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  • WINONIA STRICKLAND MYLES VS CATAMOUNT PROPERTIES 2018, LLC Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • WINONIA STRICKLAND MYLES VS CATAMOUNT PROPERTIES 2018, LLC Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Civil Division Central District, Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Department 48 19STCV31365 September 30, 2020 WINONIA STRICKLAND MYLES vs CATAMOUNT 10:00 AM PROPERTIES 2018, LLC Judge: Honorable Laura A. Seigle CSR: None Judicial Assistant: K. Lappin ERM: None Courtroom Assistant: S. Brown Deputy Sheriff: None APPEARANCES: For Plaintiff(s): Jonathan M. Genish appears via CourtConnect For Defendant(s): Julie Ann Choi appears via CourtConnect; Nabeel M. Zuberi appears via CourtConnect NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: Hearing on Demurrer - without Motion to Strike to first amended complaint; Case Management Conference ***With Regards to the Demurrer*** The matter is called for hearing and argued. After hearing oral argument, the Court issues its ruling as follows: The Demurrer - without Motion to Strike filed by Catamount Properties 2018, LLC on 05/11/2020 is Overruled. ORDER RE: DEMURRER TO FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT On March 23, 2020, Plaintiffs Winonia Strickland Myles as Trustee of the Winonia Strickland Myles Living Trust (“Plaintiff”) filed a first amended complaint (“FAC”) against Catamount Properties 2018, LLC (“Catamount”), Gregory Funding LLC (“Gregory Funding”), and Ajax Mortgage-Backed Securities (“Ajax”). On May 11, 2020, Catamount filed this demurrer to the fifth cause of action for quiet title. Catamount’s request for judicial notice in connection with the demurrer is granted. When considering demurrers, courts read the allegations liberally and in context, accepting the alleged facts as true. (Nolte v. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (2015) 236 Cal.App.4th 1401, 1406.) Courts also consider exhibits attached to the complaint and incorporated by reference. (See Frantz v. Blackwell (1987) 189 Cal.App.3d 91, 94.) Minute Order Page 1 of 3