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  • Dlt Apps Ltd v. Rodo Inc. D/B/A Rodo NyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Dlt Apps Ltd v. Rodo Inc. D/B/A Rodo NyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Dlt Apps Ltd v. Rodo Inc. D/B/A Rodo NyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Dlt Apps Ltd v. Rodo Inc. D/B/A Rodo NyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Dlt Apps Ltd v. Rodo Inc. D/B/A Rodo NyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Dlt Apps Ltd v. Rodo Inc. D/B/A Rodo NyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Dlt Apps Ltd v. Rodo Inc. D/B/A Rodo NyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Dlt Apps Ltd v. Rodo Inc. D/B/A Rodo NyCommercial - Contract document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 Direct dial: +44 [0]20 7614 2632 Our reference: KOS.VXA.27215.0008.11781074 Email: Your reference: By email (Nathan Hecht FAO Nathan Hecht Rodo Inc., 320 W 37th St 13 Floor New York NY 10018 22 February 2023 Dear Rodo Inc., Re: Payment of outstanding invoices due to DLT APPS LIMITED We act on behalf of DLT APPS LIMITED (“DLT”). We write in relation to your failure to pay our client’s invoices for services rendered under the consulting agreement effective date April 19, 2022, and executed on April 27, 2022 (the “Agreement”). Background 1. Our client entered into this Agreement in order to provide Rodo Inc., (“Rodo”) with a “user interface implementation of the automobile titles web application” described as Phase 2 (the “Deliverables”) (Annex 1). The Deliverables were initially divided into four releases: Ph 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 2.0. The total fees payable under the Agreement were £235,000, to be paid in accordance with the payment milestones and payment instructions. 2. It is important to note that Rodo’s CEO Nathan Hecht’s stressed cost as one of the priorities throughout the negotiation of the Agreement. The eventual fees and associated rates could only be achieved, as agreed between the parties and clearly outlined in the Agreement (Annex 1, pg. A-1), through the use of a blended team. This team of eleven, consisted of two individuals located in the UK and nine located in India. 3. On May 6, 2022, DLT informed Rodo that Vendia, the blockchain chosen by Rodo as part of the Deliverables, was experiencing issues with latency, which meant that the title transfer API 1 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 was taking longer to complete requests than expected (Annex 2). Eventually, it was determined that Vendia was not suitable for the Deliverables and Hyperledger Fabric was chosen as the replacement blockchain. The scope of this additional work was outlined in email correspondence between Nathan Hecht and Mahesh Patil, of DLT, under the description of CR 1 – Vendia to HLF and CR 2 – HLFabric nodes (Annex 3). The conclusion of this discussion, on September 5, 2022, resulted in the additional cost of £32,000 for CR 1 and £46,000 for CR 2 to be added to the scope of the Deliverables (Annex 3). 4. In negotiating this price, Nathan Hecht, mirrored his approach mentioned in paragraph 2 of this letter. Namely, costs needed to be as low as possible “I want you to do whatever we can to save money without sacrificing quality or time” (Annex 3). The correspondence makes clear to Rodo that this price could only be achieved, through the use of a blended developer team. Rodo has at all times been aware developers in India were being used to “save money”. 5. On October 12, 2022, DLT confirmed that it had concluded the development and testing of the Deliverables and the Deliverables were “handed over” to Rodo (Annex 4). In return, and in response to Nathan’s request outlined in further detail at paragraph 7 below, Chris Boyd, of Rodo, confirmed the completion and transition on November 4, 2022. Chris Boyd’s closing remarks were “Thank you Mahesh and your DLT team for all your hard work and efforts the last few months! It has been a pleasure working with you. The team was very dedicated and adapting to the challenges the project came across”. Chris Boyd stated that Rodo would raise any issues that arose during the warranty period (Annex 4). Unpaid invoices 6. On October 7, 2022 our client emailed Rodo in relation to two overdue invoices, namely Invoice RODO INC 007 issued on September 1, 2022 (“Invoice 007”) and Invoice RODO INC 008 issued on September 5, 2022 (“Invoice 008”), for £71,000 and £32,000 respectively (Annex 5). By the time Rodo had paid Invoice 008 on or around November 25, 2022, an additional invoice which had been issued on October 5, 2022, had become overdue – Invoice RODO INC 009 (“Invoice 009”) for £46,000 (Annex 5). As at the date of this letter, Invoices 007 and 009 remain overdue (the “Invoices”). 7. Subsequently, Rodo has taken the following inconsistent approach in relation to the settlement of invoices (Annex 6): 7.1 October 7, 2022 – Nathan Hecht disputed whether three Invoices were outstanding, claiming, incorrectly, that a payment had been made the week prior. 