWALK COURTHOUSE 10 Second Round Sub, LLC assignee of Comenity ) Case No.: 11 Capital Bank (TOYOTA CREDIT CARD), ) ) DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF 12 Plaintiff, ) REDUCED FILING FEE 13 ) vs. ) 14 ) (Bus. & Prof. Code §6322.1(c)(1)) MARISOL V SOLIS; ) 15 and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, ) PRAYER AMOUNT: $1,876.79 16 ) Defendants. ) LIMITED CIVIL CASE 17 I, the undersigned attorney of record for Plaintiff, hereby declare as follows: 18 1. I am an attorney licensed to practice before courts of the State of California. This declaration is made of 19 my own knowledge and if sworn as a witness, I would and could testify thereto. 20 2. The above-entitled action and attached complaint is a claim for money damages less than or equal to 21 $5,000.00, and therefore, falls within the monetary jurisdiction of the small claims court. 22 3. Plaintiff is an assignee of the debt/claim for which money is sought, and therefore, is prohibited from filing 23 in small claims pursuant to C.C.P. §116.420. 24 4. Plaintiff respectfully requests a reduction in court filing fees for this matter. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 25 DATED: November 18, 2019 RAUSCH STURM 26 27 Camryn P. Berk 28 Attorneys for Plaintiff 1 DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF REDUCED FILING FEE 3866361