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  • SOMPO JAPAN NIPPONKOA INSURANCE INC. VS PASHA STEVEDORING AND TERMINALS INC. Negligent Breach of Contract/Warranty (no fraud) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • SOMPO JAPAN NIPPONKOA INSURANCE INC. VS PASHA STEVEDORING AND TERMINALS INC. Negligent Breach of Contract/Warranty (no fraud) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Civil Division South District, Governor George Deukmejian Courthouse, Department S27 20LBCV00098 September 24, 2020 SOMPO JAPAN NIPPONKOA INSURANCE INC. vs PASHA 8:30 AM STEVEDORING AND TERMINALS INC. Judge: Honorable Mark C. Kim CSR: None Judicial Assistant: B. Viola ERM: None Courtroom Assistant: R. Hickman Deputy Sheriff: None APPEARANCES: For Plaintiff(s): No Appearances For Defendant(s): No Appearances NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: Hearing on Motion to Compel Further Discovery Responses; Hearing on Motion to Compel Further Discovery Responses Matters are called for hearing. Prior to the hearing, parties contacted the clerk to submit on the Court's tentative ruling. The Court notes that prior the hearing, parties submitted a joint statement which informed the Court that all discovery disputes were resolved informally, except for the issue of further responses to Requests for Admission #1. The Court adopts the tentative ruling as the final ruling and the Motion to Compel Further Discovery Responses filed by Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc. on 07/28/2020 is Denied. Plaintiff is ordered to give notice. Certificate of Mailing is attached. Minute Order Page 1 of 1