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 7.2 October 26, 2022 – Nathan Hecht stated that Rodo had not yet signed off on the deliverables, furthermore, this was the first instance that Rodo queried the make up of the developer team. Sign off was received from Chris Boyd on November 4, 2022. 7.3 November 29, 2022 – Nathan Hecht stated that due to the fact that the fees for the Deliverables were over the initial fee in the Agreement, the balance would be paid in increments over the next 8-10 weeks. 7.4 January 20, 2023 – Nathan Hecht stated that the deliverables are “unusable” and have to be rebuilt from scratch. Further, that Rodo was told that the code would be developed in the UK and be of the highest quality, when in fact it was “developed in India” at a lower quality. As a result, Nathan Hecht suggested settling the outstanding amount for a reduced sum. 8. Rodo had made repeated promises to settle the outstanding Invoices up until January 20, 2023, albeit on delayed time frames. Additionally, it was not until January 20, 2023 that Rodo raised any issue with the quality of the code more than 2 months after the work had been completed to the satisfaction of Rodo and signed off by Chris Boyd on November 4, 2022. Furthermore, Rodo has not challenged the invoice on the basis that the amount is incorrect, but namely that the composition of the developer team was not as agreed and that the code is unusable. 9. Both these claims are clearly without merit as evidenced by the conduct of Rodo and the correspondence between the parties. It is inconceivable that the Deliverables could be signed off by Chris Boyd and yet be unusable – with no prior notice – almost three months later with no request for remediation of the Deliverables as is usual during a warranty period. 10. The clear implication from this conduct is that this is a deliberate attempt to evade payment without justification and a clear breach of contract. Next Steps 11. As such, our client demands immediate payment of all outstanding Invoices. 12. Rodo must make payment of the outstanding sum of £117,000 to the following account by 4 pm GMT on March 8, 2023: HSBC Bank/Sort Code: 402313 Account Number: REDACTED IBAN: GB39HBUK40231352432382 BIC: BHUKGB4133E Payment Reference: RODO INC 007 & 009 3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 13. Should Rodo refuse to settle the outstanding Invoices in accordance with the terms set out above, our client shall seek to obtain statutory interest on the outstanding sums and reimbursement of its legal fees. 14. If payment is not received as above, we shall take that as your confirmation that you do not intend to settle the Invoices as set out in this letter and our client reserves all of its rights to take all necessary legal action against you including issuing legal proceedings. Yours faithfully Fox Williams LLP 4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 Annex 1 5 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 6 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 8 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 9 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 10 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 12 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 13 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 14 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 15 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 Annex 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 From: Nathan Hecht To: Chris Boyd; Alex Casanova; Mahesh Patil Subject: Fwd: Rodo/Vendia: performance issue response Date: 04 June 2022 00:54:40 Mahesh, can we set up a call for Tuesday morning to discuss. Nathan ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Ben Steward Date: Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 4:14 PM Subject: Re: Rodo/Vendia: performance issue response To: Nathan Hecht Hi Nathan, Circling back on this - our team has spent a number of cycles working with Alex, DLT Apps and more recently Chris to bring latency down significantly. We have had a dedicated slack channel up and running and have invested in multiple working sessions and focus time for offline code creation and troubleshooting to get the team to a good spot ahead of your upcoming demos. Finally, we have had some additional latency enhancements on our roadmap for sometime however they aren't prioritized for the near term as we haven't had customer feedback requiring these features in the next two quarters. Let me know if you have interest in discussing moving towards an enterprise license per the general terms I outlined previously in this thread ($50K annual, unlimited consumption up front, split invoices with an "out" at a predetermined date). I think you'd probably find significant value in our team's continued involvement (the pro-serv value alone probably justifies it) to ensure your demos and customer POCs go smoothly and access to real-time troubleshooting with our architects. As a paying customer we can also