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Guy Jones and Marla Jones wth Plaintiffs Vs marty suk iatorable Judge |Miller , The Bank of New York Mellon District Court Nationstar Mortgage HARRY kee Defendants 123 HAR 20 AM 3: 59 We the plaintiffs filed this suitto 21a! ROS aad Gldins‘foreclosing and selling our home. Here we are over 3 years later and after spending a lot of money on lawyers are still facing the same issues. It seems that the defendants have a way of taking control and we get left without any way of defending ourselves. We are not trying to get a free house and we are not braking the law the way the defendants have been doing . They meaning the lawyers are playing the the judicial system like a cheep guitar. They defend their clients by any means necessary. They will lie and deceive you as well as us and that in our opinion isn’t how the government intends a lawsuit to proceed. We from day one paid for and expected a trial to be heard and judged by a jury. This is as far as we know still the right of every citizen in this country. Unfortunately through the doing of the lawyers ours included we got involved with a mediation process that was anything but-fair. All that was discussed was how much money would be paid to the defendants We were basically told we didn’t matter. Then with a different attorney we were back to the drawing board. We told the attorney that we wanted to have all the information that we had accumulated to be shown to the court and used in a trial to prove our case and get compensated accordingly. We are talking about multiple suites and in every single one the attorneys for the defendants had misrepresented the truth. This attorney agreed with us that was until he spoke with Elizabeth Chandler attorney for the defendants. One of many. After that first phone call we were back to the same trickery as before. Back toa second meditation session and nothing had changed. Once again we were dismissed by the all the other players of this game called mediation. No talking about all the evidence of wrongdoing we brought to the table, no discussion about how we have been harmed. We weren’t even asked by the mediator what brought us to this point. The only one who talked was him telling us all about himself. He called this his and I quote “my I love me speech “ Like somehow we were going to feel better about being neglected and lied to once again. Only after being told that Marla was bound by an order signed by Judge Miller to pay the amount in the first MSA did we sign this MSA. Shortly afterwards we found this order was not signed by Judge Miller and told our attorney that we wanted the MSA to be vacated immediately on the grounds of unconscionable conduct. This didn’ happen and then came the arbitration hearing. We sent a letter to the court asking that this case be brought before the court. No action was taken and as we sat in what was called zoom arbitration we knew how it would go and we weren’t wrong.. The attorney for defendant said his little speech then we were aloud to talk about whatever was on our mind. That was all it was just talk as sour attorney sat and said nothing. Not going into each pice of evidence as one would expect. Again we got nothing. The arbitrator stated he had a death and that he couldn’t give us much time. Little did we know at that time that he was in Dallas along with Elizabeth Chandler working on a different case. When confronting her with this information she replied that they used this mediator “frequently”. We have no evidence but we are willing to bet the homeowners in that case we treated as we were. They didn’t matter and there was little that they could say about it. Our arbitration was recorded by defendants and now they are asking to have it sealed ——- along with the award by the arbitrator John T Wooldridge. Why would you want this to be sealed if what took place was conducted honestly and fairly. g2 That’s why they want it sealed because it was conducted by people with no intention of Se giving us a fair chance to prove that the defendants acted unlawfully and have unclean hands. If any harm was committed it was by them the defendants themselves. They i Had never intended to work with us and never intended for us to make it to trial. They know the wrongdoing their clients are guilty of and if brought to trial we will prevail. This is why we are asking that the arbitration be vacated and pray the court wileither set this case for trial or dismiss without prejudice so we canCe have our incor oe