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  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 Exhibit A -4- 11170266.3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 A DAMAGE AND ACQUISITION MAP IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK RELATIVE TO ACQUIRING TITLE IN FEE SIMPLE (SUBJECT TO CERTAIN RAILROAD EASEMENTS) TO BLOCK 708, LOT 48; AND BLOCK 710, PART OF LOT 11; AND ACQUIRING A TEMPORARY EASEMENT OVER PART OF BLOCK 710, LOT 11, LOCATED IN THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN FOR HUDSON YARDS PHASE 2, STAGE 3 (HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD) LOCATED IN THE AREA GENERALLY BOUNDED BY TENTH AVENUE AND ELEVENTH AVENUE FROM WEST 36TH STREET TO WEST 39TH STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY AND STATE OF NEW YORK LEGEND <=ors=owsroscAce> ACQUISITION LINE STREET LINE --------- TAX LOT LINE 1. THIS SURVEY IS BASED UPON EXISTING PHYSICAL CONDITIONS FOUND AT THE SUBJECT SITE, AND THE FOLLOWING REFERENCES: HUDSON BOULEVARD A. CURRENT TAX MAP B. SECTIONAL MAP 50 RIGHT OF WAY LINE C. ALTERATION MAP ACC30221- C.P.C. No. 040507 MMM 50.00' J" ACQUISITION DIMENSION O 2. STREET NAMES AND R.O.W WIDTHS AS PER MAPS REFERENCED IN NOTE 18 AND IC. BLOCK AND LOT NUMBERS AS PER MAP REFERENCED IN NOTE 1A. 100' TM TAX LOT DIMENSION 3. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY MAP BEARING A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR'S SEAL IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, SUB-DIVISION 2, OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW BUILDING LINE 4. THIS PLAN NOT VALID UNLESS EMBOSSED OR BLUE INK STAMPED WITH THE SEAL OF THE PROFESSIONAL. PARK LAND asa sawane, mes Project Drawing Title ProjectNo. DrawingNo. ,,,,,i::#a:rE7 HUDSON PARK AND --0"""" E"°· STAGE 3 sc!h®®!0e"r°".'i""""'s., PHASE 2 o /23 BOULEVARD, DAMAGE PARCEL NUMBER 21Penn 360West31stSteel,8thF\oor P\aza, BLOCÓCNaO DAMAGE AND D,o n DM-301 O No 11 '" T:212.479.5400 F:212.479.5444 www.\ °°"°°T ACQUISITION MAP c NEWYORKCOUNTY NEWYORK PDF Sheet 01 of 05 Filename: Ulangan comidata\NYCtdata4\170621401\Project Data\_Discipline\Sur ey\CAD\Emisting\Phase 2\Stage V-PR103-Phase 3\170621401 2 Stage30g Date:4/11/2023Time:11:01User:jmegill StyleTable:Langan stb Layout:Coe FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WEST 39TH STREET A LOTSS Qi LOT29 11 LOT22 LOT27 WEST 38TH STREET LOT3 ' LOT66 LO5--12 LOT2 LOT7 LOT1 WEST37TH STREET LM M W 62 g LOT37 - - - - - LOT49 --- DAMAGE AND ACQUISITION MAP x gwT so IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF THE OTY OF NEW MT 20 MT Ji YORK RELATIVE TO ACQUIRING TITLE IN FEE SIMPLE (SUBJECT I TO CERTAIN RAILROAD EASEMENTS) TO BLOCK 708, LOT 48; AND BLOCK 710, PART OF LOT 11; AND ACQUIRING A ........................ ........... TEMPORARY EASEMENT OVER PART OF BLOCK 710, LOT 11, LOCATED IN THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN FOR LEGEND f $ ñ o HUDSON YARDS PHASE STAGE 3 LoT xX - PHASE 2, STAGE 3 PROPERTIES WES y 36TH S ygµµy 2, (HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD) LOT XX | - PHASE 2, STAGE 1 & 2 PROPERTIES . LOCATED IN11-lE AREA GENERALLY BOUNDED BY TENTH AVENUE AND LOT XX - OTHER PHASE 2 PROPERTIES . ELEVENTH AVENUE FROM WEST 36TH STREET TO WEST 39TH STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY AND STAR OF NEW YORK E LOT XX - NON-PHASE 2 PROPERTIES . .0SET/8 "" " mu mes Project Drawing Title Project No. DrawingNo. - DAMAGE PARCEL NUMBER LAÑD .,-·- se LANSAN HuosoHer8^No STAGE 3 ¹°° 1°° -r""% 12"#"®®22 s"eWTü°· BOULEVARD,PHASE2 o4/n/2 21Penn 36 P\aza, 8thF\oor s 1stStreet, BLO o. 7 T No DWAGE AND D--À B, DM - 301 DATE SC ALE IN FEET _ n, T:212.479 5400F:212479.5444 wwwJangan-com BORC W N W NEWYORKCOUNTY NEWYORK ACQUISITION MAP ca.-B, PDF Sheet 02 of 05 Filename: \\langan.comf datafNYCtdata4\170621401tPmfect Surveyf Data\_Disciplinef CAD\Existing\Phase 2tStage V-PR103-Phase 3\170621401 2 Stage3.dug Date:4/11/2023Time:11:01UserjmegmStyleTable:Langan.stb LayoutO ervie FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 L AVENUE AVENUE 9e.7s' (E W1DS wroe 197.90' ^. ELEVENTH (1W (1w TENTH . 49 1 LOT ----. > Z>É Langan Z a 2023 - 9 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 H RET WEST H NT WESTf 300.00' 300.00' ~,- 100 TM 200' ^,'' ' ''63.'26" '' ' ' 200' ' ' ' ' ' TM 3;È TM ® 96.67 W 96.67' 40T 58) yS:. $0T 58) " TM 0° 7 LOT 58 2 LOT 58 2.14° LOT 15 LOT 15 500 * 18. 7&W t PARK 7773 2P PARK 2 BLOCK 710 - BLOCK 710 LOT 11 LOT 11 LOT 6 LOT 6 see oerm LOT 20 LOT 20 125' 65.58' 125' 65.58' c TM TM TM TM 250.00' 250.oo'' 1 1 WEST38THSTREET WEST ET mo' wee wr BLOCK 710 PART OF LOT 11 g BLOCK 710 PART OF LOT 11 (DAMAGE PARCELS 2 & 3) LOT 11 / LOT 15 (DAMAGE PARCEL 4) (FEMPORARY EASEMENT) D * OF NEIt )0Q' 109.42' 6.7/sf, TM . " 8.99 WEST 38TH STRˆET DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) E me ",am Project Drawing Title Project No. DrawingNo. AND 170621401 50 0 25 50 .:r,0"er HUDSON PARK STAGE 3 o DAMAGE AND DM-301 ' SCALE IN FEET PROFESSIONAL LAND _ SURVEYOR o _ s o F:212.479.5444 NYUc.No.05078•1 T:212.479.5400 "°"cW O wwwlangan.comNEWYORKCOUNTY Y NEWYORK ACQUISITION MAP PDF Sheet 04 of 05 Filename: \\\data\NYC\data4\170621401\Project 2\Stage3\170621401V-PR 103-Phase2 Stage3.dwg Date: 4/11/2023 Time: 11:01 User:jmcgill Style Table:Langan.stb Layout: Block710 Data\_Discipline\Survey\CAD\Existing\Phase FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 2 3 s 6 7 a A ASSESSED VALUE TABLE B Valuations* Assessed *All assessed valuations are for the entirety of the parcel - Reputed Owner Area in Sq. Feet Remarks 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 Damage Block No. Lot No. Parcel No. Taken Remaining Land Only Total Land Only Total Land Only Total 708 48 F AND V HOLDINGS LLC 2,469 0 Fee Taking $108.000 $799,650 $108,000 $773,500 $108,000 $998,100 c WEST 39 L.L.C. 4,226 15,214 Fee Taking of Part of Lot $1,068,300 $4,492,800 $1,068,300 $3,764,700 $1,068,300 $5,161,500 710 Part of 11 528-534 ® 710 Part of 11 528-534 WEST 39 L.L.C. 359 Fee Taking of Part of Lot $1,068,300 $4,492,800 $1,068,300 $3,764,700 $1,068,300 $5,161,500 528-534 WEST 39 L.L.C. 15,214 - 5 Year Temporary Easement for Remainder of Lot $1,068,300 $4,492,800 $1,068,300 $3,764,700 $1,068,300 $5,161,500 710 Part of 11 ... D " . " .