prioritize required feature enhancements per your direction. If now isn't the right time, no worries at all. Happy to keep your usage license at enterprise level through the rest of the month if it helps to mitigate against any threshold blocks leading up to and during your demos. That said we'll plan to ramp-down our support, slack channel, etc., next week. Happy to hear your thoughts if you want to touch base next week and have a great weekend ahead! Best, Ben Ben Steward Managing Director Schedule a Meeting Mobile: +1 (301) 706-8554 On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 3:57 PM Ben Steward wrote: Hi Nathan - to close the loop, I've reached out to Alex and provided steps to get you all 17 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 setup with an enterprise level license so that you all don't get constrained again with free tier limits. Please let me know if there is anything else you need from me; we'll also follow-up with the team on slack. Best, Ben Ben Steward Managing Director Schedule a Meeting Mobile: +1 (301) 706-8554 On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 1:59 PM Ben Steward wrote: We are actively working to temporarily upgrade you to an enterprise license in order to increase your consumption thresholds - should have an update in the next hour. Best, Ben Ben Steward Managing Director Schedule a Meeting Mobile: +1 (301) 706-8554 On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 1:53 PM Nathan Hecht wrote: What do we do now to continue to get access to see if this can work? My understanding is we are now locked out. On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 1:41 PM Ben Steward wrote: Hi Nathan, Absolutely understand and we would obviously also want to ensure that you are confident in our capabilities before formalizing. For the near future, Vikrant will certainly continue to work with the team to support solutioning and remove blockers. On the commercial side - our model has adjusted significantly since we last shared our $360K annual license fee. We have moved to a tiered consumption based model with $50K as the entry point. I also have flexibility there that I can chat through with you whenever you are ready. Some ideas include unlimited usage for the first few months while the MVP wraps up before we start tracking consumption or split invoices with an "out" clause post MVP delivery. Happy to chat whenever you are ready and please don't hesitate to reach out if you or the team need anything - as I mentioned, I, Vikrant and several of our engineering leaders are actively talking to them real-time on slack as questions arise. Best, Ben 18 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 Ben Steward Managing Director Schedule a Meeting Mobile: +1 (301) 706-8554 On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 12:06 PM Nathan Hecht wrote: Ben I had a chat with the team this morning and will follow up tomorrow again. If I can be frank for a second I am a bit reserved to proceed with paying while we still aren't 100% sure if this will work for us. I need to get into it a bit deeper with the team tomorrow. If you can give me some assurances and some ideas of what you are thinking on the new tier price and capacity I would appreciate it and will help us decide. We can follow up further then, next week. Nathan On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 11:56 AM Ben Steward wrote: Hi Nathan, I wanted to circle back with you after our exchange earlier this week. We've been working hand in hand with Alex's team and the DLT Apps team to help resolve the issues that have come up. Per the note below we are making good progress as the team works through different approaches to balance performance and data consistency and achieve MVP success criteria. When we spoke several months ago I mentioned that we were very committed to a partnership with you and in that vein we've created a joint Rodo/Vendia slack channel for real time communication. Additionally Vikrant - one of our Senior Solutions Architects - has spent multiple cycles working with the team this week helping to drive towards issue resolution. This level of support is typically reserved for our enterprise customers. On that thread - I believe the team is currently blocked by consumption thresholds on our free tier. Would it make sense to talk through next steps to get you all onboarded as an enterprise customer? I am confident the team would benefit from a much more generous consumption model as well as dedicated time from Vikrant to solution and build. Happy to find time to connect at your convenience. Best, Ben Ben Steward Managing Director Schedule a Meeting Mobile: +1 (301) 706-8554 ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Bibhu Meher Date: Thu, May 19, 2022 at 3:11 AM 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 Subject: Re: Rodo/Vendia: performance issue response To: Vikrant Kahlir , Alex Casanova , Jiajun Zhang , Joshua Landreneau Cc: Mahesh Patil , Ben Steward Hello Vikrat, Below are the new observations after a few