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  • Gemali Palafox Gonzalez vs Jose Gonzalez Hernandez Determine Parental Relationship document preview
  • Gemali Palafox Gonzalez vs Jose Gonzalez Hernandez Determine Parental Relationship document preview
  • Gemali Palafox Gonzalez vs Jose Gonzalez Hernandez Determine Parental Relationship document preview
  • Gemali Palafox Gonzalez vs Jose Gonzalez Hernandez Determine Parental Relationship document preview


FL-200 PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY OR ATTORNEY ‘STATE BAR NUMBER: » FORCOURTUSEONLY F-| L E D Name: Gemalt Palafox Gonzalez FIRM NANE: STREET ADDRESS:339 Lansing Street lcrry:Manteca STATECA ZIP. CODE95337 TELEPHONE NO:209-642-9602 FAXNO: E-MAIL ADDRESS: |ATTORNEY FOR (aso): | SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY O} sauna noness, County of San Joaquin ¢ cry ano zp cone: 180 E. Weber Ave. BRANCH NAME: PETITIONER:Gemali Palafox Gonzdlez RESPONDENT: Jose Gonzalez Hemandez F W CASE NUMBER: PETITION TO DETERMINE PARENTAL RELATIONSHIP Fl-2 0 2 3 . T 4 2 1. The petitioner a. [54] gave birth to the chifdren listed in item 2. b. [-_] wants to be determined as a parent of the children in item 2 because (specify): c. [_] wants to be determined as not a parent of the children listed in item 2 because (specify): d. [_] Is the child or the child's personal representative(specify court and date of appointment): e. (_] Other (specify): 2. The children are a. Chiid's name Birthdate Age Alice Palafox Gonzalez 01/21/2019 4 b. [__] a child who is not yet bom. 3. The court has jurisdiction over the respondent because the respondent: a. [Gc] lives in this stete. b. [_] had sexual intercourse in this state, which resulted in conception of the children listed In item 2. c. [_] Other (specify): 4. The action is brought in this county because (you must check one or more to file in this county): a, [3c] the children live or are found in this county. b. [__] a parent is deceased and proceedings for administration of the estate have been or coutd be started in this county. 5. Petitioner clalms (check aif that apply): a. 3c] respondent is the parent of the children listed in item 2 above. b. [__] parentage has been determined by a voluntary declaration of parentage or patemity. (Attach a copy if avaliable.) c. [__] respondents the children's parent and has failed to support the children. d. |. CL] (mame): has fumished or is fumishing the following reasonable expenses of pregnancy and birth for which the respondent as parent of the children should pay: Amount Payable to For (specify): e. public assistance Is belng provided to the children. f. [_) Other (specify): 6. Acompleted Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA}(form FL-105) is attached. Page 1 of 2 Form Approved for Optona Use PETITION TO DETERMINE PARENTAL RELATIONSHIP Fost FL-200 (Rav. Septomber 1, 2021] (Uniform Parentage)FL-200 PETITIONER: Gemali Palafox Gonzalez CASE NUMBER: RESPONDENT: Jose Gonzalez Hemandez Petitioner asks the court to make the determinations indicated below. 7. PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP (check all that apply): a. [__] Petitioner [“X] Respondent is the parent of the children listed in item 2. b. [“] Petitioner [“] Respondent is not the parent of the children listed in item 2. c. [“_] Petitioner requests genetic testing to determine whether the [__] Petitioner [__] Respondent is the parent of the children listed in item 2. 8. CHILD CUSTODY AND VISITATION (PARENTING TIME) a. If ] Petitioner ] Respondent _ Is found to be the parent of the children listed in item 2. Petitioner Respondent Joint Other b. Legal custody of children to ... c. Physical custody of children to .., d. Child visitation (parenting time) be granted to .... Co tH CI As requested in[__] formFL-311 [[) formF1-312 [1 form FL-341(C) [__] form FL-341(D) form FL-341(E) [) Attachment 8d e. The facts in support of the requested custody and visitation (parenting time) orders are (specify): Contained In the attached declaration. 9, REASONABLE EXPENSES OF PREGNANCY AND BIRTH Reasonable expenses of pregnancy Petitioner Respondent Joint and birth to be paid by Co CJ as follows: 10. FEES AND COSTS OF LITIGATION Petitioner Respondent Joint 2. Attomey fees to be paid by b. Expert fees, guardian ad litem fees, and other costs of 5 eS cE the action or pretrial proceedings to be paid by 11. NAME CHANGE [] Children's names be changed, according to Family Code section 7638, as follows (specify old and new names): 12. CHILD SUPPORT The court may make orders for support of the children and issue an eamings assignment without further notice to either party. 13.[__] OTHER ORDERS REQUESTED (specify): 14, | have read the restraining order on the back of the Summons (form FL-210) and [ understand it applies to me when this Petition is filed. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomla that the foregoing Is true and correct. Date: Feb 12, 2023 Gemali Palafox Gonzalez » (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) A blank Response to Petition ta Determine Parental Relationship (form FL-220) must be served on the respondent with this petttion. NOTICE: If you have 2 child from this relationship, the court Is required to order child support based upon the Income of both parents. Support normaily continues until the child Is 18. You should supply the court with Information about your finances. Otherwise, the child support order will be based upon Information suppiled by the other parent. Any party required to pay child support must pay Interest on overdue amounts at the "legal" rate, which Is currently 10 percent. FL-200 [Rev. September 1, 2021] PETITION TO DETERMINE PARENTAL RELATIONSHIP Page 202 (Uniform Parentage}