changes done to improve response time. I freshly deployed my API lambda, smart contract Lambda in the same zone (US-WEST-2) and the Vendia node is already in US-WEST-2. As we observed, the most time is consumed by record creation. I removed the direct record creation from the code and moved it to a new async smart-contract. So basically instead of creating the record from my end, I delegate this to a smart-contract. The assumption made here is, if the smart contract invocation is successful and it passes the business logic validation, then the changes are definitely going to be reflected in the block after consensus algorithm. The failure chance between successful smart contracts invocation to blockchain is very very low [less than 1%] and it will occur only when there is some infrastructure failure. We can manage these failure scenarios in later phase implementation using Vendia Subscriptions, Error Queue and DynamoDB. Let me know what you think/views about this assumption. Stats before changes API response time - 15-20 Sec After Changes API response time - 2-4 Sec calculated API response time - 3-5Sec [after adding the steps of DynamoDB to capture Business logic validation error] Thanks Bibhu On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 9:34 AM Bibhu Meher wrote: ++ Alex and Team On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 8:10 AM Vikrant Kahlir wrote: Hi Bibhu/Mahesh, I am starting this email chain to focus exclusively on the performance issue. We will continue to support you on other issues on Slack(#rodo). Based on my understanding of this workload, in consolation with Vendia Engineering and Product, I have put together an analysis and a plan to resolve performance issues. 20 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 Please can you review the below report for correctness and understanding? Feel free to suggest other creative ways of solving this problem. ———Report——— Vendia Analysis and Plan for Performance Improvements In response to reports from Rodo, Vendia has been investigating unexpectedly high response times for several different Vendia Share APIs. These performance issues impact the responsiveness of Rodo’s customer- facing applications. In this document, we share the initial results of our investigation, outline immediate next steps, provide insight into our performance improvement roadmap, and share application specific guidance. Beyond this, Vendia suggests more joint exploration of Rodo’s data models, data access patterns, and geographic topology to determine the lowest possible latency and define optimal API call patterns. Vendia will invest product and engineering resources to better understand Rodo’s performance needs and will commit to specific timelines for improvements. Our goal is to ensure that Rodo can be successful in creating a great user experience and a highly secure, transactionally safe data platform. Summary of Findings Using information provided by the DLT Apps team, Vendia has been able to reproduce some of the findings reported by Rodo for the three different operations of interest. This includes Get operations to retrieve data records, Smart Contract operations used for updates, and Create operations to add new records. Get operations complete within ~100ms. We believe that there is optimization potential to reduce response time to well below 50ms. However, given that the current latency is acceptable for the Rodo application, we consider these improvements a low priority. For asynchronous Smart Contract calls, DLT Apps reported a response time in the range of 2-3 seconds. Vendia was not able to reproduce this result. Our own measurements are well below 1 second. We believe that the reason may be an artifact of the DLT measurement process and would like to work with DLT to make a definitive determination. For record creation, we can confirm response times of 7-9 seconds, substantially above our own expectation of at most 3 seconds. Vendia is continuing investigation into the root cause and we will provide an update and a near-term plan for improvement by 5/30. In addition, Vendia is actively working on a new Create method that will enable strongly 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 consistent read-after-write updates on a per-node basis, without imposing full ledgering delays. This work is currently on track for completion by the end of Q2. We would like to discuss with Rodo and DLT, whether this approach would be suitable for their use cases. Application Specific Guidance for Rodo Rodo is performing entity record validation, entity record creation, and the title transfer update towards the end of the title transfer process. The background process involves multiple calls to the Vendia node. Some operations are executed in parallel; however, at least three workflow steps have to be executed in a sequence: read, create, and invoke smart contract. In the short term, Vendia encourages Rodo (and all users) to use async updates where possible; synchronous calls incur additional polling latency and may present the appearance of slower response times, when in fact the underlying database writes are already complete. It may also be beneficial to switch to multi-operation transactions in lieu of submitting separate transactions in parallel where such transactions have natural atomicity or grouping semantics. Despite these optimizations, Rodo will not be able to achieve end-to-end sub-second latency until Vendia releases the new high-performance create mechanism explained above and we have yet to determine whether this mechanism suites the use case. We, therefore, recommend Rodo to explore UX techniques, such as progress indicators, to improve the end-customer experience. Furthermore, Vendia would like to closely co-operate with Rodo on their system architecture to analyze and further determine in which scenarios sub-second latency could be challenging to achieve without sacrificing critical consistency requirements and design specific solutions. Action Items for Vendia 1. Vendia will work with the DLT Apps team to understand differences in the observed response times for Smart Contract invocations. 2. Vendia will investigate anomalously high response times observed for Create operations and share the analysis by 5/30/2022. 3. Based on the above analysis Vendia will put together a plan for near-term performance improvements. We will share this plan and ETAs by 6/13/2022. 22 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 4. Vendia will launch its per-node consistent low-latency Create operation. Our preliminary launch date is the end of Q2 2022. 5. Vendia will reduce the latency for Get operations below 50 ms in 2022. -- Best regards Bibhu -- Best regards Bibhu 23 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 Annex 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 From: Mahesh Patil To: Nathan Hecht Cc: Jamie Solomon; Chris Boyd; Santosh Reyes Subject: Re: HLF Nodes CR Date: 05 September 2022 09:41:20 Attachments: image001.png image002.png Yes Nathan thanks. Here is the final pricing 1. CR 1 - Vendia to HLF - £ 32,000 2. CR 2 - HLFabric nodes - £ 46,000. Cannot reduce this further as it is already heavily discounted from the estimated 56K. I will respond to you with the final invoices separately. The invoice for CR2 we will raise on 30-September. Regards, Mahesh Patil From: Nathan Hecht Date: Sunday, 4 September 2022 at 18:52 To: Mahesh Patil Cc: Jamie Solomon , Chris Boyd , Santosh Reyes Subject: Re: HLF Nodes CR Mahesh we good? You sending final invoices? On Sep 2, 2022, at 10:40 AM, Nathan Hecht wrote:  I want you to do whatever we can to save money without sacrificing quality or time. Send me final for review. On Sep 2, 2022, at 10:35 AM, Mahesh Patil wrote:  Thanks Nathan. Here are answers to your questions regarding CR2 (sorry for the previous typo), ive attached estimates of the CR below (bear in mind these are aggressive estimates without buffer and not necessarily exact). 1. Front-end resource – From the estimates below there is total 8 days of front-end effort, although we’ve staffed for 12 as its hard to split peoples staffing accurately, but if you want me to I wil do that. 2. UK Based BE – as you can see the backend effort is quite high and cannot be handled by just 1 dev. The UK Based resource has been on the project for many weeks now, but im not even charging separate rates to you, the rate im charging is the blended rate of £ 400 we agreed on already. Hope this clarifies. Let me know how you want to proceed. Epic Details Owner Estimates Assignee CR-FabricNodes Solution Design and analysis Rodo/DLT 3 Bibhu + Jamie CR-FabricNodes 6 New accounts (DMV, Lein Holders, Dealer) Rodo 2 Jamie/Jiajun CR-FabricNodes Invite & setup members (proposal, accept, admin user) Rodo 3 Jamie/Jiajun CR-FabricNodes Join members to channel Rodo 2 Jamie/Jiajun CR-FabricNodes Chaincode refactoring - onboarding of MSP Rodo/DLT 2 Bibhu CR-FabricNodes Chaincode refactoring - creation of title transfer Rodo/DLT 1 Bibhu CR-FabricNodes Chaincode refactoring - Rodo Admin approval for Customer titles Rodo/DLT 2 Bibhu CR-FabricNodes Chaincode refactoring - DMV approval Rodo/DLT 2 Bibhu CR-FabricNodes Chaincode refactoring - Approvals - Dealership (tarcking denials and approvals) Rodo/DLT 2 Bibhu CR-FabricNodes Chaincode refactoring - state transition checks Rodo/DLT 3 Bibhu CR-FabricNodes Chaincode refactoring - payment types and transitions Rodo/DLT 1 Bibhu CR-FabricNodes cross account access to approve titles (dmv, lein, dealers) & Cloud network Rodo/DLT 5 Mahesh/Pavan CR-FabricNodes DevOps - Deployment and Resource setup Rodo/DLT 4 Pavan CR-FabricNodes Changes to transfer-svc to invoke the right fabric-service Rodo/DLT 3 Bibhu CR-FabricNodes Setup Listener events framework Rodo/DLT 5 Namrata CR-FabricNodes workflow-svc refactoring to send/receive message from fabric-svc Rodo/DLT 5 Namrata/Mahesh CR-FabricNodes payment-svc change to   to send/receive message from fabric-svc Rodo/DLT 2 Namrata title-svc potential changes to send/receive message from fabric-svc and CR-FabricNodes dashboard Rodo/DLT 3 Bibhu CR-FabricNodes Front-end - potential changes API invocations due to changes to workflow etc Rodo/DLT 3 Sujendra/Gautam CR-FabricNodes Front-end - Add miles/mileage to all screens (this wasn’t in designs) Rodo/DLT 5 Sujendra/Gautam CR-FabricNodes End to end testing & support Rodo/DLT 6 All Regards, Mahesh Patil From: Nathan Hecht Date: Friday, 2 September 2022 at 15:11 To: Mahesh Patil Cc: Jamie Solomon , Chris Boyd , Santosh Reyes Subject: Re: HLF Nodes CR Mahesh I reviewed and discussed internally. On CR-1 I am not thrilled but will accept the reduction. On CR-2 (You have a typo on your email calling it CR-3) I am not happy about the increase of price in order to $12k? That said, we are not clear on why there is a Senior FE Dev on this. There really is no FE I missing something? Also you added an additional UK based BE dev is that really necessary? Who is he and what will he be doing? Take another look and make sure we are only paying for those absolutely necessary to complete 24 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 this faze in the next few weeks. Please advise so we can wrap this up. Lastly i got your email on invoices thanks can you send me one more email with only the invoices currently open or outstanding. Needless to say there should be no interruption of development. Nathan On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 9:44 AM Nathan Hecht wrote: Mahesh your emails are going to SPAM. I just saw this will review today. Nathan On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 4:45 AM Mahesh Patil wrote: Gentle reminder on this one Nathan. I do need some confirmation, I understand it’s a long weekend in the US. If you can get back to me by Tuesday EOD that will be great, if this is not agreeable I think it might be best to put development on hold until we have an agreed path forward. Regards, Mahesh Patil From: Mahesh Patil Date: Thursday, 1 September 2022 at 09:45 To: Jamie Solomon , Chris Boyd , Nathan Hecht Cc: Santosh Reyes Subject: Re: HLF Nodes CR Sending this again, as Nathan had issue with his mailbox. + Nathan I looked at the cost of the two CRs again to see what best we can do to reduce the price. I also noticed an error with the rates due to some cross references to the rate card that reduced the overall price of the Change request, so the cost of CR2 should have been £58K and was incorrectly calculated as 47K. Finally, if you remember our initial costs were based on a blended rate for UK & India that was negotiated down to £ 400. However, based on the current team composition (UK vs India) we cannot discount this any further. I have still kept the same rates and provided some revised pricing below by discount my time and the BA’s time. CR1 – move from Vendia to HLF 1. The estimate is £ 35,750, based on our agreed blended rates. I also want to mention that we had to add an extra front-end engineer, and a back-end engineer for short span along with extra time from me to finish this work within the agreed timeframe, so in reality this estimate is much higher and yet we haven’t passed on the costs to Rodo. 2. The most I can do here is to discount the hours that me & our lead BA have been spending which would bring the price down to £ 32,000. CR3 – move from Vendia to HLF a. The estimate is £ 56,781. this is primarily because our initial costs were based on a blended rate for UK India, however, based the current team composition (from what you can see below) that is not sustainable. I have still kept the same rates and the revised price now. b. The most I can do again is to discount the hours that me & our lead BA have been spending which would bring the price down to £ 46,000. Regards, Mahesh Patil 25 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2023 10:22 AM INDEX NO. 652148/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2023 From: Mahesh Patil Date: Thursday, 18 August 2022 at 11:45 To: Jamie Solomon , Chris Boyd Cc: Santosh Reyes Subject: Re: HLF Nodes CR Jamie, Chris: Following is the estimate based on our agreed rate card. ROLE LOCATION Actuals Lead UK £        900.00 5.625 £     5,062.50 BA UK £        450.00 2.5 £     1,125.00 SM IND £        150.00 7.5 £     1,125.00 Sr Dev (FE) IND £        150.00 30 £     4,500.00 Sr Dev (BE) IND £        150.00 30 £     4,500.00 Sr Dev (BE) UK £        650.00 30 £   19,500.00 Sr Dev (Rodo) IND £               -   21 £                -   Sr Test & DevOps IND £        450.00 25 £   11,250.00 Design IND £        150.00 0.5 £          75.00 £   47,137.50 Regards, Mahesh Patil From: Jamie Solomon Date: Wednesday, 17 August 2022 at 17:52 To: Mahesh Patil Cc: , Chris Boyd , Bibhupada Meher Subject: Re: HLF Nodes CR Thanks, Mahesh Sent from my iPhone On Aug 17, 2022, at 12:34 PM, Mahesh Patil wrote:  Hi Jamie, Chris: Attached is the file we reviewed. I have also shown the extended staffing (including Jiajun) that shows the extension required to support the change request. I will do a quick estimate and share costs later tonight or early morning tomorrow. Regards, Mahesh Patil From: mahesh@rodo